Don’t ya just love how the Democrats are always yammering on about “tax cuts for the rich?” And how they have distorted the tax cuts as they refer to the Middle Class? And how they want to “roll back” the tax cuts on the rich? As Neal Boortz constantly states, if you get a paycheck, the Democrats think you are rich. And now they are proving it!
The tax plan that Democrats tout as middle-class tax cut would soon increase taxes for most making less than $75,000 a year, according to a congressional report.
About 71 million families in that group will pay $59 billion more in 2011, while 8 million pay nearly $3 billion less and the remaining 4 million pay the same amount as they do now, said the report by the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT), the tax analysis office for Congress.
Of those taxpayers, most families making $20,000 to $50,000 a year — about 41 million families — will pay $32 billion more in taxes in 2011, according to the analysis of the plan introduced last month by Rep. Charles B. Rangel, New York Democrat and chairman of the Ways and Means Committee.
Got that? Depending on your definition of lower and middle classes, those 41 million families, which accounts for at a minimum of 14% of the US population, and that is just considering 1 person per family, this would affect those in the upper-lower class/lower-middle class to middle-middle class. If we are looking at 71 million families, we are, in terms of actual people, approaching at least 1/3 of the US population. So much for Democrats caring for the middle class.
Why is it always some sort of bait and switch when it comes to Democrat legislation? Even their retreat and defeat ones are dishonest, at least in left wing circles. Too bad the Democrats in Congress cannot be sued for false advertising.
The plan will not be taken up this session, but, let’s see the break down
The plan would deliver tax cuts to most middle-income families the first year but those savings would soon evaporate, replaced by rising tax bills as the provisions are fully implemented and Mr. Bush’s tax cuts expire.
The first year, according to the analysis, Mr. Rangel’s plan would deliver on its promise to soak the rich and slash middle-class taxes, hitting top earners with $73 million more in taxes while those earning less than $100,000 would save about $15 billion.
Most families will pay more by 2011, and for those making more than $50,000 a year the tax bill will rise further by 2017. About 22.7 million earning between $50,000 and $75,000 will pay $23.2 billion more in taxes that year.
Across all income brackets, more than 120 million taxpayers will pay $440 billion more in taxes by 2017, while 9 million will pay $12.4 billion less, the report shows.
Ouch! But, hey, the good news is that, of they remain in power during that time period, they could modify the tax code to hit the middle class even more! Rangle’s tax plan sure supplies a penitude of BS, eh?
Do you have an interesting post? Well, go ahead and leave a trackback, with a reciprical link back to me. Otherwise, you may be forced to oil up Rangle’s hair.

You’re welcome…
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Oh my! I know we cannot afford another Clinton tax cut for the middle class! lol.
BTW, didn’t we come over here, in part, to throw off the caste system England had? Hmm…dang commies.
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They use tax cut in the same manner as “making abortion safe and rare.”
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The Knucklehead of the Day award…
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Ah, but did anyone ever ask the question, “Is it moral”? Our Founding Fathers, the Bible, most thinking reasonable human beings can answer this with quite ease. I suppose that is what makes it too complex for us? LOL (abortion)
“Moral” is not a word that can be used with most Liberals. Which is, yes, why they always try to, or at least say, the issue is too complex.
[…] to The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, guerrilla radio, Right Truth, The Populist, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Big Dog’s Weblog, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, High Desert Wanderer, […]
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