You shouldn’t be surprised that the article is written by uber-Warmist Bryan Walsh
Climate Change Might Just Be Driving the Historic Cold Snap
Climate change skeptics are pointing to the record cold weather as evidence that the globe isn’t warming. But it could be that melting Arctic ice is making sudden cold snaps more likely—not less
But not only does the cold spell not disprove climate change, it may well be that global warming could be making the occasional bout of extreme cold weather in the U.S. even more likely. Right now much of the U.S. is in the grip of a polar vortex, which is pretty much what it sounds like: a whirlwind of extremely cold, extremely dense air that forms near the poles. Usually the fast winds in the vortex—which can top 100 mph (161 k/h)—keep that cold air locked up in the Arctic. But when the winds weaken, the vortex can begin to wobble like a drunk on his fourth martini, and the Arctic air can escape and spill southward, bringing Arctic weather with it. In this case, nearly the entire polar vortex has tumbled southward, leading to record-breaking cold, as you can see in this graphic:
Let’s be clear on one thing: when Warmists talk about “climate change”, what they’re discussing is changes in the weather and long term climate due mostly or solely to the actions of Mankind, primarily the use of fossil fuels. Now, a few cold winters, and certainly a massive cold front, does not mean the end of the current long term trend of a warm period, which was preceded by a cold period, then a warm, then a cold, etc, going back to the last glacial period. Which surely saw variations in climate. But they were telling us just a few years ago that this was not supposed to happen anymore. Then the Real World comes up and smacks them with the cold, dead Mackerel of reality, blowing their computer models and talking points out of the water, so they have to reach into their bag of tricks.
The debate is not on warming, weather, or climate, it is on causation…..wait, you’ve read this argument before, so let’s just go to the facepalm for Bryan, shall we?

and a snowy owl just spotted in Jacksonville fla. whats next polar bears
It might be too cold in Florida for polar bears.
How in the hell did it get cold before global warming- was it by magic, Jeffery?
editing: “Let’s be clear on one thing: when climate scientists talk about “climate changeâ€, they’re discussing changes in the weather and long term climate due mostly to the actions of humankind, primarily by the use of fossil fuels. Now, a few cold winters, and certainly a massive cold front, does not mean the end of the current long term trend of a warm period, which was preceded by a cold period, then a warm, then a cold, etc, going back to the last glacial period.”
The Pirate got this part mostly right except for the “warmist” slur! Yes, the Earth has warmed and cooled before, but not by magic. The current rapid warming results largely from the intensified greenhouse effect from burning fossil fuels thus adding CO2 to the atmosphere.
jl – There is no such thing as magic. Has anyone claimed that the ONLY mechanism that impacts the Earth’s climate is human-generated CO2? The most important mechanism in the current rapid warming period (approx. last 100 yrs) is human-generated CO2. It’s not that hard to understand. But troll on.
Pirate – there is no bag of tricks, only reason, hypotheses, experimentation, predictions, science… you know, research. Or maybe you do not know.
You wish not to except the evidence which is your right. But instead of refuting evidence you merely ridicule it.
There was a recent paper that contradicted the arctic warming/changing jet stream hypothesis and I’m surprised you are unfamiliar with it. Actually, I’m not at all surprised since you and yours don’t care about evidence.
J-“Jl- there’s no such thing as magic.” Jeffery- (from Jan. 4th) “in the meantime the pirate and others will continue to claim the earth warms and cools by magic.” Hmm- yet you proclaim others do. How do you know that? By magic? “The most important mechanism in the current rapid warming period (approx.100 years)is human generated CO2.” Really? What does “important” mean? All? some? none? And you mention “current rapid warming period” like we have comparable data on others- but we don’t. Specific temperature records only go back to around 1885, so neither you nor the other astrologers can say for certain that this “rapid warming” is actually rapid or not. But if you have the data for all the other 100 year periods out of the last 4 billion, I’d love to see it. “Human generated CO2” This goes to the first question- what percentage of the warming (that’s stopped) is from humans? 20%? 30%? 10%? 60%? As I said before- you don’t know that, so you have nothing.
jl – Troll on.
J, translated: I have no rebuttal.
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Lets test some knowledge.
According to the warming bunch, the seas are turning acidic, but no one mentions what acid, what acid is making the sea acidic?
Now, we are burning fossil fuels and this is increasing the concentration of CO2 in the upper atmosphere and thus the greenhouse effect as warmth is collected on earth. Please explain how CO2 reaches the upper atmosphere. This is a trick question so don’t act out of reflex.
david duke,
I assume your goal on the CO2 atmosphere question is the revive the old zombie idea that CO2 is too heavy to distribute throughout the atmosphere. It’s obviously not true. Was that your goal david duke?
Thanks for the reference to David Duke. I know the man as he went to LSU when I did. He has opinions, but actually desires to help people more than the liberals, he truly wants people out of poverty rather than to languish in it like the Dems desire. Maybe if you were not so bigoted, you would be able to hear positive parts of messages. But, Duke is a socialist and thus, closer to the liberals.
Now, reference the issue of CO2 not being a heavy gas. And you haven’t started to understand were I am going with the question.