…is a wonderful wild space which should get some wind turbines, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post giving kudos to Pelosi for visiting Taiwan. Which I second.

…is a wonderful wild space which should get some wind turbines, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post giving kudos to Pelosi for visiting Taiwan. Which I second.

Bwaha! Lolgf

Bwaha! Lolgf
Was it the Vax that killed Rev Kye?
Wayne Allyn Root? Puppy boy are you serious? That guy claims to be the king of Vegas and makes his money by telling others how to bet their money. A very typical Vegas grifter
Maybe his friends are dying because they are just getting to the ends of their lives and made bad lifestyle choices. Does he really think they are dying because of the vaccine that Trump put on speed warp approval? Do you buy his betting services?
Bullshit. Mx Root should be investigated if 33 of his friends and family have died/gotten seriously ill in 8 months after attending his wedding. He didn’t say how many of the 33 were dead. 1? 3? How were their symptoms? Sniffles? Headache? Diarrhea?
Root is a conspiracy spreader and documented liar.
A selection:
President Obama was not born in America.
Obama was not a student at Columbia University, but later said he could have been an exchange student there.
Obama was/is gay.
Obama was hired by the Bilderberg Group to destroy the United States and “kill all of us”.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Hillary Clinton, Donna Brazile, Bill Clinton, Eric Schneiderman and John Podesta were involved in the murder of Seth Rich.
Paid actors and infiltrators hired by George Soros, and not James Fields, killed Heather Heyer at the Unite the Right rally.
“No conservative I’ve ever met commits violence. EVER.”
He called the Las Vegas mass shooting (hundreds shot, dozens killed) – “Clearly coordinated Muslim terror attack.”
Root was ordered to stop advertising My Doctor Suggests, LLC citing violations of state laws on deceptive acts and practices.
Bullshit spreader.
“American Pickers’ Frank Fritz hospitalized after stroke.” – Overweight 56 year old has a stroke. Not exactly rare in a nation of 330 million. He previously had back surgery that left him with 185 stitches and two rods in his spine.
Hailey Bieber – Minor stroke a result of a congenital heart defect. Did the Covid vaccine go back in time to cause the defect?
Nolan Neal – family blames his substance abuse. Does the vaccine cause drug addiction?
Shonka Dukureh – cause of death unknown
Just more winger bullshit…
tRumpezoid Kari Lake the AZ GOP primary for Governor started weeks ago criticizing the fraudulent election process there. Now she has a small lead in the primary, has claimed victory, and also claims she has super-secret evidence of fraud.
Is her “victory” valid since the election was “fraudulent”?
The GOP is kkkrazy.