Daily Archives: April 29, 2019

Cult Of Climastrology Now Looking To Excuse And Mainstream Ecoterrorism

It’s to save the planet, you know Climate Change Fiction Is Rethinking The Ecoterrorist Toward the end of Paul Schrader’s most recent film, First Reformed, the main character straps on an explosive vest with the intention of blowing himself up — along with a church full of other people — driven by an inarticulate but intense desire […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible carbon polluting pool causing the seas to rise, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on Jew Hatred at the NY Times.

Your Big Carbon Footprint Is To Blame For April Snow In Chicago

In case you missed it, Chicago, and the upper mid-west, has had a bit of a problem with snow this April Chicago Shatters Record for Spring Snowfall It’s not a record that the city of Chicago necessarily wanted to set, but history was made on Saturday as the area was hammered with a record snowfall. […]

Surprise: NYC’s Version Of Green New Deal Will Cause Massive Issues With Real Estate Industry

I wonder what Comrade de Blasio will do for the NYC government owned buildings? How about all those buildings with state and federal government tenants? NYC’s Own Green New Deal May Be A Disaster For City’s Real Estate Business New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio recently signed the most ambitious climate overhaul plan enacted […]

NY Times Wants Everyone To Relax On Socialism

This is partly their way off attempting to protect AOC and the new breed of Democratic Socialists, which they managed to do in an incredibly sexist manner https://twitter.com/brandondarby/status/1122658506354626560 And away go (hey, I wonder if writer David Bentley Hart will ask the folks who run the Times if they’ll pay their fair share of taxes?) […]

Pirate's Cove