Search Results for: naomi klein

Warmists: Non-Voluntary Investments Required To Solve Hotcoldwetdry Conundrum

Another day, another demand by the Cult of Climastrology. Remember, these are people who somehow believe that mandating companies comply and join in on carbon credit and tax and cap schemes run by government as “free market principles”. Now we see, as written by Mika Anttone, Founder and Chair of Finnish energy company St1 (I […]

Paris Climate Summit Can Totally Bring About Peace Or Something

Warmist have long attempted to link ‘climate change’ and Everyone Else’s use of fossil fuels to just about every real world issue one can think of, be it the environment, economy, poverty, etc. Oh, and terrorism. As Marc Morano told the Washington Times “They are desperately trying to link ‘global warming’ to terrorism or come […]

Surprise: Another Warmist Calls For Changing The Whole Economic System

But don’t say that this is a political movement, because this is totally about “science”! Here’s Warmist Prof. Alice Bows-Larkin (video here) (via Climate Depot) So that poses very significant challenges for wealthy nations. Because according to our research, if you’re in a country where per capita emissions are really high — so North America, Europe, Australia —emissions […]

Warmists Super Enthused By GOP Megadonor Who Believes In ‘Climate Change’

While belief in anthropogenic global warming, natch, ‘climate change’, is primarily a Left wing belief, their are certainly a few Republicans who believe that the current Holocene warm period, or at least parts of it (depends on the argument of the day) is mostly/solely caused by Mankind. Folks like Lindsay Graham, Jon Huntsman, Chris Christie, […]

Salon: Catholics Reject Pope On Hotcoldwetdry As They Now Worship The Free Economy

Funny, cause Warmists reject the Pope because he doesn’t support abortion on demand, which was also mentioned in the same position paper in which Pope Francis yammered on about “climate change”. The same one which also told people they essentially needed to give up fossil fuels and go carbon neutral, otherwise they were immoral. Why […]

Hotcoldwetdry Is Like A “Civilisational Wake-Up Call” Or Something

Doom (The Platform) Climate change is changing everything and time is not on our side Today, carbon dioxide molecules make up approximately 400 parts per million. This notorious greenhouse gas is one of the most significant contributors to climate change. Merely 160 years ago, carbon dioxide molecules made up just 250 parts per million. The […]

Say, “What Evidence Would Persuade You That Man-Made Climate Change Is Real?”

This should make Warmists happy: an actual Republican voter (supposedly, being that the writer, Ronald Bailey, is a Libertarian) who joined their Cult Of Climastrology, and writes at the always squishy hotbed of libertarianism known as Reason What Evidence Would Persuade You That Man-Made Climate Change Is Real? First, call it “anthropogenic global warming” again, […]

We Must Totally Reclaim “Climate Change” Debate From Alarmists And Deniers Or Something

Obviously, all you Alarmists and Deniers are causing great stress to the debate, so there is a great need to get the debate back on track to…a total belief in anthropogenic Hotcoldwetdry. Here’s Mark Lynas at the UK Guardian (which has totally gone all in on being the Official Paper Of Record for the Cult […]

Bolivian President Blames Capitalism For “Climate Change”

Many scoff when I and other Skeptics say “climate change” is primarily a political movement based on far left ideology, an ideology that despises capitalism (all while buying lots of stuff for themselves). A few Warmists have been honest, ones like Naomi Klein, who says specifically that capitalism must be destroyed to save Gaia from […]

Surprise: Climate Change Is Really About Inequality

I’ve said time and time again that “climate change” is really just part of the vast Progressive (nice fascist) movement,  using a supposed scientific issue as cover to push their Big Government policies of control and taxation. Here’s more evidence To address climate change, we need to start with global inequality Issues of First Nations […]

Pirate's Cove