How dare you!
US flood maps outdated thanks to climate change, Fema director says
Flood maps used by the federal government are outdated, the director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or Fema, said on Sunday, considering a series of devastating floods caused by excessive rainfall induced by climate change.
Deanne Criswell told CNN’s State of the Union: “The part that’s really difficult right now is the fact that our flood maps don’t take into account excessive rain that comes in. And we are seeing these record rainfalls that are happening.”
Criswell was questioned about the situation in Jackson, Mississippi, where city water facilities failed in the aftermath of heavy flooding on the Pearl River, leaving residents without drinkable or usable water.
On Sunday, thunderstorms and heavy rain pounded parts of north-west Georgia, sparking flash floods. Local news reports showed roads under water and homeowners struggling. (snip)
Criswell said Fema would work with local jurisdictions “to help them better identify what their needs are and help them create better predictive models, because we have to start thinking about what the threats are going to be in the future as a result of climate change, so they can put the mitigation measures in place”.
Well, he could be correct, but, not because of climate crisis doom. Land use changes. Areas are paved over, others are stripped of all their trees for homes and business buildings, which changes what happens with the water from rains, turning areas that usually wouldn’t flood into ones that will. Or direct all that water downstream.
A 2020 study of flood risks by the nonprofit First Street Foundation that analyzed every property in the 48 contiguous US states found federal maps underestimated by 67% the number of homes and businesses in significant danger.
Doesn’t mean it’s due to Hotcoldwetdry. But, the cult has to fearmonger always.

If you can believe that man is simultaneously driving the climate engine with a gas measured in the parts per million, but have NO effect on rainwater flow…
You might just be a liberal.
The Earth has always flooded, e.g., forty days/forty nights. There were no SUVs in the Bible.
This is the flooding expected in a typical Holocene warm period like the Roman, Minoan and Medieval warm periods.
There is no proof that flooding is worse now.
All the flooding happens in Democrat controlled cities where Doomacrats paved parks and chopped down trees.
DoomacRATs build levees around their elite cities forcing their floods on real Americans in real America.
Bwaha! Lolgf