In an attempt to change the discourse from his scandal plagued reign, Peter Obama has pivoted back to the economy yet again during his Weekly Address
Hi, everybody. Over the past few months, I’ve laid out a series of commonsense ideas to reignite the true engine of our economic growth: a rising, thriving middle class.
The way I see it, there are three areas where we need to focus. One: making America a magnet for good jobs. Two: making sure our workers have the education and skills they need to do those jobs. And three: making sure your hard work leads to a decent living.
I’ve also been visiting cities across the country that are doing some interesting and creative things along these lines.
I read with young kids in a pre-K program, where kids are getting a head start learning the skills they’ll need to succeed in life.
And our deficits are shrinking at the fastest rate in decades. But now we need to budget in a smarter way that doesn’t hurt middle-class families or harm critical investments in our future.
Deficits he jacked to record levels, and now he’s trying to deflect from his SCOAMFness. If you ate fatty burgers at McDonald’s ever day for a year, jacking your triglycerides up to obscene and life threatening levels, then brought them down a few points, that wouldn’t be a cause for celebration.
And I’m going to keep trying to work with both parties in Washington to make progress on your priorities.

The deficits are going down because the economy is doing better. California has posted 2 consecutive SURPLUSES under a Dem govenor. These are all things that for some reason make the GOP sad. Dow has never in history done as well as it has under Obama. Capitalists, banks, the 1% LOVE Obama !!
Good googly moogly, he’s serious. Someone please beat him, I have no intention of writing that much with Droid
First, Obama:
Ummm… No, he has laid out a consistent pattern of invasion of privacy, targeting non-democrat groups for extra IRS invasion and data mining, leaking private IRS information to pro-Lib 3rd party groups and members of the Senate, stealing private medical information from citizens, militarizing the gov’t, and attacking those who value the 1st and 2nd amendments – which are GOD-given rights.
Obama has done nothing over these last few months at all except campaign and raise money from hollywood liberals.
How can he boldly say that when our deficits are climbing at record paces. Despite that, our DEBT is ramping up at record paces approaching 17TRILLION dollars. Saving 83 million over 10 years from sequester will not make any dent whatsoever.
Obama is the one who is seeking to harm private investments. He’s gone after HSA, and is looking to tax 401K accounts. He’s implemented a Socialist takeover of our healthcare industry, increasing taxes, fines, fees, and COL expense on that same middle class.
Gas prices have jumped $0.60 over the last week alone. food and energy prices are skyrocketing. Having the Gov’t Teach kids to read will not fix the economy. Besides, that’s the parent’s job. Oh… thanks for not allowing homeschoolers from Germany to have sanctuary here despite the direct and active harassment by that gov’t.
Now, John.
please. TAKE YOUR MEDS!!! Now. Your brain is freaking out. You are starting to spout lies that even Obama knows he can’t say.
Really? care to show the proof there bud? How is it then he has had to increase taxes by a 1/3? How is it he has had to cut his budgets? How is it that he’s been borrowing money left and right to make his budgets?
Yep, and that should tell you something, right johnny? If the banks and the 1% love the 1% Obama, then he really isn’t focused on helping the lower and middle class people. Not especially since he has given tax dollars to those same big banks and union bosses. Hard to care about the fate of middle class when you raise taxes and give that tax dollars to banks and failed solar companies, or transfer hi-tech knowledge to our enemies.
Sorry teach, I don’t know how long I can keep this up. It’s like trying to teach Geometry to a 1st grader.