OK, I have gone thru with the domain mapping and name change permanantly. The news domain name is:
If ye have don’t change from any old one, won’t be a big prob since the Ecosystem is set up to look at thepiratescove.us, piratescove.typepad.com, and piratescove.typepad.com/piratescove.
Ye can also list it as thepiratescove.us, but, that is in limbo for about 24 hours.
The cool thing is that all my old permalinks and trackbacks will still work. Yea! Furthermore, while I am going to submit changes to some sites, such as Blogs For Bush and Homespun bloggers, the old name will still work.
Update a couple seconds later. http://thepiratescove.us is now working too. Sweet.
Also, I am going to link this to Basil’s Breakfast, cause Basil rocks.
More: Lots of emails sent out. More to go. Most on site things changed to reflect new address. Site search not working yet, Google hasn’t crawled site yet. Sitemeter still reflects the old address, will leave it that way for a week or so.