Comedy gold Sunday morning from Obama (that’s when the story was published). Or, should that be, cluelessness, thin skinnedness, and detachedness? Anyhow, via Gateway Pundit, we get a Politicio story, Obama: Gulf spill ‘echoes 9/11’
Sounding reflective as he heads into a bruising electoral season, President Barack Obama told POLITICO columnist Roger Simon that the Gulf disaster “echoes 9/11†because it will change the nation’s psyche for years to come.
Obama — facing mounting criticism of his handling of the BP gusher, even from longtime allies — vowed to make a “bold†push for a new energy law even as the calamity continues to unfold. And he said he will use the rest of his presidency to try to put the United States on a course toward a “new way of doing business when it comes to energy.â€
“In the same way that our view of our vulnerabilities and our foreign policy was shaped profoundly by 9/11,†the president said in an Oval Office interview on Friday, “I think this disaster is going to shape how we think about the environment and energy for many years to come.â€
If you remember, Obama’s view of 9/11 was to wonder what made them attack the US, and to be more concerned with civilian deaths in any coming war than the deaths on that day. He hired a Truther and had a religious leader who said his famous “chickens coming home to roost” sermon shortly after. And he is attempting to turn September 11 into a National Day of Service, at least by the swipe of a pen. Remember, though, that Captain KickAss won’t rest until the oil spill is contained. Or something
President Barack Obama spent four hours on the golf course Sunday in temperatures that peaked in the low 90s.
Of course, the man has already played way more golf in a bit over one year than Bush 43 ever did over 8 years. Such are his priorities. He likes the trappings of the office, but, actually doing the job? Not so much. Of course, he won’t let this crisis go to waste, and push for energy idiocy Tuesday night. Which he will do from the Oval Office, continuing to look aloof and detached. It would make a whole lot more sense, and look better, to do the speech from the Gulf, considering he will spend the night in Pensacola Monday.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU

[…] by the way, how exactly did Obama treat 9/11? As William Teach at Pirate’s Cove points out, he was hardly respectful. If you remember, Obama’s view of 9/11 was to wonder what made them […]
Teach wants political theater to make himself feel better about the oil spill. Perhaps Obama should wash off some birds ? Would that make him feel better ?
Would that make him feel better ?
What would make us all feel better is if Obama did something like allowing the Dutch skimming ships to help in the clean up. Or how about taking any one of the offers from 13 other countries that offered to help in this crisis?
Instead, Obama has only talked tough and done nothing. If anything, his administration has prolonged this disaster.
He should be held accountable for that.
Oh wait, he is a liberal, so you won’t hold him accountable for anything.
It is no secret what he is doing.
He is trying to drum up patriotism. Hell if we give him enough lee way he might just start a war with ENGLAND in order to KEEP POW$R.
There seems to be no limit to what politicians will go to these days to keep power and to use it for their personal ambitions.
The man is an inexperienced community organizer who has surrounded himself with a cabinet full of people who will not and cannot advise him correctly, on any issue of importance. They have a left wing agenda that is so intense, that they can only focus on how any crisis can further their causes, not on how we can end this or any other disaster.
Fort Hood- let’s protect and defend and make sure that all Muslims are treated well in the US Armed Forces. This will please the Muslims in America and the left wing of the Democratic party. (and we’ll pick up a crap load of votes for it)
The Mexican border wars and the AZ law- Let’s make sure that the poor itty bitty illegal aliens don’t get harassed with non-constitutional treatment even though they are here illegally, while we please the left(and we’ll pick up a crapload of votes for it)
The Gulf Oil spill- let’s see how fast we can push cap & trade, and destroy the oil industry while pleasing the enviro wackos.(and pick up a crap load of votes for it)