The War In Ukraine Is Just So Inconvenient For Solving ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

All those people getting slaughtered is just so bothersome when the climate cult has to Get Things Done

War in Ukraine complicates war on climate change

ban on Russian oil, which accounted for about 10 percent of the global supply, has caused the price of oil to climb, leading to pain at the pump, volatile financial markets and a call for increased oil production outside of Russia.

The war, which Biden seemed to triple dog dare to start, just spiked it further

Those calls come at a time when scientists say our window to reduce emissions from oil and other energy sources is rapidly closing shut. Can world leaders shore up oil supplies while making progress on climate change?

“What we’re hearing is governments focusing very urgently on this short term need, but they’re also being clear that this is going to happen at the same time as a longer term transition to clean energy,” said Lisa Friedman, a reporter on the New York Times climate desk.

What do citizens say? The spiking cost of gas, which will cause the price of food and other goods to spike, won’t effect those Elites who are trying to jam the climate scam policies down the throats of the little people. The People are getting a good look at what the policies would do to their lives, though, if fossil fuels are reduced and eliminated without anything viable to replace it.

This is what the Elites think. They are divorced from reality.

Read: The War In Ukraine Is Just So Inconvenient For Solving ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

Poll: Plurality Say Putin Would Not Have Invaded If Trump Was Still President

It’s utterly unsurprising that almost no news outlets are covering this

Poll: Plurality Say Russia Would Not Have Invaded Ukraine if Trump Were President

A plurality of likely voters believe that Russia would not have invaded Ukraine if former President Donald Trump were still president, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Thursday found.

The survey found 57 percent expressing the belief that President Joe Biden “could have done more to prevent the Russian invasion of Ukraine.” While most Democrats, 63 percent, believe Biden “did everything possible to prevent that,” 80 percent of Republicans and 67 percent of independents disagree.

The survey then asked, “Would Russia have invaded Ukraine if Donald Trump were still president?” A plurality, 46 percent, said “no,” Vladimir Putin would not have invaded, compared to 38 percent who said “yes,” he would have anyway. Most Republicans and independents, 68 percent and 53 percent, respectively, say Putin would not have invaded if Trump were still president. Nevertheless, 61 percent of Democrats believe Putin would have regardless.  (snip)

This coincides with a Harvard Center for American Political Studies-Harris Poll released last month, showing 62 percent of respondents expressing the belief that Putin would not have taken the same actions and invaded if Trump remained in office. 

I’m actually surprised the number for Republicans is that low. Same with Democrats. You’d think they’d want to protect Dementia Joe. The concerning number for Democrats is the Independents. It may be just 53%, but, combined with the 67% who think Joe pretty much failed, that is not helpful in a mid-term year. Elsewhere from Rasmussen we see

Rasmussen’s latest figures show Biden’s total approval rating hit 39% Thursday, down seven points from just days before Russia began launching missiles into Ukraine when it was at 46%, and only one point above Biden’s all-time low approval rating since he took office in January 2021. (snip)

Rasmussen reported last week that 54% of voters said Biden’s response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine has been ineffective. The group also reported 84% expect gas prices to keep rising.

And, when it comes to gas

(Epoch Times) A vast majority of Americans want the country to be energy independent, according to a recent poll by Rasmussen Reports, indicating increasing frustration with rising fuel costs and the impact it has on everyday expenses.

Poll results show 70 percent of likely U.S. voters support a policy of boosting domestic oil and gas production to reduce the country’s dependence on foreign energy supplies. Only 18 percent opposed such a policy, while 12 percent said they were not sure.

The survey, conducted March 3 and 6, comes at a time when Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and Moscow’s dominance in global oil and gas supplies, have revived the issue of energy independence in the West.

I wonder what that poll would look like if they take it now.

Read: Poll: Plurality Say Putin Would Not Have Invaded If Trump Was Still President »

European Union Reveals Plan To Get Off Russian Fossil Fuels

Hey, remember when President Trump put sanctions on Nord Stream 2? And warned Europe about being reliant on Russian oil and natural gas? That they should purchase from the U.S.? And Germany laughed?

(I’m hoping the tweet will show, having problems in admin panel)

How’s that going?

