Daily Archives: January 19, 2015

Say, Should Tackling Hotcoldwetdry Trump Real Environmental Concerns?

That’s what Miles King at the UK Guardian wants to know, though he puts it without snark Should tackling climate change trump protecting nature? Does the need to mitigate the effects of man-made climate change override the need to protect nature? Climate change is with us, and is one of nine reasons why scientists are […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible vacation spot which requires fossil fueled travel for other people causing the seas to rise, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is American Power, with a post on #BlackLivesMatter looking to hijack legacy of MLK, Jr.

42% Of French Say Cartoons That Upset Muslims Shouldn’t Be Published

I actually have a bunch of “climate change” articles saved to Pocket, but this article, via Hot Air headlines, intrigued me (UK Guardian) Four out of ten French people want the press to avoid publishing further cartoons that will upset the Muslim community, according to a poll published on Sunday. While supporting the idea of […]

Surprise: Republicans Doubt Obama’s Willingness To Negotiate

They also expect bitter confrontations. I’m not quite sure what would make them think that, you guys! (Washington Times) House and Senate Republicans came away from their joint retreat in Hershey, Pennsylvania, this weekend bracing for bitter confrontations with President Obama and skeptical that the president is willing to make deals even on the handful […]

Appeasement: Muslims Want NYPD Terrorism Report Scrubbed

Back in 2007, the NYPD compiled a report regarding home grown Islamist terrorists, which was the blue print for monitoring mosques and Muslim groups to attempt to stop terrorist attacks and the home grown Islamists. This made Muslims very upset that law enforcement would dare to go where Muslims are radicalized, so they sued. Now […]

Pirate's Cove