Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot seems a bit upset over the continued busing, but, not much over something like
Chicago shootings: 46 shot, 7 fatally in Labor Day weekend violence across city, police say
Just another weekend in the Democratic Party run city of Chicago
Mayor Lori Lightfoot lashes out at Texas Gov. Abbott after 50 more migrants are bussed to Chicago
More migrants arrived in Chicago from Texas on Sunday and Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot once again slammed Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, saying he is using them as human pawns.
The migrants arrived in the Windy City after Abbott sent two buses carrying migrants to Chicago last week. Abbott said he will continue to bus migrants to sanctuary cities until the federal government secures the southern border.
Lightfoot said that while she welcomes new residents, she has a problem with Abbott bussing the migrants to her city.
“My frustration comes from the actions of the governor of Texas,” she said at a press conference. “There could be a level of coordination and cooperation, but he chooses to do none of those things. Instead, he chooses to send human beings across the country to an uncertain destination. That’s unacceptable.”
You mean like how the Biden administration is sending border crossers all over the country on a constant basis, often on flights in the dead of night to cities that have zero choice and often do not know they’re there? Using groups that provide clandestine services to the CIA and NSA, who then use buses with the company names covered up?
“He is manufacturing a human crisis and it makes no sense to me,” Lightfoot said.
Right, right, it wasn’t Democrats who created the conditions where hundreds of thousands of people, not all of them from Central and South America, trek to the U.S. southern border to demand asylum (of which less than 10% will qualify), and the Biden admin has mostly left the border wide open. Many of them have criminal records, and U.S. law is rather explicit about denying them entry, per Title 8 Section 1325. If Democrats do not like having the illegals bused, well, they should work to secure the border. They should back the remain in Mexico policy. They should stop telling the migrants to show up.
There’s a very silly story also at Fox News about a rise in the thefts of Kias and Hyundais from a TikTok challenge, where states are suing the car manufacturers, rather than TikTok for allowing a “challenge” that is a telling kids to perform felonies. It includes this
Illinois authorities recently reported a 767% increase in Hyundai and Kia vehicle thefts in the Chicago area since the beginning of July compared to last year.
“Vehicle theft is up an astounding 767% due to an emerging TikTok challenge,” the Chicago Police Department’s 15th District said in an Aug. 24 community advisory. “This challenge is a play by play [sic] for young adults on how to steal both Hyundai and Kia vehicles. These automobile thefts are a crime of opportunity and can affect just about any member of the community.”
Where’s Lightfoot on these thefts?

We sat here this Labor Day weekend listening to the melodic sounds of gunfire from across the Delaware. You know, Philly where owning a gun is highly restricted. Same as here in scenic Camden. The dead, the wounded, the bleeding, the crippled all because of democrat administrations for 70 years. They are murdering my black brothers and sisters. And they are replacing the whites and us with Mexicans and south Americans. Yet they still want us to vote for them and sadly most of the dummies do.
Slam away, bitch.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Only seven killed in the Windy City? Shoot, Philadelphia’s got that beat with at least eight, and I’ve heard ten, though I haven’t seen the documentation on ten.
Why would it be a “manufactured human crisis” to ship the illegals out of a place that doesn’t want them to a sanctuary city which apparently does?
And in related news, DEA reveals that northern distribution of fentanyl correlates with Abbott’s bus trips.
How much are the cartels paying Abbott for distribution?
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
Correlates, huh?
Well, it ought to be simple: if the DEA believe that the buses are actually being used to transport the late George Floyd’s drug of choice, they can meet the buses when they arrive, and immediately set the drug-sniffing dogs to searching the thing. If drugs are found, they can arrest everyone on the bus, charge them with distribution, and lock them up. Then, after their sentences are complete, ship them back south of the border.
While it’s understandable that cons would blame asylum seekers, it’s clear Gov Abbott is running drugs out of Mexico just like Gov Clinton was flying them into Mena AR.
Abbott’s confederates load the contraband onto buses (who’s going to inspect the Gov’s bus!) and ship it to DC, NY, Chicago where they are distributed by locals.
It’s perfect.
As stated before and as he continually proves…
plus he lies a lot.

