These Republicans remind me of women (or men) who’ve been burned as their significant other beats them, then buys into the apology and post beating lovey dovey attitude, tells the cops and hospital they fell, and it happens again And again. And again
(The Hill) Senate Republicans are more optimistic about the prospect of a grand bargain on the deficit after an intimate dinner with President Obama Wednesday evening in downtown Washington.
Obama and a dozen Republicans discussed a range of issues during a nearly two-hour meal at the Jefferson Hotel, focusing mostly on the budget, the issue that most divided them in the last Congress.
GOP senators say no new policy ground was broken as both sides held fast to their battle-tested positions on taxes and spending, but the meeting helped thaw frosty relations and improve the prospects of a deal eventually. (snip)
Sens. Kelly Ayotte (N.H.), Sen. Mike Johanns (Neb.), Richard Burr (N.C.), Saxby Chambliss (Ga.), Dan Coats (Ind.), Tom Coburn (Okla.), Bob Corker (Tenn.), Lindsey Graham (S.C.), John Hoeven (N.D.), Ron Johnson (Wis.), John McCain (Ariz.) and Pat Toomey (Pa.) also sat down with Obama.
Hooray, we’ve been provided with an easy list of the most squishy Republicans in the Senate. Ones who are going to be monumentally disappointed and outraged when PINO Obama turns around and stabs them in their chest. “But, but, but, we had a nice dinner! Then he punched me in the face!”
Johanns said he is more optimistic of reaching a broad deficit-reduction deal this Congress.
“I think he’s very sincere. I think he wants to try to figure something out. Today was a good step and we’ll see what happens now,†he said.
Ugh. I can feeeeel the Senate Republican capitulation coming.
Furthermore, once Republicans start talking about a “grand bargain”, it’s game over. They won’t make any significant cuts. They’ll probably remove the ones from Sequestration. They’ll give Obama more tax increases and get nothing back, other than his typical blamestorming, insults, and derision. Heck, they can’t even get anything real out of Democrats for smaller bargains. Remember how the Democrats in the Senate were supposed to come up with a budget in order to allow an extension of the debt ceiling? Yeah, how’d that work out? Because today is March 7th, and they were supposed to submit that budget by March 1st. Said budget must be passed by April 15, or Congress will see their pay held in an escrow account (notice that they won’t actually lose money for failing to do their jobs).
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

The Republicans in Congress have terribly low approval numbers.. about 50% of what Obama has. Americans blame them more than Obama. The American people just aren’t responding to the slurs heaped on Obama.
As usual, wrong again john. It is congress as a whole that has the abysmal approval numbers. And they should.
How can you bargain with a narcissistic tyrant who views the power of congress no better than the role of a street sweeper? how can you bargain with a man who has no qualms about stating that he will do what he wants without congress? how can you bargain with a man that has no fears of repercussions?
it would not surprise me to see McCain and Grahamnesty there, but Ayotte and Coburn?
Meanwhile, Rand Paul was making a bargain with the American people to stand firm on the fight against tyranny and for freedom of life, while these sycophants dined out with WIC (whiner in chief).
Since John wants to deflect, rather than discuss the posted material, let’s ask him a question:
“Do you think the POTUS should have the power to launch a drone strike on American citizens on US soil?”
Another one of John’s, um, astute revelations (yawn):
LOL Yeah, john, but 98% of those darn old wascally Wepublicans keep getting reelected by their constituents again and again and again ….., you dolt.
And you say that those 52%ers, i.e., the psychos and retards who voted for Obama disapprove of those darn old wascally Wepublicans???
I’m shocked, John, shocked, I tell you!
BTW, SRD, site’s resident dummy, your comments were a specious argument. But then, like Moe and Curly here, you are always making screwy assumptions, even screwier conjectures and extremely irresponsible accusations, none of which are ever supported by any facts.
“I think he’s very sincere.”
Then you’re an idiot.
Teach, Did you happen to hear the Dems trying to defend Holder and Obama by declaring that the only persons blow’d up by drone strikes on foreign soil were those conducting IMMINENT threats to American security and only top echelon leaders.
Was funny when Sen Rand Paul shot that down in flames. And then Lee from Texas shot it down further by showing Sen Durbin that his defense of the DOJ “white paper” was specious due to the white paper completely discounting the need for imminency altogether.
If you read the DOJ memo on drone strikes on citizens on foreign soil, the Administration offered the opinion that “imminent” is not based on time, but action. In other words, if a person was plotting an attack on the US for Christmas of 2014, the administration feels that is “imminent” because the planning is continious and happening right now not that the attack is some 22 months away.
It’s nuts and I have yet to read of find any legal opinion other than the DOJ’s that believes the DOJ is right.
I think we have to allow some action in the face of imminent danger, but not what this administration is proposing.
As I said elsewhere, using the administration’s own thinking and logic, thier continued attacks on the rights and freedoms of Americans, as well as their continued planning to destroy the foundation of the United States would be justification to launch a strike on them as their actions are “continuing.”
Mike Lee is oee of Utah’s Senators, not one of Texas’s Senator, you ditz.
He and Alabama’s equally well prepared Senator Jeff Session have made clowns out of unprepared, bullshit artist Democrats in every Congressional Committee Hearing that that they have attended.
Currently, he, Sessions, Rubio and Paul are the most conspicuous, but not the only stars in the Republican Caucuses in Congress.
BTW, FYI, Rubio is from Florida, Paul is from Kentucky.
You’re at your most entertaining, ditzy, whenever you try to look intelligent and informed on the issues.
What’s interesting here is that nobody (neither Republicans, nor even Democrats) would put it past Obama to call in drone airstrikes on members of his political opposition.
In fact, he is universally recognized to be that evil and that insane, and yet he was reelected, obviously by the slimiest of slimy low-lifes who are as insane and as evil as he is. The USA has sure become a country of sick freaks. (spit)
In fact, he is universally recognized to be that evil and that insane,…
Apparently Brian does not understand the term “universally.”
Further proof that fat, neurotic and stupid are no way to go through life:
LOL, really? And you do? This should be good. LOL
You only show your stupidity, fool. As usual, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Talking out of your ass with your foot in your mouth, You just made a complete fool out of yourself (again).
(Never mind that, like that other retarded toothless old goober, Gums, you write at a 2nd grade level. Hey, didn’t I see you in the movie, Deliverance?)
Am sure glad that the crazy liberals continue to show how magnanimous and accepting of diversity they are. And they definitely are not agist, sexist, or racist, either. As proven by john and brian.
Thank you for continuing to uphold the lowest standards of the most reviled Mao, Stalin and Sanger regimes.
Your existence proves that the fight continues.
Um, yeah, that was effective. he he he he he he
Senator Tom Coburn is my Senator and even though I wish he had stayed away from the dinner with Obama, I am fairly certain the event was planned in advance, before Senator Rand Paul took to the floor with his filibuster. He doesn’t have a reputation for pulling his punches, as is evidenced by his consistent hammering at the waste and fraud that is our federal government. His having dinner with Obama isn’t necessarily a sign that he is abandoning his conservative principles.
LD, I am too hopeful that Coburn holds to his anti-wasteful spending propaganda. But, it’s the imagery. He chastices the administration for wasteful spending, decries the high unemployment, yet goes out on a very posh dinner date with the prez.
Why? Why a dinner date to discuss politics? Would it be because it would be off the record?
I want to know what was said during that meeting? WHy do they need to hold a political meeting off grounds when any room on the campus would do just fine.
These true Conservatives need to stop playing Obama’s game. He’s just stringing them along until he stabs them in the back.