Climate change: EU unveils plan to end reliance on Russian gas

As countries scramble to reduce their reliance on Russia’s oil and gas in the wake of its invasion of Ukraine, few places are as exposed as the European Union.

The EU gets roughly 40% of its gas from Russia: According to figures from research group Transport & Environment, this dependence costs around $118m a day.

But moving with a speed few thought possible, the EU has now laid out a strategy that could cut reliance on this fuel source by two thirds within a year.

The REPowerEU plan aims to make Europe independent of Russian fossil fuels by 2030, but the initial efforts focus solely on gas.

The roadmap essentially proposes finding alternative supplies of gas in the next few months and boosting energy efficiency while doubling down on greener sources of power in the medium to longer term.

Well, good luck with this! Where will it come from? Iran? Venezuela? Biden hamstrung U.S. production, so, we can’t export that much more. Trying to replace 40% of gas with “energy efficiency” and “greener sources” is unrealistic, unless they plan to cut down a lot of trees?

Anyhow, it’s totally shocking that Trump was right yet again.

Read: European Union Reveals Plan To Get Off Russian Fossil Fuels »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon form of transportation, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on the media saying there is no inflation when you adjust for inflation.

BTW, it would be a really, really, rough ride on that road.

Read: If All You See… »

Warmist John Kerry: Ukraine Is Bad, But, Climate Refugees Is Worse

There have been some seriously tone deaf takes on Ukraine, and the resulting extra spike in gas prices, but, Kerry’s take is scorching

John Kerry: Ukraine crisis is bad, but ‘wait until you see’ flood of climate refugees

President Biden’s climate czar, John Kerry, said that while the Ukraine refugee crisis is a “problem” amid Russia’s invasion, it pales in comparison to the wave of migration that will come if climate change is not addressed.

Kerry, the U.S. special presidential envoy for climate, said during the annual CERAWeek conference in Houston Monday that the U.S. must not lose sight of its path toward clean energy now that the Russia-Ukraine war has accelerated the global energy crisis.

“We’re already seeing climate refugees around the world,” he said. “If you think migration has been a problem in Europe in the Syrian War or even from what we see now, wait until you see 100 million people for whom the entire food production capacity has collapsed.”

Who thinks John Kerry took the train down to Houston, where Ceraweek is being held this year? Or, did he fly on his private, fossil fueled jet?

Kerry said Monday that the goal of the Biden administration is to move toward “energy security” in a “clean energy-based economy.”

“We are driven not by politics, not by ideology,” he said. “We’re driven by mathematics and physics, by science, which tells us, and has been for 35 years or more, what will happen if we don’t do X, Y, and Z.

“And we have the advantage now of having Mother Nature herself share with us the realities of what happens if you don’t do the things that we’ve been talking about for 25, 30 years or more,” he added.

This is the guy who worked hard to block the Cape Wind project. Who has the aformentioned private jet, multiple fossil fueled vehicles and large homes. If this was all about science, not politics, then why are all the “solutions” the same as every other thing Leftists push, namely, more taxes/fees and more government?

Read: Warmist John Kerry: Ukraine Is Bad, But, Climate Refugees Is Worse »

Northern Ireland Passes Law To Be Net Zero By 2050 Or Something

It’s fantastic that the target date is almost 30 years out, eh? Gives them plenty of time to say “we’re getting there!”

Climate change: New law in Northern Ireland aims for net zero by 2050

climate cowNorthern Ireland will soon have its first laws to tackle climate change after MLAs at Stormont passed new, specific legislation.

Agriculture and Environment Minister Edwin Poots had brought the bill.

It will include a target for net zero emissions by 2050 and the appointment of a climate change commissioner. (snip)

Northern Ireland has been the only part of the UK without climate legislation. (snip)

Mr Poots had originally proposed an 82% reduction in emissions by 2050.

But in February the assembly voted to amend that to a net zero target by the same date, saying it would bring Northern Ireland in line with other parts of the UK.

The bill also now includes legal provision for Just Transition – support for sectors to adjust without being unduly penalised.

It’s not actually much of a plan, just a bit political fluff and let’s put together some commissions to figure out how this will actually be done. Hire some commissioners at taxpayer expense. There are some base targets, and report stuff, carbon budgets, and proposals to come up with actual policies. Soon, they’ll get around to how they’ll take more money from citizens and control their lives.

