Girls ‘N Guns

Been awhile since I had a “being a male pig” post

The Muzzies wouldn’t even get a shot off with these girls around. Considering that most probably have no idea what a woman actually looks like,,,,,

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2 Responses to “Girls ‘N Guns”

  1. darthcrUSAderworldtour2007 says:

    Look out MOSSAD ! God bless our 2nd Amendment and right to bare / bear arms and legs and…? – The NRA rules 2007!
    And we thought 72 virgins were lethal, eh?

  2. darthcrUSAderworldtour2007 says:

    PS: The NRA to endorse Fred Thompson soon. “Whiskey for my babes and beer for my horses 2007!” NRA Power and Power to pack heat 1775 – 2007.

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