Myorkas Doesn’t Know When Biden’s Border EO Will Be Implemented, But, Still Releasing Almost All Illegals

Is anyone else getting the idea that Biden’s border EO is basically election season smoke and mirrors?

Mayorkas defends Biden’s executive action — but doesn’t say when it might start working

illegal alien DemocratDepartment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Sunday defended the Biden administration’s new executive action on the border — an order that aims to get the average of migrant encounters at the border to 1,500 or less.

It’s a level that has not been seen since President Joe Biden took office. And Mayorkas could not confirm if that level will be seen before Election Day. The order, focused on people seeking asylum at the border, was initiated five days ago.

“We are at a very early stage. Implementation, as you noted, has just begun,” Mayorkas said in an interview with host Martha Raddatz on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday. “It’s early, the signs are positive. Our personnel have done an extraordinary job in implementing a very big shift in how we operate on the southern border.”

When asked about when we will actually see this goal reached — and whether the effects would realistically become apparent soon or before the election — Mayorkas did not disclose any timing.

It should be pretty easy, right? You simply direct that the order be implemented. That you shut things down, because encounters are above 1,500 a day. Myorkas hems and haws. And, as the article surprisingly says, “danced around” why Biden is doing this now. But, what’s really happening

Border Patrol memo tells agents in key sector to release migrants from nearly all Eastern Hemisphere countries

An internal Border Patrol memo, obtained by Fox News, instructs agents in the San Diego sector to release single adults from all but six countries in the Eastern Hemisphere and classify them as “hard” or “very hard” to remove.

The memo was sent out after President Biden’s executive order banning asylum for most illegal immigrants took effect last week.

Details in the memo, first reported by the Washington Examiner’s Anna Giaritelli, instructs agents that all single adults from the Eastern Hemisphere are to be processed via “NTA/OR,” which means Notice to Appear/released on Own Recognizance, except for migrants from Russia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Moldova and Kyrgyzstan – which are “mandatory referral” countries.

There are more than 100 countries in the Eastern Hemisphere, meaning that despite the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and President Biden’s threats of consequences and promises to remove migrants who cross illegally under the new executive order, the overwhelming majority of the migrants in the San Diego sector are being released into the U.S.

This order only applies to this one sector, not the rest of the border. Of course, there may well be localized orders for the other sectors. And, the thing is, the San Diego sector is seeing more than the others since Texas passed their strict law to arrest illegals. Regardless, you can see that Biden followed one order to restrict the border with another to leave it wide open and just let them go with a wink wink promise to appear.

And notice that this is single people. Which mostly means young, fighting age males. What of all the Chinese nationals and Middle Eastern men crossing the border? Just let them go?

Read: Myorkas Doesn’t Know When Biden’s Border EO Will Be Implemented, But, Still Releasing Almost All Illegals »

Your Fault: Woman Gets Stuck In Quicksand In Maine

I warned you to give all your money and freedom to government, but, no, you wanted to live a modern lifestyle. Selfish, selfish, selfish

Quicksand doesn’t just happen in Hollywood. It happened on a Maine beach

A Maine woman enjoying a walk on a popular beach learned that quicksand doesn’t just happen in Hollywood movies in jungles or rainforests.

Jamie Acord was walking at the water’s edge at Popham Beach State Park over the weekend when she sunk to her hips in a split second, letting out a stunned scream. She told her husband, “I can’t get out!”

“I couldn’t feel the bottom,” she said. “I couldn’t find my footing.”

Within seconds, her husband had pulled her from the sand trap, the sand filled in, and the stunned couple wondered: What just happened?

It turns out that quicksand, known as supersaturated sand, is a real thing around the world, even in Maine, far from the jungle locations where Hollywood has used it to add drama by ensnaring actors.

In most cases, it’s not that deep. Long story short, I was playing golf one time, stepped into a stream to get my ball (the why is the long part), immediately sunk up to my knee. And, seriously, Gen X has practiced for this with it being so popular in movies and TV shows when we were growing up. Unfortunately, there were no vines handy on the beach

And here we go

In this case, climate change played a role in the episode at the state’s busiest state park beach, which draws more than 225,000 visitors each year, Britt said. A series of winter storms rerouted a river that pours into the ocean, softening the sand in area where beachgoers are more apt to walk, necessitating the placement warning signs by park staff, he said.

Read: Your Fault: Woman Gets Stuck In Quicksand In Maine »

NBC News Blames Israel For Failing To Negotiate After Hostage Rescue

Do I really need to mention that all those Palestinians would still be alive if Hamas hadn’t taken hostages? If they hadn’t surrounded them with human shields? If they had let them go? If they hadn’t attacked Jews to start with on October 7th?

‘Failure of the negotiations’: Israel’s hostage rescue leads to one of the bloodiest days in the war

In Israel, the news of four hostages rescued from Gaza was met with cheering crowds and tearful scenes of reuniting families. Officials hailed the operation as miraculous and heroic, and offered a rare win for Israel’s embattled Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

But it came at the expense of hundreds of Palestinians, who suffered one of the bloodiest days in Gaza. Video filmed by an NBC News crew on the ground showed streets scattered with charred bodies, survivors gathering body parts into sacks, rescuers carrying mangled and blood-soaked children into chaotic hospitals overwhelmed with the injured.

