I’ve been doing ‘climate change’ posts since not long after I started this blog, and one of my consistent messages, and one of the reasons I became a Skeptic from a mild Warmist, was that this really seemed more about politics than science. And article after article after article keeps reinforcing that notion
Opinion: Climate change: A human rights issue
You have all the essential equipment of an environmentally conscious warrior. Yet headlines across your screens continue to report new national disasters and rising temperatures. You’ve done everything right, and yet there’s no change. It’s the system, then? Right? Systematic change will fix everything.
Not exactly.
Experts, politicians and everyone in between continue to debate how to solve climate change before it’s too late. The current climate crisis is one of the largest and most difficult issues we have ever faced as a society. It’s exhausting as people are facing their own internal struggles. Yet we know we are capable of rallying together and helping the planet we all call home. The current climate crisis, although paradoxical and political in nature, is just another human rights issue, and requires a social movement for change.
It may seem like a stretch for some, but climate change directly impacts us and our neighbors. Eco-anxiety, the anxious feelings that overcome us now on a regular basis is sweeping across the world. A 2021 study found that across the globe, 59 percent of respondents were extremely worried about climate change, and reported emotions ranging from angry to sad as well as powerless and helpless. Nearly 45 percent of respondents said these worries negatively impacted their daily functioning and life as a whole.
See, by framing it as a “human rights issue” (was it a HRI during the Little Ice Age, the Medieval Warm Period, Dark Ages, Roman Warm period, etc?) this allows climate cultists to position this as “well, if you don’t support us, you hate human rights.” To give the cult “absolute moral authority.” It’s blackmail, just like with Cindy Sheehan, from where that phrase came from in the modern times. If you do not give up your money, freedom, and life choices to Government, you hate human rights.

Must be hard when you’ve convinced yourself you’re in the prevailing majority of opinion, but the harder you push to codify your beliefs into practice, the harder the public rejects you. This is why the democrats of today are so angry. It’s like Reagan said: It’s not that our liberal friends are ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.
Happy to report: You’re on the wrong side of history. As usual.
“A 2021 study found that across the globe, 59 percent of respondents were extremely worried about climate change, and reported emotions ranging from angry to sad as well as powerless and helpless. Nearly 45 percent of respondents said these worries negatively impacted their daily functioning and life as a whole.”
I absolutely do not believe this.
The writer lies.
I would believe that no one could take this scam seriously, but I spent some time in Seattle and their minds don’t work.