And the required reduction in methane, a potent greenhouse gas mostly produced by agriculture, will be limited to 46% under the new laws, following an amendment brought by Mr Poots during an earlier stage of debate.

They’re damned sure not going to interfere with their cow and dairy industry, nor crops. Nor the exports on machinery. But, it’s some great climavirtue signaling.

Read: Northern Ireland Passes Law To Be Net Zero By 2050 Or Something »

Who’s Up For $300 A Month Government Gasoline Vouchers?

What could possibly go wrong with this scheme?

Gasoline vouchers worth $300 a month? Some economists back new government aid as prices at the pump soar

unintended consequencesAs the Democratic party administration in Washington struggles to find effective ways to fight high inflation, some economists are calling for lawmakers deliver new assistance for Americans dealing with high gasoline prices.

“If I were Dem leadership in the House, I’d bring forward a bill to give $50B gas price relief to low-income households and defy Republicans to vote against it,” said Ian Shepherdson, chief economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics, in a tweet on Tuesday.

Or, we could open up the spigots, give out permits. It wouldn’t even matter if it would take time to get the oil, the market which sets the cost per barrel would respond to the potential. Anyhow, they don’t really care, they just want to Own The Cons.

Wouldn’t such spending add to inflation? Shepherdson pushed back after a critic suggested exactly that, with the economist saying it would not because a $50 billion outlay amounts to just 0.2% of U.S. GDP.

And it would make Citizens even more reliant on government. I wonder what the threshold would be for “low income”? And, why $300? That seems a bit excessive. It would also mean that the market would stay high, with those bidding on the oil figuring to keep it high.

Stuart Hoffman, a senior economic adviser at PNC, said Shepherdson’s proposal is a “great idea,” adding that Congress should look at gasoline vouchers for the Americans who qualified for stimulus checks through March 2020’s relief package.

Providing $2 or $3 per gallon of gas for those families could work out to $200 or $300 a month per family, assuming they typically pump 100 gallons each month into their cars, Hoffman said in a post on Twitter.

100 gallons? Sheesh, I know I’m at the low end, with maybe 20 gallons a month, but, still, 100?

There’s a real chance for legislation that provides such vouchers given how gas prices have surged, said Greg Valliere, chief U.S. policy strategist at AGF Investments, in a note on Wednesday.

And then the price of oil stays high, which means gas stays high, which means the price of consumer goods and food stays high.

Still a better idea than

Read: Who’s Up For $300 A Month Government Gasoline Vouchers? »

DOD Finds ‘Climate Change’ A Critical Challenge Or Something

Thank goodness the DOD no longer has to worry about China invading Taiwan, North Korea having intercontinental missiles for their nuclear weapons, Iran getting nuclear weapons, or a superpower invading a country which could lead to a world war

Climate Change a Critical Challenge for DOD, Hicks Says

Virtually every person and organization across the globe is impacted by climate change, including the Defense Department, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen H. Hicks said.

The deputy secretary made her remarks virtually before the Worldwide Logistics Symposium 2022, today.

“Climate change is altering our planet right now — from contributing to severe weather events to sparking wildfires and driving drought conditions,” she said, adding it creates conditions that are challenging nation states and proving catastrophic for communities around the world.

The DOD Climate Risk Analysis makes clear that “‘Climate change is reshaping the geostrategic, operational and tactical environments with significant implications for U.S. national security and defense,'” Hicks said. “We are rapidly learning that it will increasingly set the context for our operations, with implications for readiness, resourcing and mission demand.”

