UN Secretary Wants People Who Took Huge Fossil Fueled Trips To Put Out Message On ‘Climate Change’

Perhaps the UN General Secretary should avoid taking long fossil fueled trips himself

UN secretary-general has urged the Group of 20 leaders to send a strong message on climate change

U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres on Friday urged the Group of 20 top economic powers, which are responsible for more than 80% of the emissions that cause global warming, to use their weekend summit to send a strong message on climate change.

Guterres said all licensing or funding for new fossil fuel projects should be stopped and that the G20 must keep the “1.5-degree goal alive,” referring to the 2015 Paris climate agreement that set 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) as a global guardrail in atmospheric warming, with countries pledging to try to prevent that much long-term warming if possible. (snip)

“The climate crisis is worsening dramatically — but the collective response is lacking in ambition, credibility, and urgency,” Guterres said at a news conference at the U.N. office in New Delhi.

Last I checked, the G20 is meeting in India, meaning that, other than India, all those leaders took long fossil fueled trips, mostly in large private jets, many bringing their own limos. Same as Guterres.

India’s priorities for the G20 summit include efforts to develop alternative fuels like hydrogen, resource efficiency and reforming development banks like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund to help make funds more accessible for lower- and middle-income countries as they seek solutions to combat climate change.

Along with all those coal fired power plants

Guterres called on big emitters to make additional efforts to cut emissions and rich countries to meet the climate finance commitments made already.

Why should we make any effort to cut “emissions” when the elites like Guterres won’t in their own lives?

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