If All You See…

…is a horrible dusting of summer heatsnow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post wondering what’s the opposite of diversity?

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7 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. MrLiberty says:

    Other than the ugly tattoos, what I see is a motorboat in need of some service.

  2. Smitty says:

    I missed the tattoos until you brought it up! The opposite of diversity is uniformity- which the military used to promote.

  3. drowningpuppies says:

    Deonta Johnson, 27, and Shatia Welch, 24, Parents of The Year were arrested on Monday afternoon during a traffic stop in LaPorte, Indiana.

    Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  4. Professor Hale says:

    That’s a lot of money for ink just to look like a smudge.

  5. Jl says:

    “McConnell suffers stroke, surges to lead in Democratic primary….”

  6. JimS says:

    The ugly green tats look like her arm has gone moldy….

  7. Tom Kay says:

    I don’t care if they are fake!

Pirate's Cove