It’s not bad enough that all these migrant/illegal alien children are going to be taking up lots and lots of resources meant for legal U.S. children, they’re not required to take all the vaccinations required
Staten Island officials say they’re concerned about unvaccinated asylum seekers in schools
As New York City public schools begin this week, thousands of migrant children seeking asylum will be attending classes.
These students won’t be facing the same vaccination requirements as the Department of Education works to speed up their entry into the classroom.
Staten Island Borough President Vito Fossella worries that could place the health of the other children at risk. Fossella says that although the policy exception is in place to make life and entry into the school system easier for migrants, it is risky and hypocritical.
Fossella led a group Saturday who opposes this exception to school vaccination rules, saying it’s a problematic double standard.
“We think that if you’re going to impose a standard on ordinary citizens, that same standard should be imposed on individuals who come from 120 different countries and want to show up on day one for school,” Fossella said.
We aren’t discussing COVID vaccination, though, that might be required too
(Fox5) The Department of Education said this week, students in temporary housing do not need to show proof of vaccination but have 30 days to get inoculated. The department is assisting, connecting migrant families with hospitals and deploying mobile clinics.
Will they actually get the required shots? Many of those protocols, like for Polio, are started years before they start in school. Things like measles, mumps, diphtheria, Hepatitis B, chicken pox, and others. The NY Dept of Health is saying that they are subject to the same requirements, but, that doesn’t look to be happening, so, the citizen children will be exposed to all sorts of diseases from the 20,000 or so “migrant” children. But, hey, this is what the people in NYC voted for…well, technically, they voted for this to happen Somewhere Else, not their own city.

Well, we already know that the defining characteristic of the illegal alien community is their willingness to ignore inconvenient laws. And the defining characteristic of the 4-tiered justice system is that some groups will never be prosecuted for anything. “above the law”.
Tell me that mandatory vaccinations are not about protecting other people without saying that vaccinations are not about protecting other people.