By Sunday, joy in Israel was fading and giving way to the realities of a war that has dragged on for nine months and whose fissures and deep divisions remained largely unchanged by the rescue.

“What we saw yesterday is actually failure of the negotiations,” Yossi Mekelberg, an associate fellow with the Middle East and North Africa Programme at Chatham House, said in a phone interview with NBC News.

“Had there been a cease-fire, these hostages would already have been at home, and the civilians that were killed yesterday would be alive,” Mekelberg said.

Yes, it’s always wise to reach out to Islamists for comment. Whatever happened to “we don’t negotiate with terrorists”? If you remember, Hamas is a designated terrorist group by the US, UK, UN, and EU. No ceasefire was needed: just release them. If you’re robbing a bank and you get shot while holding hostages, that’s not on the police. That’s on you.

The destruction wrought during the rescue is unlikely to ease Israel’s isolation from an international community that has censured Israel for months over the civilian death toll in Gaza. United Nations Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese said in a statement that she was “Relieved that four hostages have been released,” but that “it should not have come at the expense of Palestinians.”

They didn’t have to support Hamas. They didn’t have to voluntarily put themselves in harm’s way by being human shields.

“Israel has used hostages to legitimize killing, injuring, maiming, starving and traumatizing Palestinians in Gaza,” she said.

Got that? It’s Israel’s fault that a designated terrorist group took hostages and surrounded them with “civilians”.

(Breitbart) The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed Sunday that all three of the male hostages rescued on Saturday were held by Abdallah Aljamal, a “journalist” who contributed to the Palestine Chronicle and Al Jazeera.

As Breitbart News reported, he was revealed to have had another job, as the spokesperson for the Hamas-run Palestinian Department of Labor in Gaza.


Read: NBC News Blames Israel For Failing To Negotiate After Hostage Rescue »

If All You See…

…is a horrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on Caitlin Clark being snubbed for the Olympics.

It’s a good week to go fishing.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the mockingbirds are mocking, and the Dodgers have taken two from the Yankees. This pinup is by Stefano Riboli, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The Gateway Pundit covers the 9th Circuit saying the COVID jab is not a vaccine
  2. The First Street Journal discusses reporters not producing material which people are willing to pay for
  3. Sultan Knish notes what America can learn from Israel on the battlefield
  4. Powerline has an axis of weasels
  5. Pacific Pundit shows who the new Miss Maryland is
  6. Noisy Room covers the worst states to be a gun owner
  7. Never Yet Melted features Disney further ruining Star Wars
  8. Moonbattery notes another noose hoax
  9. Legal Insurrection covers that bird flu “death” in Mexico
  10. Jihad Watch highlights UN aid workers forcing women to trade sex for food in Gaza
  11. Geller Report covers one of the hostages was held in the home of an Al Jazeera reporter
  12. Climate Depot discusses a government kill switch in your car
  13. Chicks On The Right notes lawmakers exposing Biden’s decline behind closed doors
  14. Watts Up With That? covers the LA Times on how to beat California’s high energy prices
  15. And last, but, not least, No Tricks Zone shows that damages from bad weather have not risen

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Thousands Of Pro-Hamas Demonstrators Commit Violence, Damage Outside White House

All the Washington Post, a D.C. outlet, could do was a tiny blurb on the side. Imagine pro-Trump folks did something similar

Thousands circle White House to demand Biden enforce Gaza ‘red line’

Is this America or Gaza?

Thousands of demonstrators surrounded the perimeter of the White House in a sea of ‘ fabric Saturday, saying they were drawing a red line for President Biden and calling for a cease-fire in Gaza.

On the same day that Gazan officials said at least 210 Palestinians were killed in a refugee camp, the demonstrators — many of whom had arrived on buses from more than two dozen cities — marched to chants of “Free Palestine!” while holding signs that said “Genocide is our red line” and “Israel bombs, your taxes pay.” While marching, they held a seemingly unending strip of red fabric around the entire perimeter.

No mention that they were killed as the IDF rescued 4 hostages, who were surrounded by human shields. Nor is there any mention of them saying “Globalize the intifada,” “There is only one solution, intifada revolution,” and “From the river to the sea, …”

For Mohammad, a leader in the Palestinian Youth Movement who addressed the demonstrators before the march, it’s personal.

His aunts and uncles are in Rafah, not far from where an Israeli strike killed dozens of people at a tent camp. His parents and other family are in North Gaza. He remembers the first call he got from his family members after the Oct. 7 Hamas attack that ignited the deadly war.

Isn’t it great how the U.S. is allowing Islamic extremists with links to the Muslim Brotherhood into the country? Anyhow, there’s lots of paragraphs supporting the people, and no mention of the violence and graffit

The demonstration and march remained largely peaceful. A D.C. police spokesperson said the agency had not made any arrests, while the U.S. Park Police did not respond to an inquiry on arrests.

