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Maybe I am jumping the gun, but, as of midnight, looks like it will be Obama. Oh, well. Such is life. It will give all these feel good folks, who only see the programs who paint Dems as cute fluffy bunnies and Republicans as mean nasty bulldogs, a good dose of what a hard left agenda will do to their lives. I predict that the Misery Index will return by August.
And, at least the won’t have the 60 votes they need in the Senate.
What is your prediction on how low the stock market goes Wednesday?

Does this mean those of us who voted for President Bush (myself included) should be blamed for things that went wrong over the last eight years?
I blame you and Andrew Sullivan p-(
Not sure where you are going with that, but, if you are referring to the stock market crack, that is a known thing. Notice that, even though there were other economic troubles, the market really started tanking when Obama really started gaining ground, then started to rebound a bit when McCain started to surge.
Teach said: I blame you and Andrew Sullivan
I blame myself too but Andrew Sullivan’s not a citizen. He can’t vote.
Not sure where you are going with that, but, if you are referring to the stock market crack…
I wasn’t. The economy is so complex you can’t blame one administration. I was referring to unprecedented spending and record debt, despite starting with a budget surplus. That I do blame on the administration. As someone who voted for President Bush, do you take the blame too?