It couldn’t possibly be due to the kiddies being treated to a constant litany of Doom and gloom, could it? That the climate cult’s fearmongering is messing up the youts, right?
Climate change is hurting kids’ mental health, report finds
Surviving a hurricane or wildfire can be traumatic. And people who are displaced from their homes may suffer anxiety, PTSD, or depression.
Yes, the weather, which humans have always dealt with
Children are especially vulnerable because they may not have coping skills yet. And they depend on adults, who may be struggling themselves.
They depend on hysterical, doomsday cult member adults. Not a good combination
Christie Manning of Macalester College is co-author of a recent report on climate change and children’s mental health that was released by the American Psychological Association and nonprofit ecoAmerica.
She says even young people who have not directly experienced a disaster may feel anxiety about the climate crisis. They worry about the future and that adults are not taking more action.
So to support kids, the report suggests screening them for distress and improving access to mental health services for young people and families.
Probably the best thing would be to send them to mental health professionals who will deprogram the kiddies and explain that yes, bad weather events do stink, but, they are just weather, and you will be OK. And that the majority of wildfires are caused due to accidents and arson, not a slight increase in the global temperature since 1850. Get the kids away from the adult cult members.

Send them to mental health professionals? LOL. You gotta be kidding. They’ll end up being transsexual Hamas supporting anti American white hating Christian hating leftists unbelieving the election of 2000 was fair and honest and they’ll still believe in the cult of climate.
The 2000 election was the closest ever but was adjudged fair and honest. In a 5-4 decision the Supreme Court awarded the Presidency to Bush. Mr Bush won Florida (25 EV) by 537 votes which won the election for him. Mr Gore won New Mexico (5 EV) by just 366 votes. Mr Gore did not attempt to overturn the results and accepted the SCOTUS decision.
The tragedy of the Bush years are well-known.
The closest Trump-Biden state in 2020 was AZ which Mr Biden won by nearly 11,000 votes.
So…. if the 2000 election was fair and honest where close states were decided by hundreds of votes and the EV was won by only 271 to 266, why isn’t the 2020 election, which was not close at all, fair and honest? Answer: Donald the Barbarian is an asshole and he has brainwashed followers.
Anyone who claims the 2020 Presidential election was fair and honest is not to be taken seriously.
Rimjob knows that.

Bwaha! Lolgf
The 2000 election won by Bush gave us 20 years of war which did nothing to help the USA. People who supported them should be ashamed.
It’s true. Bush gave us Afghanistan, Iraq and the Great Recession.
We don’t know that 2000 was fair and honest — but what we do know is that Algore and his team of scorched-earth scumbag lawyers were prevented from manufacturing enough votes in key districts to steal it.
We know — with 100% certainty — that at the very least the 2020 election result is unreliable.
AS for your last sentence, DJT still lives rent-free in your pointed little head. So much so he has you bleeding from the asshole.
You morons had 30 years to figure out what made Rush popular, just as you’ve had 8 years to work out why Trump has such strong support.
It’s obvious you not only have the first clue about either but continue to aggressively avoid learning why.
We know full well why El Rushbo and Donnie Walnuts were and are popular: their bluster, officiousness and willingness to “tell it like it is” about Blacks, women, LGBTQs, migrants and libs. This appeals to a sizable minority of Caucasian Christian Conservative Americans.
No more “political correctness”, now you can call a “spade” a “spade”, a Mexican a wetback, a gay a fag…
You assholes who never actually listened to Rush always out yourselves, because you can’t help yourselves.
And if this
is an insult, then that makes you the racist asshole.
I used to listen to Rush, just not daily. He was on KMOX in St Louis midday. I found him disgusting but understood his allure to certain segments of society. He was great at his job.
In 2000 people in Miami had to wait 3/4 hours to vote in long lines. The GOP legislature determines the amount of polling places which they restrict in areas where Dems live, FL and the USA elections were determined by less than 600 votes. Of course as is usual the Dems always win the popular vote.
That’s not hard when you stuff ballot boxes, fix machines and count the votes. Just ask Stalin, he always won the popular vote too just like all commies. Or haven’t you noticed?
Since when is there a time set for voting? I’ve waited as much as 2 hours and I’m not in a democommie area.
Repubs make voting as difficult as possible to reduce poor people voting.
Connies have no credible evidence that Democrats are cheating, but Trump said it so MAGAts have to believe it. And repeat it.
By law, both Repubs and Dems have to take part in the counts.
Many states have Republican legislative control, and voting is a state responsibility. Answer my question! Why do Republicans allow cheating???
Well, it’s true:
Given that there were no wildfires or hurricanes destroying people’s homes before the invention of the infernal combustion engine, we can blame all of this on
global warmingclimate change and George Bush and Donald Trump, right?Oh . . . .
In the late 50s early 60s our elementary was a designated fallout shelter since we were worried about Russians and atom bombs. In the school basement were drums of potable water.
But where are schoolchildren receiving their “indoctrination”? Certainly not TV. Perhaps social media – tik-tok, Snapchat, facebook etc?? While we believe that humans are causing global warming we’ve never discussed it with our grandchildren (although a teenage granddaughter has brought it up).
We survived but it’s interesting that so many 70-somethings are overwhelmingly MAGA members! Maybe there were some lasting damages to developing psyches after all!!
NuCons oppose the idea of global warming because they resist science, scientists, research, change, liberal smugness and being demonstrated wrong. As we’ve pointed out several times over the years (because it is SO obvious) connies at first denied it was warming, then that it WAS warming but not from CO2, and now it’s too late to do anything without wrecking the global economies. And ’cause communism.
Anyone? Is the Pope a good Christian?
Anyone? Does Rimjob make any kind of sense?

