Category Archives: Election Fraud

Democrats Upset Over GOP Plans To Tighten Voting Laws

Obviously, any attempts to reduce voting fraud would handicap Democrats Democrats and Republicans are clashing in state capitals across the country as GOP-controlled legislatures push proposals to tighten voting requirements — a move prominent critics have decried as a throwback to Jim Crow laws. The proposals include measures in nearly three-dozen states to either require […]

Apparently, The GOP Is “Rigging The 2012 Election”

In Liberal World, requiring people to actually show proof that they are themselves is mean and bad and evil and rigging the 2012 election, according to the Washington Post’s E.J. Dionne An attack on the right to vote is underway across the country through laws designed to make it more difficult to cast a ballot. […]

32 States Look To Require ID To Vote In 2012

Add the obvious tag for liberals having a problem with this If some GOP lawmakers get their way, it could be a whole lot tougher for people across the country to cast a ballot in the upcoming 2012 presidential election. If by “tougher”, they mean people having to actually show ID, something that most people […]

Stage 6 Alert! Requiring ID To Vote In NC Is A “Distraction”

Remember back in the day when Democrats screamed about voting fraud? Of course, that tends to be when they lose elections. But, of course, they are typically against one of the best methods to reduce voter fraud, namely, requiring people to show state issued IDs. Something that most adults in society need, for things like […]

Voter Fraud Allegations Continue In North Carolina

Via Confederate Yankee, we find out In the North Carolina early voting, a growing number of Republican and Democrat voters reported that when they voted a straight Republican ticket, their votes were flipped to Democrat in North Carolina in numerous precincts by a default setting that came up and flipped the ballot to straight Democrat […]

Apparently, Watching To Make Sure There’s Reduced Voter Fraud Is Bad…

When it is conservative groups doing it, that is There are always concerns about voter fraud on Election Day, but this year many new groups are popping up to keep an eye on the polls. That, in turn, has some people worried that legitimate voters will be intimidated and discouraged from voting. Along with all […]

Voting Rights Chief In Black Panthers Case Transferred Out Of D.C.

I’m sure the transfer was just routine, and had nothing to do with the case, and this was not about retaliation, right? Right? RIGHT? The veteran Justice Department voting rights section chief who recommended going forward on a civil complaint against members of the New Black Panther Party after they disrupted a Pennsylvania polling place […]

Obama DOJ Tells Lawyers In New Black Panther Case To Not Cooperate

Hmmmm, just imagine George Bush was still president. How would this kind of news be received? Would it be splashed all over the leading U.S. papers, rather than pretty much in a sole outlet, the Washington Times? In fact, it seems that the Washington Times is the only one that is even following the story, […]

Obama DOJ Hearts Illegal Alien Voters

They have no problem dismissing the case against the New Black Panthers when they were violently intimidating voters, but, if you are an illegal? Sure, go ahead, vote The Department of Justice has for the second time rejected Georgia’s system of using Social Security numbers and driver’s license data to check whether prospective voters are […]

Hilarious. FEC Goes After Palin, Still Ignoring Obama

Just more proof that the powers that be are scared of Palin, and beholden to left wing causes Former Gov. Sarah Palin’s political action committee gave excessive contributions to two well-known Republicans and also is facing demands from the federal government for more detailed financial information on a number of fronts. The deficiencies are highlighted […]

Pirate's Cove