Yes, because a whopping 1.5F increase in global temperatures after a big cool period is dangerous

Hicks outlined some examples:

  • In the United States, “fire season has gotten progressively worse and has become a fire year,” according to National Guard Bureau Chief Army Gen. Dan R. Hokanson. From Fiscal Year 2016 to 2021, the number of personnel days the National Guard has dedicated to fire fighting has grown from 14,000 to more than 176,000. (there’s no actual increase in wildfires)
  • Hicks visited Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida, last year. The base was hit by Hurricane Sally in September 2020 and Hicks saw how climate-induced extreme weather is impacting Defense capabilities and critical missions. (hurricanes have always happened)
  • In the Arctic, the changing climate affects ice melt, and it is opening the region to new geopolitical competition. (ice melts at the end of glacial periods)
  • Because of sea-level rise, low elevation areas like the Marshall Islands, home to the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site, are at risk of disappearing altogether. (the Marshal islands are atolls, meaning they were created by corals, meaning the seas were much higher when they were created. Oh, and the seas are rising at 1.98mm per year, equivalent to .65 feet per 100 years, pretty much average. Should be way more for a Holocene warm period.)

Stupid examples

“The science is clear,” she noted. “As a nation and as a department, we must do our part to mitigate climate change.  As [President Joe Biden] announced in November of last year, this means reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050,” Hicks said, adding that 75% of total federal greenhouse gas emissions come from DOD. “[Doing] our part to make significant changes to our energy use and increase our investments in energy technology will create substantial effects for the whole U.S. government.”

How about grounding Air Force 1 and Marine 1?

Read: DOD Finds ‘Climate Change’ A Critical Challenge Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert from Permanent Drought, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on the Green New Deal in action.

Read: If All You See… »

Florida Becomes First State Recommending Kids Not Get Chinese Coronavirus Vaccine

This had made the vax cult very unhinged

Florida vaccine plan for children denounced as ‘irresponsible and reckless’

Health experts have widely denounced Florida’s decision to recommend against Covid-19 vaccinations for children, describing it as “irresponsible”, “reckless” and “dangerous”.

In a pronouncement which stunned experts on Monday, Florida’s controversial surgeon general Dr Joseph Ladapo said the state would be the first to “recommend against” Covid-19 vaccination for “healthy children”.

The move followed two recent Covid-19 surges in which pediatric hospitalization was believed to be higher because of low vaccination rates among children. (snip)

Ladapo made the announcement on Monday at the end of a roundtable discussion hosted by Republican governor Ron DeSantis, saying: “The Florida department of health is going to be the first state to officially recommend against the Covid-19 vaccines for healthy children.”

The state has not yet released a formal policy to describe exactly who would be included in the designation “healthy children”.

The move goes against accepted advice from federal health authorities and a large majority of independent experts, who recommend vaccines as a powerful tool to protect children from the worst outcomes of Covid-19.

There are plenty of pundits losing their minds over this. Do they care about the science while saying “where’s the science”?

New Data Kills Case for Universal Covid Vax for Kids

A recent study of the efficacy of Covid vaccines for children in New York state provides a striking reminder of how rarely children and adolescents are hospitalised when they get Covid. The study tracked vaccinated and unvaccinated children in New York state last December and January to measure the efficacy of the Covid vaccine against infection and hospitalisation. The study did not track childhood deaths from Covid, presumably because there were so few that no meaningful comparison could be made between these groups.

During those months, a massive wave of Omicron Covid swept through New York state, despite longstanding restrictions and measures like mandated masking for children and vaccine-based segregation. During the peak in the first week of January, the study tracked over 40,000 New York state kids aged 5-11 who tested positive for the virus, with a total of 83 admitted to hospital. The numbers that week were similar for kids aged 12-17 — over 40,000 who tested positive and 141 admitted to the hospital. To provide context, there are about 3 million children in those age groups living in NY state.

What about the efficacy of the vaccine for children in preventing infection or hospitalisation? The results were dispiriting. For older kids, vaccine efficacy against being infected dropped from 76% in the first two weeks after full inoculation to 46% a month later. For the younger kids, it dropped from 65% in the first two weeks to negative efficacy: -41% a month later. In other words, the vaccinated young kids were actually more likely to be infected than unvaccinated kids a month and a half after vaccination. Against hospitalisation, the vaccines held up better over time, but since the number of hospitalisations in this age group was so small even without the vaccine, the vaccine prevented few cases.

So, healthy kids being vaccinated really didn’t help, much like with masking. Strange that no one else in the media is publishing this study. It’s like they don’t want people to know that it seems to be a bad idea to give kids the COVID vaccines at this time.

Read: Florida Becomes First State Recommending Kids Not Get Chinese Coronavirus Vaccine »

Pirate's Cove