Daily Archives: July 12, 2007

What Did Vitter Do That Was So Wrong?

Ya know, I was going to ignore the whole Vitter at the brothel issue, which really isn’t that big a deal, in the scheme of things. Except to his family. Yet, as I cruise the port side of the seetheosphere, I cannot help but laugh at the hypocrisy of the leftards. I am not going […]

Find A Mine? Send In The Rats

Funniest story of the day (Washington Times) Tell a New Yorker that rats can save lives and he might consider it an impossible trick for the beady-eyed sewer dwellers. But for the past 10 years, a group of Belgian researchers based in Tanzania have been training a species of giant African rats to sniff out […]

Senate GOP Going After The Fairness Doctrine

Glad they could get off their asses to do something. I’m sure Trent Lott will be pissed off, though. (CNSNews.com) – The battle over whether to reinstate the controversial Fairness Doctrine moved to the Senate on Wednesday, when Republicans introduced a measure intended to permanently prevent the Federal Communications Commission from using what they called […]

TTLF: Senate Taking Up Jailed Border Agents Issue

Well, this is good news, a great way to start off the day. Perhaps W will take notice, being fresh off his commutation of Scooter Libby. He needs to do the same, at a minimum, for the border agents. (CNSNews.com) – The Senate will hold a hearing next week on the controversial case of two […]

Pirate's Cove