And you will never guess whose playbook he will use
(Fox News) As President Obama prepares to rev up his re-election drive with his third State of the Union address Tuesday night, he and his aides have already begun framing the fall contest as a “choice†election, not a simple up-or-down referendum on his own job performance in the Oval Office.
In so doing, the president borrows a page from an unlikely playbook: that of the man he has spent the last five years disparaging, George W. Bush.
It was President Bush, in his 2004 matchup against John Kerry, who perfected the “choice†strategy. Buffeted by mounting opposition to the Iraq war, the incumbent argued that the alternative to a second Bush term – that being the Democratic senator from Massachusetts – was so dangerous that voters should put aside any misgivings they might have about the president.
Well, it is very interesting that Obama would reach back and attempt to run in this manner, but, digging deep, President Bush actually had a record to run on, besides painting Kerry as dangerous. Bush dealt with a lingering economic downturn when he first came in to office, then a big downturn post-9/11, and turned both around. He lowered taxes for all (unfortunately, his tax plans removed a large amount of workers from paying federal taxes.) He saw historic lows in the unemployment rate. He reached across the aisle to get Ted Kennedy’s “No Child Left Behind” passed. He responded to 9/11 by taking out the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, freeing tens of millions from an oppressive Muslim fundamentalist regime. He took out Saddam Hussein and his brutal regime, freeing tens of millions of people. He provided enormous relief for AIDS patients domestically and around the world. Expanded Health Savings Accounts (which Obamacare now restricts). He pushed his “Healthy Forests Initiative”. No attacks on American soil post 9/11. Got Libya to renounce their terroristic ways and give up their WMD programs. And the list goes on and on. Not all of it good, but, a solid list of accomplishments.
What does Obama have to stand on? An unpopular ObamaCare bill which is raising costs, high unemployment, historic deficits, $5 trillion in new debt, low consumer confidence, stopping the Keystone XL pipeline (of which Canada is not waiting to see who wins in 2012 before turning to China to sell the oil), giving billions to Brazil so they can develop deepwater oil fields, of which Brazil is now going to sell to China, people giving up on the workforce, and wasting almost a trillion dollars on his Stimulus. His idiotic policies have unfortunately turned people away from investing in alternative energy sources due to his malfeasance, and the way he has pushed electric vehicles has made them a joke, setting them back by decades. His EPA is on the wrong track and failing to protect and engage on real environmental issues. He has failed to reign in the TSA under his watch. He has pissed off our allies around the world, and pandered to our enemies (and failed there, too).
And let’s not forget the historic and unprecedented number of golf days, vacation days, and campaign events.
But, let’s give him his due: he did authorize the mission that took out Osama Bin Laden, which I still maintain was a gutsy call. He has ramped up military actions against Islamists, and expanded them into other countries. He did ramp up deportations for awhile, and go after the companies that hire them. And, um, well, ah, …… well, he keeps burger shops near the White House in business!
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

I am going to disagree with this slightly.
To me, this is similar to a football coach going for it on 4th down when he is down by 4 with 30 seconds left and no times out.
It is not necessarily a gutsy call, it seems to be the only call.
My major objection to this “call” is that he waited for 24 hours and actually went to sleep, keeping the SEAL team and other assets on alert. It wouldn’t have been so bad if this was an opportunity that he hadn’t encountered before, but he had. In August of 2010, Paneta told him they knew where bin Laden was and Obama hemmed and hawed and finally passed on the strike.
Instead of thinking the situation through and being prepared for it if it happened again, Obama apparently didn’t think or form a plan so with the situation occurred a second time, he went to bed.
I don’t see a whole lot of “guts” there. I don’t see any leadership or “follow me” type attitude there either.
The US knew where bin Laden was and could do something about it without the support of other groups or relying on other groups.
I am not sure the American people would have seen another call to make other than going after bin Laden.
I respect your opinion, but I just don’t see the same level of “guts” that you do.
I’m going to have to respectfully disagree, GC. Authorizing a mission that sends Navy Seals in secretive black ops helicopters deep into a sovereign nation to just 30 miles from their capital city, even to get OBL, wasn’t a slam dunk decision, and was technically an act of war, and he definitely needed to think about it. I’m not so sure Bush wouldn’t have worked through the Pakistani government for this.
Is it time to move to China? They have all the oil, the US money, and the brand spanking new empty cities.
I guess I just see it as a different level of gutsy Teach.
I look at really gutsy calls as being made on the spur of the moment, not after having been faced with the same situation before.
Maybe the call is gutsy, but I don’t believe the timing, the lack of a swift response, and going to bed while the assets were not apprised of what was going on, is good leadership.
President Obama is head and shoulders above the pathetic detractors that try to make his every move into evidence of a failed presidency. It’s too late for the republicans, America realizes that it is they who have failed, time and time again.
Thanks for that heads up from Greece. glad to hear you’ve done it much better.