Daily Archives: January 11, 2020

Feeling Unhinged Over ‘Climate Change’? Here’s How You Can Manage It Or Something

My personal recommendation would be to either give up your own use of fossil fuels, technology, grow your own food, live in a tiny off the grid home, make your own clothes, etc. Or, pull yourself out of the Cult of Climastrology, like people have done by escaping Scientology Feeling distressed about climate change? Here’s […]

If All You See…

…is an ocean that will soon!!!!!, rise up and swamp all the land, you might just be a Warmist IAYS The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on Pelosi having to miss the 49ers-Vikings game due to TDS. Double shot below the fold, clearing out some of the extra photos, so, check […]

Surprise: Aussie Firefighter Charged With Setting 17 Blazes

Remember, though, this is all caused by Hotcoldwetdry, not arson, according to Warmists Firefighter charged with starting 17 blazes in Australia while on bail 'for serious sex offences' tracked by ankle tag https://t.co/woq2zVT6OC — Jemma (@Donadeedooda) January 10, 2020 So, definitely climate change, right? (UK Sun) AN AUSTRALIAN firefighter has been charged with deliberately starting […]

St. Greta Says She Will Tell Rich People At Davos To Give Up On Fossil Fueled Economy

And she, along with other climate cult kids, will stomp their feet till this is done At Davos we will tell world leaders to abandon the fossil fuel economy We have just entered a new decade, a decade where every month and every day will be absolutely crucial in deciding what the future will look […]

Pelosi Blinks, Says Will Send Impeachment Theater To Senate Next Week

Republicans not only do not seem concerned about dealing with Impeachment Theater, they seem to be looking forward to it, which could be why Queen Nancy was holding on to the impeachment referral Pelosi set to send impeachment articles to the Senate next week Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Friday that she expects to send […]

Pirate's Cove