That’s it. There are some photos showing the graffiti and the pro-Hamas folks wearing Intifada keffiyehs (but, no mention as to what they means). Nor this

Anti-Israel agitators outside the White House threw objects at a National Park Service ranger, shouting “piggy, piggy!” at him, and defaced statues on Saturday in Washington, D.C. (snip)

Protesters also started defacing the Andrew Jackson statue in Lafayette Square next to the White House with red handprints to symbolize the “blood” on Biden’s hands. (snip)

Several additional barriers were put in place around the White House ahead of this weekend’s planned demonstration, where activists are calling for an end to U.S. support for Israel amid its war with Hamas militants.

Wait, fences work?

The White House protest, organized by Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER), is the most significant of Saturday’s D.C. demonstrations.

They’re still around? Strange that they only show up when it’s to protest to protect Islamists.

When does the FBI start searching for these insurrectionists, arrest them, keep them in jail with no bail, then try them and send them to prison for a few years like the J6 folks, most of who simply wandered around the Capitol Building and did no damage?

Read: Thousands Of Pro-Hamas Demonstrators Commit Violence, Damage Outside White House »

Crazy Warmists Being Crazy


I love all the clothes they’re wearing made from petroleum.

Isn’t it raaaaacist to shut down a black woman speaking?

Read More »

Read: Crazy Warmists Being Crazy »

If All You See…

…is a fence meant to keep climate refugees out, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Hayride, with a post on “white fortressing”.

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: Illegal Aliens Driving SCNY Hotel Costs To Record Highs

I’m sure the same thing is happening in Boston, Chicago, Denver, and other places where illegals are being sent to

Migrant surge driving hotel prices to record highs in sanctuary city: report

The cost of a hotel room has hit a record high in New York City, in part due to the ongoing migrant crisis, which has squeezed the number of hotel rooms available for tourists.

The New York Times, citing data from CoStar, reported that the average daily rate for a hotel stay in NYC increased to $301.61 in 2023, up 8.5% from $277.92 in 2022.

More recently, in the first three months of 2024, the average stay was $230.79 a night, up from $216.38 in the same period last year.

The price hikes come amid a historic migrant crisis both at the southern border and in the Big Apple, where the city has seen nearly 200,000 migrants arrive since 2022, with tens of thousands remaining in the shelter system.

As part of that, about 135 of the 680 hotels have entered the program, with hotels being paid up to $185 a night, according to the Times. Many of those hotels are in popular parts of the city for tourists, including by the JFK International Airport or the Midtown Manhattan area.

Sanctuary City New York mayor Eric Adams is blaming this on tourism, but, come on, reality suggests it’s because hotel rooms are in shortage, along with the government giving hotels more money per room than those rooms would usually go for. In fairness, hotel room pricing has gone way up post-pandemic. I’ve looked at places in the mountains and Outer Banks and they’ve been ridiculous, even in the offseason. But, there is no doubt all these illegals are driving up hotel prices.

Meanwhile from the El Paso Times

A Texas National Guard soldier shoots pepper balls towards a group of migrants on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande as they were preparing to cross the international boundary and turn themselves over to U.S. Border Patrol in early June 2024. (caption under the photo)

Read: Surprise: Illegal Aliens Driving SCNY Hotel Costs To Record Highs »

Weird: Despite All The Climate (scam) Law, CO2 Is Surging

You have all these laws, right? You have all these people around the world who say the Believe that Mankind is at fault. Yet

Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are surging “faster than ever” to beyond anything humans ever experienced, officials say

electric vehicleOne of the major drivers of the exceptional heat building within Earth’s atmosphere has reached levels beyond anything humans have ever experienced, officials announced on Thursday. Carbon dioxide, the gas that accounts for the majority of global warming caused by human activities, is accumulating “faster than ever,” scientists from NOAA, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the University of California San Diego found.

“Over the past year, we’ve experienced the hottest year on record, the hottest ocean temperatures on record, and a seemingly endless string of heat waves, droughts, floods, wildfires and storms,” NOAA Administrator Rick Spinrad said in a press release. “Now we are finding that atmospheric CO2 levels are increasing faster than ever.”

The researchers measured carbon dioxide, or CO2, levels at the Mauna Loa Atmospheric Baseline Observatory. They found that atmospheric levels of the gas hit a seasonal peak of just under 427 parts per million in May — an increase of 2.9 ppm since May 2023 and the fifth-largest annual growth in 50 years of data recording.

It also made official that the past two years saw the largest jump in the May peak — when CO2 levels are at their highest in the Northern Hemisphere. John Miller, a NOAA carbon cycle scientist, said that the jump likely stems from the continuous rampant burning of fossil fuels as well as El Niño conditions making the planet’s ability to absorb CO2 more difficult.

It’s all very convenient, eh? Do we have direct observations to compare with previous Holocene warm periods? Anyhow, if the Warmists are stating that this is mostly the fault of Mankind, especially the use of fossil fuels, why aren’t they all stopping their own use of fossil fuels? Why are they not making their own lives carbon neutral? That would solve this, right? Instead, they all seem to be using more and more fossil fuels and energy.

Read: Weird: Despite All The Climate (scam) Law, CO2 Is Surging »

Pirate's Cove