Please remember to wipe the DERP? look off your face before going to work. Or the laughing hysterically look. Or the “WTF?” look. Obama strikes realist tone in CNN interview
President Barack Obama acknowledged Tuesday that he may be a one-term president if voters’ patience with the pace of the economic recovery runs out by next November.
“The mess has been bigger than a lot of people anticipated at the time,†Obama said in an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer from Peosta, Iowa. “We have made steady progress on these fronts but we’re not making progress fast enough. What I continue to believe is that ultimately the buck stops with me. I’m going to be accountable.â€
Notice he did not say “I’m accountable.” What Mr. Obama was actually saying was that he’s not actually accountable for any of the issues that at the least, made no better, at worst, made a right big mess, but, that voters will hold him accountable. He trotted out the old Harry Truman line, and spun it around. Really
Throughout the interview, whether asked about the economy or next year’s campaign, the president struck a realist tone — conceding the scale of problems facing the country while insisting his administration is working diligently to fix them.
Obama said that even though Americans understand that the economy’s problems are “decades in the making,†voters are “impatient†to see more progress on the economy.
So, he just blamed everyone else for the financial decisions over the past few decades. He tended to also Blame Republicans and Bush throughout the rest of the interview, as well.
Obama has been criticized during his three-day Midwestern bus tour this week for not including new proposals to address the country’s unemployment problem. But in the CNN interview, he defended his administration’s work to coax Congress to act on infrastructure investments, free trade deals with South Korea and Panama, and payroll tax breaks for workers.
“The truth is everything we’ve done has been related to jobs, starting back with the Recovery Act,†Obama said.
True. They are related to jobs, mostly destroying them. What little progress was made created short term jobs (which is what “infrastructure investments” would do) at absurd costs to create. The only “jobs” the man knows how to create are government sector jobs, at enormous cost. He’s running around the midwest on his big ugly Made In Canada bus, refusing to offer any sort of plan, blaming others for his own and the Dem Congresses incompetence, giving the same old speeches (now with More Angry), continuing with the “putting party ahead of country” smear, and generally just doing the only thing he does well: campaigning.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

I am thinking of what Obama has done in my area to stuimulate jobs.
He did the obamacare thing and that is keeping people from hiring, even if they need the employees.
He stopped off shore drilling, that mean the crews are moving to another country, the shops and cafes that cater to them are boarding up.
He is trying to stop fracking. That will kill off the rest of the oil field.
The EPA has outlawed dust. Most of the farmers are suffering from them.
He is making the car companies produce cars no one wants, they are closing up here.
That was just a start.
What I continue to believe is that ultimately the buck stops with me. I’m going to be accountable.â€
But what he really means is that Its BUSH’S fault……..And all those other Republicans that have been in the White House.
Obama said that even though Americans understand that the economy’s problems are “decades in the making,â€
But lets look at the balance of power for a minute.
From 1945 the Democrats controlled the House All but 14 years. Or in other words The Democrats controlled the House for 50 years.
But its the GOP’s Fault the economy sucks.
In the Senate its a little better for the GOP. The Democrats held the Senate 44 years while the GOP held the senate for 20 years.
President who makes NO laws, passes no regulation and has nothing to do with the economy other then to goad the government to act……..
President since 1945 was held by the GOP for 36 years……while the Democrats held the presidency for 24 years.
But its all the GOP’s fault……And if they can just keep getting the MSM to press this Bullshit for about another year then Mr. Obama can win another 4 years in the White House so he can continue to take massive vactions on the taxpayer dole.
First he says that he’s going to be accountable. Then he blames everyone (and everything – tsunamis, ‘Arab Spring’, etc) else. Nice trick if you can get away with it.