I blame you for refusing to unplug all your appliances from the outlets when not in use
(US News) Millions around the world wake up and brew a cup of coffee before they start their day. But for many involved in the industry, a caffeine buzz isn’t keeping them up at night—instead, what’s causing insomnia is the increasing difficulty that climate change causes coffee farmers.
But in recent years, keeping the world’s coffee drinkers supplied has become increasingly difficult: The spread of a deadly fungus that has been linked to global warming and rising global temperatures in the tropical countries where coffee grows has researchers scrambling to create new varieties of coffee plants that can keep pace with these new threats without reducing quality.
Right. Everything is doooooomed!!!!! And the climate should never ever change. It should stay exactly the same with no deviation.
(ChannelNewsAsia) It’s circa 2050 and shoppers are stopping off at Ikea to buy fine wine made in Sweden.
A Nordic fantasy? Not according to climate experts who say the Earth’s warming phase is already driving a wave of change through the world of wine.
As new frontiers for grape growing open up, the viability of some traditional production areas is under threat from scorching temperatures and prolonged droughts.
And in between the two extremes, some long-established styles are being transformed. Some whites once renowned for being light and crisp are getting fatter and more floral while medium-bodied reds are morphing into heavyweight bruisers.
Quite a bit of the piece is about people being optimists as the climate changes (and thinking it’s going to get super duper hotter), but let’s consider that during the last warm period they were growing excellent wine in England. Because the climate changes.

Damn! My secret’s out. I and my cabal of Republican businessmen have secretly been buying all of the land ~100 miles north of Napa Valley. In about 50 years, that’ll be the new best spot to grow grapes in California, thanks to me and my evil global warming buddies. And we’ll own it all! Hahaha (read that laugh with an evil voice, please)!
Heh! I’ve invested in Canada, because when the world temps have gone up the 30 degrees Warmists think, it’ll be perfect!
Teach wine has been produced in England CONTINUOUSLY since Roman times
They were growing grapes and making wine all through the “little ice age” But for those who live in the bubble I guess if one person says that their was no wine making in England it then becomes a Gospel like fact.
Of course the climate has changed. But never before in human history has the climate changed as quickly and will affect so many..
The mid Atlantic states (including NJ) have had their lobster landings cut by more than 50% because of the “slight” increase in water temps.
Of course, that has nothing to do with overfishing. at all.
I wonder if those lobster were always there, or if they migrated there based on water temps, lack of predators, and food sources.
Yes, because 0.8C over the last 150 years is dahdgum horrendously deadly fast.
What will us mobile technologically sound humans ever do?