If All You See…

…is a coconut tree growing in Canada, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Independent Sentinel, with a post on California math focusing on equity, social justice, and protests.

It’s an easy bikini week.

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6 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    Trump supporter and …
    Trump voter

    Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    Brandon’s legacy

    Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  3. Jl says:

    DC residents concerned crack house on Pennsylvania Ave. will drag down housing market….

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Great News for US Putin Supporters (MAGAts): Putin/Russia is now attacking the globe by blocking the export of Ukraine grain to the rest of the world. A restriction in grain supply allows suppliers to jack up their prices worldwide!!

    Higher food prices are a boost to US Republicuns. Mr Putin realizes his survival largely depends on a PRESIDENT Trump.

  5. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The once and future leader of the Free World Donald Trump was universal idea man!

    Aides reported some of better ideas…

    On hearing that Texas farmers needed to get their cattle to the Rio Grande, he insisted his Wall have no doors or gates but rather a series of temporary steps or ramps be used to get American cattle over the wall to the river.

    Drop a nuke into forming Atlantic tropical storms to squelch their transition into hurricanes.

    Put bleach or UV light into humans to kill Covid-19.

    His border wall included Colorado.

Pirate's Cove