This is a strange way to hold impeachment hearings, particularly after all the facts on Biden’s crimes
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy made clear to Breitbart News on Friday that if House Republicans move forward with an impeachment inquiry into Democrat President Joe Biden, the move would come not as an announcement from him or anyone else, but from a formal vote on the floor of the House.
“To open an impeachment inquiry is a serious matter, and House Republicans would not take it lightly or use it for political purposes. The American people deserve to be heard on this matter through their elected representatives,” McCarthy told Breitbart News. “That’s why, if we move forward with an impeachment inquiry, it would occur through a vote on the floor of the People’s House and not through a declaration by one person.”
Doing so would require a majority—at least 218 votes, assuming the House is at full attendance for such a vote—of members of the House to vote for such a move. While opening a formal impeachment inquiry is not a vote to impeach the president, it is a massive escalation by the lower chamber of Congress towards doing so—and it would also provide the House with extraordinary new investigative and law enforcement powers in terms of compelling testimony, enforcing subpoenas, and digging into Biden’s behavior and the culture of corruption surrounding the president.
I suspect McCarthy is expecting one of two things, based on his insider information: there are enough Republicans to open the impeachment inquiry, or there aren’t. The GOP controls the House with 222 members. They could only afford to lose 4, because you know there will be zero Democrats voting for an impeachment hearing. McCarthy is either trying to force the squishes to pony up and vote to open the impeachment inquiry, or, knows that the GOP won’t get there, and this way the issue is done. Over. Dead. The question now is “which way does McCarthy want to go?”
McCarthy’s statement here is significant in multiple respects. First, the speaker has been taking steps towards building up to an impeachment inquiry in the fall—previewing such a move before and during the August recess in interviews and public remarks. Continued revelations through a variety of avenues—from the House Oversight Committee and House Judiciary Committee to federal courts, including, especially, the collapsed plea agreement between the president’s son, Hunter Biden, and the Justice Department and more—have also increased the likelihood of the House moving in such a direction. This latest statement from the speaker makes clear that an impeachment inquiry is on his mind and that the House is seriously considering such a move.
Well, let’s hope so. Biden is beyond shady, and was selling access to foreign citizens and companies. Will the GOP have the cajones to do Politics? If the situation was reversed, Democrats would already have held two or three impeachment hearings and final votes.

Be careful of what you wish for
Do you think the majority of Americans eNt Biden to be impeached?
Look what happened when you “won” the abortion issue.
So far there has been zero actual evidence of Joe Biden receiving any money.
The money going to his son, that is not impeachable. And burisma owned by Putins Russian friends? They got nothing but a war that they are losing. You may have stopped calling him “China Joe” but look what he has done to them. American imports down by 25% (under Trump we were best customer) US Navy sailing right up their ass, China is going apart. Biden has stopped all sales from all high and medium chips to China. And they can’t make them. American companies pulling out of China and coming back.
Like the Clintons Joe Biden is not motivated by acquisition. He never wanted to own yachts, or jets, or fancy cars or homes. After 80byears he bought a beach house with a mortgage. It cost 2.7 mil.
Best evidence against him comes from shady Russians saying some other guy told me Joe was taking money.
It is like the “rigged” election, again no evidence. Last Tuesday on the ultra right wing Laura Ingraham show when some Buffon said the election was rigged she said I haven’t seen any evidence that it ess rigged. If anyone does have any evidence please send it to me”
If you have any, Tech, help her out and send it in.
Remember the chorus of the voting machines from Dominion were hacked? How did that turn out?
Anything’s an impeachable offense if it’s a high crime or misdemeanor. You guys on the left constantly prove that the constitution is a moving target it is whatever the hell we say it is.
As far as abortion goes H, the object wasn’t to stop abortion the object was to get a bad law off the books. You guys always missed the point and conflate everything. It would be wonderful if there were no abortions. I know it would ruin your life not killing babies hurt you very much but I still say it would be wonderful if there were no abortions. However that wasn’t the object of repealing Roe versus wade. Roe V wade was bad law you know it and we know it. It was the bastardization of constitutional law and it needed to be repealed because in reality abortion is states rights. And it’s also states responsibilities. And the people of those states should democratically determine what they want their laws to be. You keep screaming about our democracy well here’s our democracy quit bitching about it.
You are telling half of America basically to go fuck themselves you’re stealing an election and we can’t do anything about it. that doesn’t make for a healthy country and I do hope we get to the point where people who believe that will understand that we are your fellow countrymen and we deserve the right to be heard.
To refer to your request about sending in evidence, that would require you to allow us to take the case the court so far you’ve blocked this everywhere. If we’re not allowed to have a fair hearing we cannot have a fair election.
We understand that you Democrats have an innate desire to murder every unborn baby on earth. We don’t know why but you do. We on the other hand wanna save every baby on the earth. A much more noble goal but nonetheless impossible to attain. Somewhere in the middle is where we have to settle it just seems that you guys are unwilling to settle anywhere that does not include abortion up until the third trimester after delivery.
