Alternate title: NY Times Totally Unconcerned About Barack Obama’s Luxury Travel On Public Credit Card
(NY Times) As Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey waited to depart on a trade mission to Israel in 2012, his entourage was delayed by a late arrival: Mr. Christie’s father, who had accidentally headed to the wrong airport.
A commercial flight might have left without him, but in this case, there was no rush. The private plane, on which Mr. Christie had his own bedroom, had been lent by Sheldon G. Adelson, the billionaire casino owner and supporter of Israel. At the time, he was opposing legislation then before the governor to legalize online gambling in New Jersey.
Mr. Christie loaded the plane with his wife, three of his four children, his mother-in-law, his father and stepmother, four staff members, his former law partner and a state trooper.
King Abdullah of Jordan picked up the tab for a Christie family weekend at the end of the trip. The governor and two staff members who accompanied him came back to New Jersey bubbling that they had celebrated with Bono, the lead singer of U2, at three parties, two at the king’s residence, the other a Champagne reception in the desert. But a small knot of aides fretted: The rooms in luxurious Kempinski hotels had cost about $30,000; what would happen if that became public?
So, let me ask: did this violate any ethics? Let’s also ask, where the taxpayers paying for this? Nope on both accounts. However, this has obviously unsettled the NY Times. He’s taken quite a few trips at the expense of other people, often foreign trips, often in an attempt to bring business to NJ. Jerry Jones paid for his trip to see the Cowboys play several times. The only mentions of taxpayer funded travel are about using car services rather than taxis and
State taxpayers paid for Mr. Christie, his wife and two aides to travel to the 2013 Super Bowl in New Orleans, as New Jersey prepared to host the 2014 game. Airfare for four passengers came to $8,146; Mr. Christie’s hotel for three nights cost $3,371.
And here comes the mention of Obama
Mr. Christie is hardly the first politician, in either party, whose embrace of luxury travel has prompted criticism. Hillary Rodham Clinton, for example, a potential Democratic candidate for president, is known for her dependence on private planes often paid for by others.
Oh, nope.
Notice, the majority of the complaint is about the use of private money for luxurious travel. It’s apparently OK in NY Times World to take luxurious travel at the expense of the American Public, otherwise they’d have to mention Barack Obama. Nancy Pelosi and most elected politicians play the same free luxury travel game whether it is paid for by billionaires or the tax payer. It doesn’t make it right, but, they all do it.
It is interesting that the Times chooses to take a shot at Christie over this, while completely ignoring Obama and his travel. That’s the point, and highlights what Conservatives mean by media bias.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

We should be more concerned about his (and Rand Paul’s) ignorant comments about vaccinations.
So Paul and Christie advocate for parents to have more control as to how their children are raised and cared for and that is ‘ignorant’ according to Jeffery? No surprise there.
Both of them support and encourage parents to immunize their children but stop short of giving the government complete control of the decision. But in liberal minds, this is unacceptable. To them, the government should control every aspect of our lives and freedoms be damned.
And while we are on the subject of ignorance, who said this:
“We’ve seen just a skyrocketing autism rate, some people are suspicious that it’s connected to the vaccines. This person included.”
The liberal’s hero, Obama said that in 2008.
Liberals: the choice to abort a baby should be a right, and government should have no input, it’s a totally personal choice, including for children
Liberals: no one should have a choice on vaccination.
And, yes, I do think refusing to vaccinate is dumb. But, choice.
So you think Obama should fly coach ?
I just can’t see a lot of nj Jordan business
He looks like a moo her to me
When Pelosi was 3rd in line to the White House
The protocol was to use a plane that would be able to fly non stop from Cali to DC
Who ever heard of a sitting gov rooting for an out of state team?
And Teach you think the state should be in charge of a woman a woman’s uterus like in Nazi Germany where children belong to the state?
The bible says a fetus is not a human and gas a value of 1/4 oz silver
If you want yo outlaw abortion vote for sharia law
Israel has an exceptionally high abirtion rate and free usually because of BibiCare
Thom Tillis said:
Tillis would require a business to post signs. But isn’t that too much
Why not let the market decide? When word got out that people were getting sick from barista shit in their coffee other people would stop going.