Warmist Bill Gates Looks To Come After Agriculture

Who is Bill Gates? Well, he’s a super rich guy who Lefties usually hate because he’s rich, but, he uses Righthink when it comes to issues like Hotcoldwetdry. He is one of the biggest climahypocrites on the planet, living the high life, owns big fossil fueled jets, has massive homes, etc. But, this issue is, as I’ve been saying since the early 2000’s, about government control of everything

Bill Gates speaks out on major overlooked contributor to Earth’s overheating: ‘The one that people are probably least aware of’

There are a number of contributors to global heating that many of us could likely list without much trouble. Chemical waste, vehicle pollution, single-use plastics, and deforestation are among the most well known.

However, while discussing the subject on his podcast, “Unconfuse Me,” Bill Gates suggested not many people are aware of one of the most significant contributors.

The Microsoft co-founder and now billionaire philanthropist noted that agriculture plays a huge part in terms of harmful gas pollution.

“Of all the climate areas, the one that people are probably least aware of is all the fertilizer and cows, and that’s a challenge,” Gates said, as reported by CNBC. (snip)

With nearly 144 billion pounds (72 million tons) of beef and buffalo meat eaten worldwide in 2018, per The World Counts, it’s clear the need for cows is vital for the global food supply chain — and that moving away from meat would provide huge environmental benefits. The number of cows in the world is high because of demand for meat and dairy, rather than what cow populations would be without human intervention.

So, meat is necessary but meat is Evil

As CNBC noted, Gates is an investor in several plant-based food companies, and he said on his podcast that his primary reason for doing so was to come up with a climate-friendly alternative to meat.

Gates has at least some experience when it comes to farmland, too. In recent years, he has invested in American farmland, and he revealed on a Reddit “ask me anything” post, as summarized on Yahoo, that he has done so to make it more productive and to provide jobs.

Just because he bought those companies and farmland (to make money) doesn’t mean he knows agriculture

And when it comes to climate science, he also knows a thing or two on that subject, writing the 2021 book, “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster.” In it, he recommends switching to electric cars and furthering research into synthetic meat, per CNBC.

Has he switched to an EV? Not necessarily, but, he did buy a Porsche Taycan in 2020, with a starting price of $150K. We can all afford that, right? At the end of the day, Bill wants government to control agriculture. Doing that has created massive protests in Europe.

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One Response to “Warmist Bill Gates Looks To Come After Agriculture”

  1. Carlos the Jackal says:

    I’d be willing to bet Bill’s fortune that there’s a Tomahawk Ribeye sizzling on his plate whenever and however he wants it.
    I hate people who think their $$$ makes them better than anyone else, especially when they first started their business by stealing from someone else.

Pirate's Cove