Bwaha! Lolgf
In a related Note, the governor of Alaska revealed yesterday that shipments of Fentanyl have increased manyfold over the last two years in his state which is removed by thousands of miles from the Mexican border and separated by an ocean and Canada.
Fentanyl comes from China. Period. It might be made by drug cartels in Mexico but the raw materials needed in such huge quantities comes from CHINA for a single purpose. To destroy the United States.
Shipments going to Alaska no doubt could be traced directly to labs in China.
On the Home Front. The ATF is now putting people in prison for something called RTLs or Rapid Trigger Releases which they claim makes a gun a machine gun.
So if you own an RTL you are facing 10 years in prison despite no new laws written by congress to define what is a Machinegun. RTLs just simply allow you to pull the trigger faster. They do not fire more than one bullet per trigger pull.
The ATF on its own decided to reinterpret the machine gun law and you are now facing 10 years in prison if you have purchased one of these. They set up stings in fact where they sell them online and then show up at your door without a warrant wanting your RTL back and informing you that you are now on a WATCH LIST. Dozens of videos of this online showing them doing this and the conversation with ATF who arrive warrantless because they know that getting a warrant would probably be impossible.
The ATF is sending out letters advising you to contact them and to turn over your 500-dollar RTL. They then show up at your house after you rat on yourself and arrest you. Even though when you bought this RTL it was LEGAL they are now interpreted as Illegal by the ATF despite no new law being written.
An Attorney would advise you not to respond to the letter. At all. Period. Do not tattle on yourself. Secondly, you should dis-possess the item as in destroying it and then taking either a video of you destroying and disposing of it or taking photos of this action. Do not show anyone these photos and do not notify the police of your action. You have not broken any law. You have simply violated a policy implemented by the ATF that will not stand constitutional muster in the long run but you have to ask yourself if you are willing to spend 4-5-6 years in prison for your position until it is litigated.
Secondly do not invite them into your home without a warrant. Knock and talks are designed to get you to love the police or the ATF. They are not your friend. Never believe a policeman is your friend if they are on your property snooping for something that might get you in trouble unless you have called them to come to do so.
If you do, you have consented for them to enter your home or garage or property, then you have consented to allow them to find anything that can get you in further trouble with the law. Without your permission, they cannot look in your windows or your garage unless they believe they are in imminent danger or someone on your property is in imminent danger. They cannot be ON your property and take pictures of your property in a meet and greet or knock and talk episode.
If they have a warrant do not fight it. As you saw with Trump you will lose. If they ask YOU to open your gun safe. Do not. They will, if it is in the warrant, destroy your safe in search for the RTL and you will not be reimbursed but if their actions are deemed unconstitutional in a court of law any jury would say that IF you opened the safe for them then anything found in the safe was procured from you with your permission.
By refusing to open any drawer, locked box, or SAFE you will lose in a court of law almost automatically. If you refuse they can still break it open if they have a warrant but in a future trial, you can use that against them as opposed to the jury using it against you if you allow them access to locked items.
As a gun owner, it is important for you to keep up with what is transpiring with the ATF. Something you bought legally and think is legal may not be if you do not keep up. Concealed carry insurance is a good thing to have if you own firearms and may need to use them one day to defend your property. There are many. I use USCCA. Mine is expensive but it offers the most protection and will hire you outstanding 2A attorneys to defend you rather than some drunk, Public defender who only cares about his next fentanyl fix. J/K but you get the drift.
TL:DR Do your own research on what I just suggested as it is not intended to be bonafide legal advice, just repeating what I have been told by Attorneys over the last several months.
As of Aug 7 1400 have been bused to Chsrlotte NC Any comment on that Teach? CNBC Charlotte.reports.
I think it is great that TX is providing free transportation for our new immigrants. Even if TX is paying close to 2000 dollars for each. I think more would sign up if he just gave them gift cards of the same value or sent them by plane.
It’s worth twice that to get the filthy disease ridden criminals out of Texas. Besides, they’re taking the cash out of the Climate funds. LOL.
Let’s see 1400 bussed to Chsrlotte NC but 5 million crossed into Texas and Arizona this year. Sounds like we need to ship more monkeypox to NC. I vote to send them to OR.
Gustavo Arnal the CFO of Bed Bath and Beyond leapt to his death from his multi million dollar apartment in the posh Jenga Tower in Lower Manhattan. He was facing a $1.2 billion lawsuit for insider trading.
Arnal was a huge contributor to the DNC and a typical Trump hater. In fact he discontinued carrying any products from My Pillow because the founder supported Trump. That move alone cost his company bigly.
He did the honorable thing (for a communist/capitalist) when caught with his hypocritical hand in the cookie jar and committed suicide. I’ve suggested before that more democommunists do the same.
Hillary was not present at the time and could not be reached for comment because she was at a “kill your embryo” fundraiser having heard the slaughter of the unborn had slowed down for summer.
It’s good to see these commie pigs offing themselves. Saves ammo.
Suicide is not typical for such things. Typical is paying off your democratic party friends in the government and making yourself “above the law” like they are.
Still no prosecutions for the epstein client list.
Still no prosecutions for Clinton’s decades of corruption.
Still no prosecutions for Biden corruption and money laundering in Ukraine.
Young Brandon,
Mr Arnal did not discontinue My Pillow products, the company did, as did other retailers (Kohl’s, H-E-B, Kroger, Wayfair. My Pillow product sales had declined largely because of Mike Lindell’s bizarre antics. To support Lindell, go on Amazon and order his pillows and towels. Arnal was VP and CFO for responsibility of the middle east.
Arnal and others were sued by shareholders alleging a “pump n dump” scheme regarding BBB stock.
Whats she complaining about? Typical bus carries 40. She lost 46 to crime. Thats not even replacement for her losses. She should be paying Texas for more.
Now that’s a good one-Mayor Beetlejuice whines about illegals being sent to her state? She should direct her whining to Brandon-that’s who is letting the invaders over the border. Bingo-he doesn’t allow that and guess what? No more busses.
And an even better howler from J-boy: “northern distribution of fentanyl correlates to bus trips”. More libs having trouble with correlation and causation. It may correlate, but the cause is letting invaders cross the border bringing drugs from Mexico.
No. The drugs come from cartels that Abbott allows to import drugs. They load them on the buses. Abbott makes millions from this. Paid off border patrol agents are also involved – certain trucks get waved through. Trump had his finger in this pie, too. Corruption.
You really gotta stop drinking this early. You’re already crazy why make it worse with these stupid troll accusations?
If you don’t have it bookmarked yet, go to for a pretty current score for Chicago. September, to date is 12 shot & killed, 49 wounded, plus 2 additional homicides.

Site like this are needed for all large cities.
Geez-what have you been smoking? Abbott doesn’t “allow” anything, he’s reacting to what Brandon is allowing. More illegals crossing the border, the more drugs crossing the border. All he is doing is sending them to liberal “sanctuary cities” where they profess to want them anyway. If this is causing more of a drug problem than there already was, the blame lies totally with the Dems
Grabbit has been called a lot of things here in TX, but a crook is not one of them. He gets his money the old fashioned way, from lobbyists. He isn’t quite a democrat, yet. He’ll win in Nov simply because he isn’t Beto.