Commenter: the object wasn’t to stop abortion the object was to get a bad law off the books
That smells like bullshit. Red state after red state immediately sought to end abortions. Now, national Repubs are discussing a federal ban on abortion, disguised as a 6 week limit. Other Repubs are discussing ways to force CA, NY, IL and other blue states to limit abortions. The object was and is to ban abortions. Roe v Wade was a SCOTUS ruling, not a law. SCROTUS reversed a 50 year old ruling. The entire states rights argument was a ruse and we all knew it. It has not been pretty for Republicans.
Should states such as MO, IA, KY, TN, IN, AR, WI, OH try to stop/discourage their citizens from traveling to IL for an abortion?
Commenter: You are telling half of America basically to go fuck themselves you’re stealing an election and we can’t do anything about it
As a nation of laws we have procedures for elections. Elections are the responsibility of individual states. Each state has procedures for securing their elections. Close elections have mandated recounts. Sometimes multiple recounts. Campaigns can challenge the results in the courts. Mr Biden won the purple states of GA, PA, AZ, WI and MI and received nearly 8 million more votes than Mr Trump. Each one of the contested states had recounts. Every contested state is controlled by a Republican legislature!! Not one serious accusation (Dominion machines switching votes, GA officials adding Biden votes on flash drives, AZ using Chinese bamboo ballots, Italian this, German that etc) has held up.
We understand how frustrated far-right extremists (the GOP, for short) are that they lost. If an unrestrained, unfettered Trump had just 4 more years, he could have created a MAGAt paradise (conservative, caucasian, christian, unwoke, straight dominated nation). But. He lost. MAGAts ascribed superhuman powers to Fat Donnie , powers so huge, how could he lose except by subterfuge. You can’t admit that more Americans dislike Fat Donnie than like him.
Commenter, either dishonestly or ignorantly typed: Somewhere in the middle is where we have to settle it just seems that you guys are unwilling to settle anywhere that does not include abortion up until the third trimester after delivery
That’s just untrue. 99% of all abortions occur by the 24th week of gestation. 90% occur by the 13th week! Even the perverted, murderous states like NY, CA and IL restrict abortions after viability (around 24 wks, aka 6 mos). Late term abortions are rare and nearly always to protect the life of the woman.
It’s the red state connies who are refusing to compromise. If males don’t like abortions they need to learn to keep their dicks in their pants.
Teach said: If the situation was reversed, Democrats would already have held two or three impeachment hearings and final votes.
Huh. President Trump was impeached twice, once for a “perfect” telephone call with Ukraine President Zelensky where he wanted to trade defense appropriations for “political dirt” on his opponent, Joe Biden. The second time was for conspiring to overturn the results of the 2020 election including another “perfect” telephone call, this time to GA Sec of State Brad Raffensperger where President Trump asked for exactly the number of votes he needed to win the state. Trump deserved impeachment both times and should be disqualified from running agin.
William Jefferson Clinton was impeached in 1998 for lying under oath (about sex with an intern) and obstruction of justice. The Starr Report from Independent Counsel Ken Starr presented in shocking detail President Clinton’s liaisons with the intern. Clinton was acquitted of both charges with neither charge garnering over 50 votes (67 needed to convict). That said, a CEO of a company who sexed-up even a consenting intern would be chastised if not fired by the board. The power differential makes the idea of consent shaky. Clinton showed obscenely poor judgement and deserved the impeachment. Banging the help is a power move. But these impeachments are always partisan and Clinton was popular and effective.
President Trump received 57 guilty votes on his 2nd impeachment trial.
This is what we do now as a nation. We impeach with little chance to convict.
President Biden will be impeached because the far-right wants it. He will not be convicted unless new “evidence” is found. There MAY be a few House Repubs thinking clearly who will vote no on impeachment but the “killer kult” will try to primary them.
Dear Elwood:
What we now have is the abortion issue moved back to where it always belonged. There is no “right to privacy” in the 14th or in the Constitution. The 10th gives the states the right to pass laws. So some states will favor late term abortion, others will not with political make of the state reflect the results. The Left’s claims:
“In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decided that the right to privacy implied in the 14th Amendment protected abortion as a fundamental right.”
What the 14th says: “….. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws…..”
Taking the life of another person, the unborn, is not implied. In fact, it can be seen that the unborn is protected….. “nor shall any State deprive any person of life…”
So you oppose any suggestion that Congress pass a law banning abortion? Good.
Should America pass a Personhood Amendment stating that zygotes, embryos and fetuses are Persons with all rights and responsibilities of a US citizen?
It looks as if the states of Alaska, Colorado, New Mexico, Vermont, New Hampshire and New Jersey permit unrestricted abortions in the 3rd trimester. But of course it’s their right to enact their own laws.
Dear Elwood:
You are slow.
Congress should do nothing. The states should decide.
Gotta love this one-“the entire states rights argument was a ruse and we all know it…”
No, the entire “abortion is a right” was a ruse and we all know it. Gee, which one came first?