Afte the previous post, I thought about heading over to the DUmmie FUnnies. Now, I posted before about Air Deadbeat Phoenix and their troubles. Unfortunately, I missed this DUmmy thread which pretty much shows that the loons, well, don’t like the content on AD either. For the best view of the thread, head on over to the Dummie FUnnies.
Some highlights:
“I am beginning to dislike Al Franken’s show too (oh no). Jerry Springer, bleech. Randi Rhodes sucks too. The Majority Report is difficult to listen to, too many jokes. Mike Malloy is nazi this, and nazi that.”
“I turned him (Franken)Â off months ago, when he kept blathering on and on and on about Social Security after it was already a dead issue. He is pathetic and hopeless…”
“He has no concept, no clue at all, of how to host a listenable, interesting, thought-provoking radio program.”
Gee, ya think? ;)