This should totally solve their problems
Draft EU budget earmarks sizable increase in spending to curb climate change
In a draft budget plan released this week, the European Commission announced the allocation of a quarter of the 2021-2027 European Union (EU) budget to climate adaptation and mitigation.
A total of 320 billion euros ($383 billion) will be directed toward climate, an increase of 114 billion euros, according to a report from Climate Action.
“We mean business! Our resolve to mainstreamÂ
#ClimateAction into all EU funds is being reinforced,â€Â tweeted Maros Sefcovic, vice president of the EU Commission.Currently, 206 billion euros, or 20 percent of the EU budget, is being spent to fight climate change through various environmental initiatives to 2020. The proposed budget represents an increase of 5 percent.
How did it work out spending 20% of their budget in 2017? “Carbon emissions” went up. Not much, but, one would have thought they would go down. Of course, as we learned, Warmists aren’t big on practicing what they preach.
One would also think they’d be more invested in spending money attempting to keep their citizens safe from all the backasswards 3rd world “refugees” they brought in, who love raping, robbing, sexually harassing, stabbing, and so forth all the EU citizens. And pooping in pools. And demanding Sharia police and courts. And requiring women to cover up.

Of course it isn’t really possible to spend money on “fighting climate”. So where did the money really go?
Carbon indulgences?
Climate studies?
Climate conferences in Bali?
Cash bonuses to EU Execs for recycling?
Like most bureaucratic waste, fraud, and abuse, I suspect the answers are hidden in further layers of jargon.