Bwaha! Lolgf
You’re really straining wall the parameters of disbelief by covering all your bases. So if we accept global warming we’re wrong if we don’t accept global warming we’re wrong if we did accept it but don’t accept it now if we did accept it now but don’t accept it then go ahead keep stirring the pot because you’re just a bunch of liars anyhow.
I don’t know about anybody else but the fact is ever since the theory came out every conservative I know has accepted the theory of global warming just for what it is: a theory. Seems to me it’s been you guys who have been changing the science from global cooling to global warming to man made global warming and now they claim they had made climate change. You just keep moving the goal posts that’s what liars do.
Conservatives don’t resist science we believe in science we just don’t believe in science fiction like you do. You believe all kinds of stuff that you know can’t possibly be true like men becoming women OK? That’s why we can’t believe you on anything you say from climate to elections you’re nothing but a bunch of liars.
The only thing you’ve pointed out over the years is your total ignorance of actual science and you’re blind obedience to leftist propaganda. That’s your science leftism. It’s also your religion. It’s also your philosophy. It’s also your politics. In fact the only thing you people have is your leftism. That’s why you hate trump so much because he and people like us refuse to think that you’re geniuses. Just like each run around saying oh we have more highly educated people in California… Sure you do if you consider people who have been miss educated as educated. Bunch of people with PHD’s and women’s studies and African science give me a break. That’s not education that’s not even good brainwashing it’s just plain stupidity. As soon as I hear somebody spelled out something liberal I automatically knew they’re a moron you can hear him in a crowd you can pick him out for God’s sake.
You believe in science but you can’t identify an unborn child as a human being. I’ve asked you 100 times when does an unborn baby become a human being and you refused to answer the question. Just like I’ve asked you 100 times if pedo Joe won the election why won’t you guys demand an audit and a review of it? If he actually won you have nothing to lose. Course just like global warming you know the truth but you can’t handle the truth.
Brainwashed liars that’s all you are and that’s all you’ll ever be. So tell me when does life begin Elwood? Can a man become a woman? Can a man menstruate? Were protesting Republicans and president Trump trying to overthrow the American government? Unarmed? You are brainwashed beyond salvation.
Why do you keep asking “Is the Pope a good Christian”? Don’t you know? Have you no opinion? You’re not even Christian so why would you care? Or do you think it’s some sort of clever trick question? Well, it isn’t. Is Nancy Pelosi? Is Pedo Joe?
Geno the Pedo,
I’ve explained that a human fetus can survive outside the womb at around 22 wks gestation (with medical support).
A man can identify as a woman. A man cannot menstruate. Yes, Trump conspired to overturn the 2020 election.
When do you believe a zygote, embryo or fetus becomes a human person? In the US millions of women lose a fertilized ovum. Is that considered a human death?
Do YOU feel the Pope is good Christian? Mr Teach claimed that a real Christian cannot believe that human actions are causing the Earth to warm. What say you?
Yes, Nancy Pelosi and President Biden are good Christians.
This makes him either deranged or a liar. It does not make him a woman nor does it obligate anyone else to treat him as one.
Why do you care?
Read the articles linked below to better understand.
That’s not the question. Answer the question. When do you believe an unborn human a person? And what is “(with medical support)” supposed mean? Hell, after a baby is born it needs other human “support” to live till it’s at least 10.
Aman can “identify” as a puppy if he wants to that’s not my point and you know it. These people you support actually believe they are women when they are not. And don’t say they can’t menstruate in front of Richard Le4vine or he’ll beat you with his dick.
Since a zygote, embryo and fetus are all stages of human development they are all human. That’s the science. Miscarriage’s are a scientific fact. What do you think these “millions of fertilized ovum” are, grapefruits?
Unlike you lefties who move like a school of fish we don’t all cling to the same ideas. I don’t think any of that makes anyone a good or bad Christian.
BUT, under no circumstances are these malevolent creatures good Christians.
You seem obsessed with whether or not I believe the Pope is a good Christian. Why? I’m not even a Catholic.
So what does that mean in terms of abortion? Would you ban any and all?
Why do you feel God allows those millions of zygotes and embryos to die and be flushed down the toilet?
Thank you for acknowledging that someone can be a good Christian AND understand that humans are causing global warming.
BTW, in my opinion, under no circumstance are you a good Christian.
You and other connies seem obsessed. I don’t care whether others believe they are males or females. Why do you?
The psychology of gender is more complex than you care to imagine. Here’s a review article on gender identity, Neurobiology of Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation. Gender identity is not as simple as testes vs ovaries or XX vs XY, regardless of your feelings or beliefs.
By Richard Le4vine I assume you mean Admiral Rachel L. Levine, M.D. I suspect she doesn’t give a shit about what you feel. Anyway, violence is your gig.
Here’s an abstract from an article about Gender Identity Disorder (GID) and contributing physiological factors.
“Any parent or doctor who sterilizes a child before they are a consenting adult should go to prison for life.”
— Elon Musk
Bwaha! Lolgf
“Repubs making voting as difficult as possible to reduce poor people from voting”. Why yes, asking you to prove who you say you are only affects the “poor”.
Chicken Little Man
You wrote re men claiming to be women.
“Why do you care?”
It’s not the claiming, it’s people trying to force us to say what they want. That’s BS.
It’s also unfair for biological men to compete against women in various sports.
As a child I was taught to address someone as they wished. Aunt Nina, Dr Forrester, Mrs Sullivan (even though she was divorced!!) etc. I have second and third cousins who address me as Uncle “Elwood”.
Have you ever had the opportunity to address a transgendered person? If they looked like a female but you knew she was formerly a male would you address her as Mister just to prove you’re an asshole? What if she responded politely saying she preferred to be called Miss?
But why do you care so much?