Daily Archives: July 31, 2007

Oh, Look, A Lefty Wants To Work With Terrorists

Why am I not surprised at this story? (CNSNews.com) – Anti-war activist Ramsey Clark says the United States should review its policies toward Egypt over the government’s "massive attacks on human rights and civil liberties" and support that country’s Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist network that gave birth to Hamas. Now, that paragraph it somewhat poorly […]

TLF: HuffPost Offers Prayers For John Roberts

Usually, I would have had this kind of stuff yesterday, but, limited internet. Visiting the parents, Comcast cable sucks, and lots of wine. Unfortunately, I would put for the hypothesis that most of these liberals, commenting on the siezure that SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts had, were probably only high on Seething The only way we […]

Pirate's Cove