I guess one of the things about a blog is that it isn’t just for others to read, but a way to put down ones thoughts and ideas. Many folks out there have written what they were doing on 9/11/01. My story isn’t all that much. But, almost over this cold, hanging alone so as not to get my girlfriend sick, listening to my ECU Pirates lose.
What was I doing? Not much. Was taking a shower, getting ready for work. Didn’t have to be there till 10:30am. Was just finished shaving, listening to the John Boy and Billy Show, when they announced that a plane had hit the WTC. I said “WTF?” and hurried out. Turned on the TV, 5 minutes late, 2nd plane hit the tower. I was stunned. Like most people.
The morning went on in abject disbelief. We all know the feelings, and the scenes. I remember the CEO of my company put out a global email (to 180,000 people) telling all non-essential people to go home, as well as get money from the bank. This is a large communications company saying this.
I also remember some obnoxious customers friend say something to the effect of “they still got that shit on the radio.” It takes all kinds. I walked away and let someone else help the cust, otherwise I was going to pop her friend.
I remember how relieved I was that my Mother had not been in the City that day. She goes in there quite often to get flowers for weddings, and, from what I understand, she gets them down on the lower east side. I remember a friend of mine, who was working at the Pentagon, who sent out an email saying he was all right, and that a plane hit the Pentagon. This was a day later, on the 12th. He had spent the time doing what he could at the scene.
It’s not much of a story. But the images are burned in to my soul. I spent the time with friends and coworkers, stunned, horrified, and incensed. And, like many, I vowed to not only never forget, but always remember.
God Rest the Souls of those folks lost on that day.