Hmm, it’s like the Washington Post’s Ed Rogers has been reading my stuff, at least in regards to numbers 2 and 3, in offering “five reasons voters don’t believe what the White House says on climate change:”
1. Overreach – The White House doesn’t just want it both ways, it wants it every way.
4. A lack of faith in foreign cooperation. (that’s no surprise: as I’ve mentioned several times, Obama hasn’t really spent time creating political friends, friendships, acquaintanceships, etc, with the leaders of foreign nations. Heck, he’s barely created anything amongst lawmakers in his own party)
5. This administration lacks credibility. (this about the failure of Team O to really get things done properly, such as the horrible rollout of the Ocare websites.)
Let’s move on to the two biggies
2. Hypocrisy. Voters notice that the founding father of the global warming movement, Al Gore, has become fabulously wealthy by selling out to Middle Eastern oil and gas interests. Voters notice the mansions, private planes and the super-wealthy lifestyle. And Gore is not the only global warming hypocrite. I would guess that after he leaves office, President Obama will never again fly on a commercial airline – and he will probably be traveling by Global Expresses, Gulfstreams and the occasional large Falcon, not even on the more modest, smaller private jets. Voters are on to the fact that the global warming crusaders want us to pay more and live with less — but, of course, the rules don’t apply to the politicians who want everybody else to sacrifice. Not to mention, the people who insult and belittle anyone who has a question about the “science†of manmade global warming are often the same people who categorically dismiss the scientific proof of the viability, safety and reliability of nuclear energy. I have a little test for the global warming crusaders: If you’re not for nuclear energy and against ice cream, your commitment to the cause is questionable.
How long have I been flogging the climahypocrisy meme?
3. The global warming cause fits too nicely with the president’s left-wing political agenda. The prescriptions for dealing with climate change are the same policy objectives the left has promoted for other reasons for at least the past 25 years. That is, redistribution of wealth, higher taxes, anti-growth, anti-development regulations, etc. Because they don’t have much support from voters, the left has to advance its cause through surreptitious maneuvering rather than forthright advocacy of its specific global warming policies. The left never answers the questions of who pays, how much and for what result.
How long have I been noting that “climate change” fits in perfectly with the hardcore Progressive agenda? As I’ve noted many times, my focus is on the politics of “climate change”, with a smattering of science. Also, the insanity of the Warmists. I’ll leave the deep science to others, like Anthony Watts, The Hockey Schtick, and No Tricks Zone, among others. But, most Skeptics see the politics. Because that’s what the issue is, politics.
I ran across a few other articles on Yahoo News noting similar themes. Unfortunately, I did not save them. Regardless, it’s great that people are starting to notice that this is a politic issue, and that the folks who push it the hardest are hypocrites.

It is hard to miss the hypocrisy when you see all of these Libtards using up natural resources for their lifestyle and telling us to cut back.
First it was Globull Cooling, plants would die and we will starve. When the weather started to warm it was Globull Warming, plants would die, seas will rise, we’re all gonna die. When the warming flattened out it became Climate Change.
This planet has been colder and warmer than at any time man has been on this planet and there is not much we can do while the sun changes it’s solar activity. Also the Earth releases more CO2 and Methane in a single volcano eruption than all of the greenhouse gases that man has produced in a hundred years.
Spare me.
CB typed considerable misinformation:
“First it was Globull (sic) Cooling, plants would die and we will starve.”
Fact: The so-called global cooling scare of the 70s is a blip overhyped now by right-wing Science Deniers (RWSD).
“When the warming flattened out it became Climate Change.”
Fact: Warming hasn’t flattened. The IPCC (the CC stands for climate change) was formed in 1988. It didn’t “become” climate change, it’s always been climate change.
The Earth is warming because we’ve added (and are adding) greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Progressives add less CO2 per person than do Regressives and Deniers. Any policies to reduce CO2 emissions would apply to Progressives as well as Regressives and Deniers.
Much of what Regressives and Deniers believe is untrue.
“This planet has been colder and warmer than at any time man has been on this planet and there is not much we can do while the sun changes it’s solar activity.”
Fact: Insolation (the amount of heat energy reaching the Earth) has been declining as the Earth warms.
“Also the Earth releases more CO2 and Methane in a single volcano eruption than all of the greenhouse gases that man has produced in a hundred years.”
Fact: That is not even close to being true. The increase in atmospheric CO2 seen in the past century has been conclusively proven to be from fossil fuels.
“…Ed Rogers has been reading my stuff…”
Or, you’ve been reading his. Rogers is a Republican strategist and lobbyist who contributes far right-wing balance to a blog on the Washington Post.
“I’ll leave the deep science to others, like Anthony Watts…”
Coffee spit-take!! You rely on erstwhile TV weather-reader Watts for your “deep science”? LOL. I do appreciate your willingness to admit you do not understand climate science, but unfortunately the issue of global warming relies on science. I do appreciate your acknowledgement that you rely on authority figures to buttress your arguments, but you appear to rely on hack bloggers rather than climate scientists.
Serious scientists are not debating the fact that CO2 added to the atmosphere is warming the Earth and acidifying the oceans. Yet, you and your ilk deny the scientific findings to support YOUR political aims. You and Rogers project your own political motivations to your opponents, a common subconsciously-generated syndrome on the far-right.
Serious scientists are not debating the fact that CO2 added to the atmosphere is warming the Earth and acidifying the oceans.
You mean the a-holes who have their heads up each others ass to keep getting government grants. If they don’t follow the party line they will actually have to find really hard work to keep getting their meal ticket punched.
Yet, you and your ilk deny the scientific findings to support YOUR political aims.
As opposed to your political aims which is to spread the wealth from hard working Americans to lazy dirt bags and foreign countries like China and India who produce more green house gasses.
You and Rogers project your own political motivations to your opponents, a common subconsciously-generated syndrome on the far-right.
At least we have some intelligence to have a syndrome as opposed to the far left which doesn’t have any intelligence at all.
Nice try Jiffy but you are connected to your freedom robbing agenda just like everyone else on the left. Don’t ask me just ask Al Gore who has made a nice profit off the weather change scam.
2014-05-11 09:51:52
Serious scientists are not debating the fact that CO2 added to the atmosphere is warming the Earth and acidifying the oceans.
You mean the a-holes who have their heads up each others ass to keep getting government grants. If they don’t follow the party line they will actually have to find really hard work to keep getting their meal ticket punched.
Yet, you and your ilk deny the scientific findings to support YOUR political aims.
As opposed to your political aims which is to spread the wealth from hard working Americans to lazy dirt bags and foreign countries like China and India who produce more green house gasses.
You and Rogers project your own political motivations to your opponents, a common subconsciously-generated syndrome on the far-right.
At least we have some intelligence to have a syndrome as opposed to the far left which doesn’t have any intelligence at all.
Nice try Jiffy but you are connected to your freedom robbing agenda just like everyone else on the left. Don’t ask me just ask Al Gore who has made a nice profit off the weather change