Hyper-Warmist Bryan Mooney attempts to keep the meme about warming causing more water vapor meaning more snow alive as the US Northeast is buried in lots of the white stuff
Believe It: Global Warming Can Produce More Intense Snows
We all remember “Snowmageddon” in February of 2010. Even as Washington, D.C., saw 32 inches of snowfall for the month of February—more than it has seen in any February since 1899—conservatives decided to use the weather to mock global warming. Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe and his family even built an igloo on Capitol Hill and called it “Al Gore’s New Home.” Har har.
Yet at the same time, scientific voices were pointing out something seemingly counterintuitive, but in fact fairly simple to understand: Even as it raises temperatures on average, global warming may also lead to more intense individual snow events. It’s a lesson to keep in mind as the northeast braces for winter storm Janus—which is expected to deliver as much as a foot of snow in some regions—and we can expect conservatives to once again mock climate change.
To understand the relationship between climate change and intense snowfall, you first need to understand that global warming certainly doesn’t do away with winter or the seasons. So it’ll still be plenty cold enough for snow much of the time. Meanwhile, global warming loads the dice in favor of more intense precipitation through changes in atmospheric moisture content. “Warming things up means the atmosphere can and does hold more moisture,” explains Kevin Trenberth, a climate scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo. “So in winter, when there is still plenty of cold air there’s a risk of bigger snows. With east coast storms, where the moisture comes from the ocean which is now warmer, this also applies.”
Do you know what’s missing? Any proof of anthropogenic causation. Furthermore, we were told that this would not happen, that snow would be a thing of the past. Yesterday’s Weather Channel fact was that January 2014 has been the 4th snowiest for Chicago on record going back to 1885.
Indeed, scientific reports have often noted the snow-climate relationship. An expansive 2006 study of US snowstorms during the entirety of the 20th century, for instance, found that they were more common in wetter and warmer years. “A future with wetter and warmer winters…will bring more snowstorms than in 1901-2000,” the paper predicted. There is also a clear increase in precipitation in the most intense precipitation events, especially in the northeast:
What causes all the snow during cool periods? Like, during glacial ages?
Still, that’s more than enough to refute conservatives who engage in snow trolling.
What about when Warmists engage in weather trolling, where every weather event is the result of “climate change”? Heck, they even troll tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanoes, Blaming them on Mankind’s release of CO2, or, as they like to un-scientifically term it, “carbon”. Perhaps a Warmist could tell us what facts would refute their hypothesis of “climate change”. 20,000 years of these same things happening during the Holocene doesn’t seem to make any impression on Warmists. Nor does 4.5 billion years of history.

“To understand the relationship between climate change and intense snowfall, you first need to understand that global warming certainly doesn’t do away with winter or the seasons. So it’ll still be plenty cold enough for snow much of the time. Meanwhile, global warming loads the dice in favor of more intense precipitation through changes in atmospheric moisture content. “Warming things up means the atmosphere can and does hold more moisture,†explains Kevin Trenberth, a climate scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo. “So in winter, when there is still plenty of cold air there’s a risk of bigger snows. With east coast storms, where the moisture comes from the ocean which is now warmer, this also applies.—
Well, my friends, this is not what they were telling us a decade or so back in 2000.
And even more recently
STFU already. NO PROOF NO EVIDENCE NO STATISTICS to prove any of your manmade global warming BS.
Whatever happens, will happen. And we can’t stop it. I personally love the snow, and this year we’ve had over 30 inches so far. Last year we had 8 or so. That’s the way it is. And has always been in my neck of the woods. Some years we could build a snow fort in December and play in it all winter. Other years the ponds never froze over to skate on.
You keep getting distracted by irrelevant BS.
This much is clear: The Earth is rapidly warming, almost certainly a result of CO2 being added to the atmosphere because of humans burning fossil fuels.
This in and of itself is neither good nor evil, it’s merely a fact.
Scientists and policy-makers are still arguing about what this means in terms of impacts on human civilization.
J- How do you know it’s “warming rapidly”? Rapidly compared to what?
Rapidly compared to the last 12,000 years.
It’s easy to refute the theory of AGW.
Show that CO2 does not absorb infrared radiation. Physicists have understood this for over a century but perhaps their thousands of confirming experiments are incorrect.
Show that the global average temperature has not been steadily increasing for the past century. Show that the heat content of the oceans has not been increasing.
Show that the CO2 measurements have been incorrect.
Come up with another scientifically reasonable explanation for why the Earth is now rapidly warming. The Pirate supplied a paper earlier that proved the sun has been cooling since the 1950s, so it’s not the sun. There is no magic.