If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on the Philly Inquirer telling us about Barbie but not criminals in the street.

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18 Responses to “If All You See…”

    • JimS says:

      Sometimes I think we need to take Jefferson’s advice and do some big acts of rebellion.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Long term to complete their takeover, the far-right must figure how to control the US military otherwise you can’t win, but only fight a hit and run terrorist campaign. Maybe you have have attacks on infrastructure while you infiltrate the upper echelons of the military.

        Far-right militants have taken over many state legislatures, passing laws that only the far-right want, and in many of those states the far-right Republicans are working to consolidate their power passing laws to suppress the other side.

        But look at Jan 6 where a handful of Capitol police beat back several hundred insurrectionists, many now in jail. You need better firepower, strategy, command and control.

        You have to figure out a way to rig the next election so Trump or someone just as crazy can win and then also get the military on your side.

        In the past, nations wanting to get rid of their officials often used outside help, e.g., the US CIA or the KGB, but the US far-right would have to make a deal with China, Iran or Russia, which is possible if not likely.

        The American far-fight wants control, period. They’ve had it with America – The Shining City on the Hill – for long enough. No more Mr Nice Guy. They view the threats of non-white, non-christian, non-American, non-“normal” to be reaching a critical phase requiring drastic measures.

        You can’t wait until white, Christian Americans are a minority.

        • drowningpuppies says:

          Quite apropos.

          Amazing that the left (Rimjob) is constitutionally incapable of seeing people as unique, and must categorize them by their skin color, sexuality, victim status, or some other convenient handle that minimizes their humanity but maximizes their political utility.

          Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

        • JimS says:

          There’s not enough Ex-Lax on the planet to fix you…. so sad.
          I should point out that the Colonials took on the most powerful military on the planet and won. So did the Indians (dot, not feather) not to mention the Vietnamese and the Afgans.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            The colonials nor the Indians attacked the British homeland.

            As I advised, the nuRebels will need to infiltrate and command the US military otherwise they’ll be an annoyance like the goofy soveriegn citizen movement.

          • david7134 says:

            There is a perfect model for our desire to throw off the yoke imposed on us by the corrupt Dems/ communist/ liberals. Look no further than the Irish. I don’t care to fight a war with the forces out of Washington. I only desire to have my little section free. I can assure you that a modicum of success would result in a flood of people joining. The Irish just persisted, they fought very simple engagements, took the fight to the leaders of the British empire, attacked the families of the leaders, infiltrated the police and military and generally caused so much grief that they achieved their objective. We can not rely on the voting process to get our freedom back or even stop the erosion. Biden is flooding our country with crap, outlawing the use of every day items, taxing us to death and in short destroying our way of life. We have little choice.

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    The more things “change”, the more they stay the same.
    Sure miss El Rushbo.


    Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  2. Jl says:

    Our own J with another good one-“handful of capital police beat back several hundred insurrectionists”…
    As said before, you mean the capital police that opened gates to let some of them in?

  3. Jl says:

    Just in-“Trump indicted for murder of Tupac..”

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      As if the bully Trump has balls enough to attack a grown man, LOL.

      Trump assaults, rapes, grabs, abuses girls and women.

  4. Doom and Gloom says:

    Trump to be indicted for the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa…..MSNBC.

    Trump will soon face charges for aggravated truthing, Facing 100 years in prison. CNN

    Feds looking at reopening Alcatraz for the incarceration of Trump ABC News.

    Just the latest in throwing darts aginst the wall. Something is bound to stick if they throw enough darts at the Greatest president in the history of the world. Oh wait that’s Biden and his crime syndicate.

    In fact, James Biden’s involvement with a construction contract in Iraq is a matter of public record, not a secret revealed by the apparent exposure of Hunter Biden’s laptop by a Delaware computer repair man. In 2010, the vice president’s younger brother joined HillStone, a New Jersey-based company that subsequently won nearly $1.5 billion worth of business from a South Korean real estate developer that needed “project management and construction management services in connection with a major housing development in Iraq,” according to a company press release at the time.

    The Korean companies response?………..The owners of the company explained in 2012 that Biden’s value lay not in any construction experience per se, but in his reputation as a relative of a senior U.S. government official

    Move over US Grant….Biden is the king of cronyism.

    Michael Berry
    ABC: Joe Biden’s Brother, Frank Biden, Cashed In On His Famous Family Name

    How? Frank Biden apparently made big money on charter school contracts by using access to his brother.

    When his older brother was VP, Frank Biden even admitted that was great for business, saying that his last name was “a tremendous asset”.

    I think there should be two wings in Alcatraz…One for the Biden Family and one for the Trump Family. Then everyone would be happy.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Donald J Trumpf, with his girlish manner and sissy hairdo/makeup/manicures, hasn’t the balls to challenge any man directly. He physically picks on girls and women and is physically afraid of men which is why he surrounds himself with a phalanx of paid thugs.

      But those who claim that Trump is the worst US President in history are full of scheisse. James Buchanan (15th President) is the worst ever by a long shot. Buchanan was a conservative’s far-right conservative before it was thing! A full-throated supporter of slavery, “states rights”, anti-federal government and carried every slave state but one, Buchanan was a supporter of secession. Buchanan “teed up” America for the Civil War. He was the anti-Lincoln. His only redeeming characteristic was that his incompetence and far-right conservatism enabled the election of the unpopular Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest progressive presidents in history.

      Trump will likely retain the title of 2nd worst US president unless he’s reelected in 2024 and succeeds in gutting our Democratic Republic.

      Trump, who has convinced christian, white, straight men that they are losing America, is the vehicle for maintaining control and privilege. Fags, trannies, wetbacks, muzzies, nigs and commies are coming for your America, and only Don can save you! DeeSantis is Trump-Light but America ain’t buying it.

      • CarolAnn says:

        Trump, who has convinced Christian, white, straight men that they are losing America, is the vehicle for maintaining control and privilege

        Trump convinced nobody of any such thing. People like you convince Christian white straight men that they’re losing control of America. And now you’re losing control of your own political party politicians are leaving the Democrat party all over the place.

        American and white haters and anti Christian bigots and proponents of sexual deviance along with groomers and just general liars about everything from climate the human sexuality are what are turning people away from the Democrat party. You people can’t tell the truth and when you see the truth you ignore it.


        Democrats bringers of the slave trade keepers of the child pornographers and corruptors of nations what a load of crap you people are. There is more corruption in the biden administration than in all previous administrations put together and that includes the teapot Dome Watergate and every damn weaselly thing the Clintons ever did. Hell I watched hypocrite Democrats yesterday in a congressional meeting about censorship trying to censor people that’s how bad you people are your total self unawareness is unbelievable.

        You guys are really gonna have to struggle to steal this election you’re gonna have to steal more votes than you ever dreamt of before.

        • drowningpuppies says:

          Rimjob just had get in his usual TDS rant for the day.
          He’s hopelessly afflicted with the disease.

          Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  5. Jl says:

    “Being against crime added to list of things that are racist…”

  6. L'Roy White says:

    CaroAnn you are absolutely correct. I go to an African ME church and it used to be everybody was a Democrat and everybody was voting for the same people. Yesterday at church I noticed there about 6 Democrats left all the rest have switched to republican or independent.

    After services we all gather in the community room for coffee and it was just amazing yesterday talking with all the people about how many oh absolutely not for Democrats anymore. And I’m not just talking that fake president I’m talking all the way down to the local they want anything to do with the Democrats. I just smile. How many times have I told then that anybody that votes Democrat vote for slavers? Finally they’re getting the picture and it took that moron biden to prove it to them.

Pirate's Cove