I wonder how all those striking Hollywood writers feel about Biden blowing them off
Biden to join the picket line in UAW strike
President Joe Biden will travel to Michigan to join the picket line of auto workers on strike nationwide, he said on Friday afternoon.
“Tuesday, I’ll go to Michigan to join the picket line and stand in solidarity with the men and women of UAW as they fight for a fair share of the value they helped create,” Biden wrote on X, the platform previously known as Twitter.
Here’s the question: does Joe know this? Because you know he did not write the tweet. Someone on his staff did, and was certainly directed by Joe’s handlers. Joe may be surprised as all heck come Tuesday.
His decision to stand alongside the striking workers represents perhaps the most significant display of union solidarity ever by a sitting president. Biden’s announcement comes a week after he expressed solidarity with the UAW and said he “understand[s] the workers’ frustration.”
The announcement of his trip was seen as a seismic moment within certain segments of the labor community. “Pretty hard-core,” said one union adviser, who spoke anonymously because they were not authorized to speak publicly.
The president’s plans come as some Democrats have begun to question his response to the strike, recognizing that he needs the full backing of union workers in his presidential reelection bid.
Let’s not forget that part of the strike is due to Biden’s economic mismanagement with inflation and his push for EVs, eroding wages and being a need for fewer workers to make the EVs.
Former President Donald Trump also has plans to visit Michigan next week. Despite backlash from Fain, the leading candidate in the Republican presidential primary will visit current and former workers next Wednesday — the same day his competitors in the field take the debate stage in California. A person familiar with Trump’s plans said that he is “unlikely to go to the picket line” but that such a stop “has not been ruled in or out.”
Jason Miller, a spokesperson for Trump, criticized Biden’s decision to go to Detroit in his own post on X.
“The only reason Biden is going to Michigan on Tuesday is because President Trump announced he is going on Wednesday,” Miller wrote.
This should be interesting.

Auto workers are not stupid.
They understand the connection between Biden’s push for EV’s at the behest of the Left’s stupid love for them and auto manufacturers plans to fire 40-50% of them.
Such an intellectual conflict here for our poor Teach?
Should he support the commie unions? Or his beloved capitalist elites which own that means of production.
I do remember when Obama saved GM from bankruptcy. Teach of course prophesied that GM would fail
Another failed prognostication, like last years “thousands of Germans will freeze this winter because of Biden!!”.
You do realize that the unions are associations of individual Americans band together to get higher wages and benefits. But do you also realize that does beloved capitalist elites of which you speak are millions of American citizens who own stock in these companies and rely on that for their retirement income. So what do you think? With you leftists everything is one team against another team to crush them. And your team is always 100% right and the opposing team is always 100% wrong and there’s never any spot in the middle for rational thought because when a person like you was involved a partisan brainwashed idiot there is no compromise.
And just for your own edification Obama did not say GM from bankruptcy. The American people gave GM a loan we save GM from bankruptcy. Obama didn’t use one cent of his own money. He used ours. As usual the commie bastard used other people’s money.
You might not realize it but this winter hasn’t arrived yet let’s see how Germany fares.
Are you finally ready to admit you’re a communist? Are you gonna keep hiding under that Democrat label?
Dear H:
“Should he support the commie unions?”
An enemy of my enemy is my friend.