Daily Archives: September 19, 2014

Salon Provides Ultimate Guide To Saving The World From Hotcoldwetdry

And when I say “ultimate” and “Hotcoldwetdry”, I mean it. Ultimate guide to saving the world: What we need to do (and do right now) Hot. Cold. Wet. Dry. ” Climate change causes everything! Anyhow, here’s what Salon’s Lindsay Abrams suggests Warmists need to demand to stop heavy winter snow Leave fossil fuels in the […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful carbon friendly bicycle which Everyone Else should be forced to use, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Jammie Wearing Fools, with a post noting the DOJ has found no evidence against Chris Christie regarding Bridgegate.

UK Guardian: Kids Should Be Brainwashed About Climate Change At School

The UK Guardian really, really, really wants “climate change” to be taught in schools, because no schools apparently do this at all now It’s time to teach climate change in school. Here’s how We need to give our kids the tools to observe and understand the effects of a changing climate – for their future […]

9 Circuit Court Of Appeals: It’s A-OK For Schools To Restrict The American Flag So As Not To Offend

But of course. Can’t have legal American citizens waving and wearing the American flag and Offending Mexicans waving and wearing the Mexican flag on Cinco De Mayo, a mostly made up holiday celebrated in one tiny Mexican province, and only celebrated here in the U.S. in order to get drunk (Daily Caller) It’s official: the […]

Obamacare Final Enrollment Number: 7.3 Million

Which has Politico’s Jennifer Haberkorn jumping up and down while clapping her hands like a giddy schoolgirl in a 1960’s sitcom 7.3 million in Obamacare plans, beats CBO forecast The administration’s announcement that 7.3 million people are now enrolled in health insurance plans on the Obamacare exchanges immediately ignited a new round of arguments about […]

Pirate's Cove