It looks like the ACLU is taking its cues from the Democratic Party, going down the same roads of moonbattery:
Civil libertarians believe Middletown and eight other New Jersey towns may have given the federal government secret lists naming individuals deemed to be risks for committing acts of terrorism.
To the American Civil Liberties Union, that scenario is reminiscent of domestic security activities during the McCarthy era or at the height of Vietnam War protests. ACLU leaders in New Jersey say they have indications of why they think such lists exist.
To find out, the ACLU within the next few weeks will ask that the nine municipalities — the others are Edison, Linden, Mount Laurel, Newark, Parsippany, Trenton, Wayne and West New York — disclose the lists and the criteria used to compile them.
Someone correct me me if I am wrong, but the entire article shows that the ACLU is operating under inuendo, maybe’s, and conspiracy theory.
Barocas said he believes officials in the nine towns may have the lists based on hints provided in responses to identical OPRA requests by the ACLU in 2004.
The nine municipalities indirectly acknowledged the existence of such lists by either denying the 2004 request or by referring the ACLU to the state Attorney General’s Office for the information, Barocas said.
This is typical behavior of both the ACLU and the Defeatocratic Party (like there is much of a difference in the membership rolls). Make accusations without evidence. Their walls must be very dirty and smelly.
Meanwhile, McCarthy was 100% correct.

They are the communists, that’s why they go after Joe so strongly. When you are guilty, you protest too much!
I just got a book on the Venona Project from the library, will be very interested to read it after reading Ann Coulter’s Treason last year.