So, here’s a question: without fossil fuels, how does the state of Hawaii survive? The biggest segment of their economy is tourism, over 21% of their GDP. Without tourism, all those people working for hotels, motels, restaurants, whale watching, etc and so on, are out of a job. Where do the TVs, washers and dryers, computers, building supplies, and so much more come from? None of them are coming on sailing ships. How do all the smartphones for the kiddies get to Hawaii? How about huge amounts of food, since only so much is grown on the island. Forget helicopter trips to see the volcanoes. Motorized boats to fish.
Kids pack courtroom to support youth climate change lawsuit against Transportation Department
Dozens of children packed an Oahu courtroom Thursday to support an out-of-the-box climate change lawsuit against the state.
It’s one of dozens of similar lawsuits across the country, but it’s the only that names a transportation agency.
There are 14 plaintiffs, ages 8 to 19, who are suing the state Department of Transportation for what they call a climate emergency. They say the state isn’t doing enough to reduce carbon emissions and that’s a violation of their constitutional rights.
“Right now the transportation sector is already responsible for a majority of the state’s greenhouse gas emissions and these emissions are going up not down,” said Leinaala Ley, Earthjustice attorney.
How many of them take school buses, or have mom and dad drop them off? How many of them have reduced their own footprints?
The state wants the case dismissed and a judge heard arguments on both sides.
The state’s attorneys argued the complaints are vague and that policy issues over climate change should be handled by lawmakers not the courts.
Should have asked the kids what they’ve done in their own lives? Also, what did they travel in to attend the hearing?
Circuit Court Judge Jeffrey Crabtree told the youth plaintiffs that he admired their advocacy, but he doesn’t know how he’ll rule and he didn’t set a date for a ruling.
“Sometimes the environment wins in this courtroom and sometimes it loses,” he said.
The judge should have asked the same questions. They’re going to lose this.

Buy local. Sustainable tourism. Only people who live in Hawaii should vacation in Hawaii.
The same way we all would, become hunter/gatherers with 38 year lifespans.
Hawaii is literally built by volcanoes and these kids think the transportation sector is the majority source of greenhouse emissions?!?! That’s too funny ????.
wait.. he didn’t know how he’ll rule? Easy. Laugh them out of the court room and make them pay for wasting the court’s time.