Interestingly, despite so many saying the Believe in anthropogenic climate change, few of them do a damned thing in their own life to practice what they preach. These same scientist moms, a rather newer group, do not talk about what changes they’re making. Weird, right?
Scientist-moms explore why climate change messaging falls flat
When Melissa Burt, an atmospheric scientist at Colorado State University, made a video about the climate crisis, it included images of her daughter, Mia.
“There’s some light within her that makes me continue to do the climate science work that I do,” Burt says in her voice-over. As she speaks, photos of a toddler — playing in the garden, sledding in fresh snow, frolicking on the beach — appear in frame. “As moms, we care about the environment they grow up in. And for Mia, I want you to know I worked hard for the change, and to make it a better place for you.”
What Burt does not say are phrases such as “net zero,” “1.5 degrees Celsius,” or even “carbon emissions.” Nor does she mention polar bears or ice caps. Climate change isn’t about politics or jargon, the video implies. Climate change is about us: Our neighborhoods, our schools, our kids.
Sooooooo, basically, politics and jargon. Right?
“From a scientist’s perspective, oftentimes we say facts, facts, facts,” Burt told Climate & Capital. “But half the time, people don’t understand what those facts mean.”
And facts alone don’t seem to spark action.
Got that? Facts are meaningless. Really, the climate cult doesn’t actually have much in the way of scientific facts on their side, so, this is not a big surprise.
Potential Energy Coalition, the nonprofit, marketing agency behind Science Moms, paid for around 1 billion online ad impressions targeting a wide variety of platforms, target audiences and geographies, closely tracking which sorts of people responded to which sorts of messaging.
“We’ve tested a lot of messages and ads to different groups of people. And we’ve found that the suburban mom was the most persuadable on lifting support or strong government action on climate change,” said Anne-Marie Kline, managing director of campaigns for research at Potential Energy.
Strong government, eh? Weird how this isn’t about politics. Now, let’s slap some strong government on the lives of the people who are for it, move it from theory to practice, see how well they enjoy it.

Our esteemed host began this posting perfectly:
Of course not, because going along with what the warmunists say would cost people money! With an inflation rate of 8.3% — that’s down 0.2% from March — people are already having to spend more money, for no gain in their lifestyles.
Actually, no gain would be a blessing for many Americans:
The warmunists want to force us all into plug-in electric cars, cars which cost more money now, and which have limited charging options. It seems that many of the warmunists themselves really support the idea of plug-in electric vehicles . . . for their neighbors.
Then there’s this, from the Land of Fruits and Nuts:
Internal links not included, to keep this comment out of moderation.
The truth is simple: we will adapt to whatever climate changes occur as they occur, when we’ll know what they are rather than relying on what they are projected to be. Human beings are the most adaptable creatures on earth, living in bone dry deserts, steaming rain forests, and frozen Arctic wastelands.
Wholesale inflation climbs 11% in April, remaining near 40-year high
Economists expected the producer price index to show prices climbed by 10.7% in April
Thanks, Brandon!

Bwaha! Lolgf
“As moms, we care about the environment they grow up in
Typical bait and switch. I think almost everyone CARES about pollution and littering and fouled waterways and corporations tossing toxic stuff in rivers and lakes. The typical APPEAL by Cultists is that if we allow fossil fuels to continue we will poison our world which is bologna. IF you let China and India run amuck then yeah.
But that is not what is happening. All of the AGW movement is all about the USA. PERIOD. End of story. End Fossil fuels in the USA and the world is saved while the rest of the world destroys it and US because we now have no energy to project power to keep peace in the world.
The left’s attitude about this woman is Fuk this woman. She should have ABORTED THAT KID and then she would not have to worry about its future…..RIGHT….that is what the left is thinking as they read her story using the poor little toddler as a prop who is going to grow up in a country that is evil through and through. America is evil and should be disbanded and broken up…Shouts the left.
The left floods America with illegals from other countries to overwhelm the system. I wonder if millions and millions of Muslims and poor, destitute Hispanics from Central and South America give a shit about AGW?
How about it DOWD? Do you think Illegals and Muslims flooding our country give a shit about AGW? Do you think that is the first thing on their TO DO LIST when arriving in the USA?
DOWN typed: “As moms, we care about the environment they grow up in” (from Dr. Burt, CSU)
Typical bait and switch. I think almost everyone CARES about pollution and littering and fouled waterways and corporations tossing toxic stuff in rivers and lakes.
What anti-science cultists such as DOWN refuse to consider is that global warming affects the environment!! And it’s the anti-science wingers who feel the EPA is overregulating air and water pollution. Cultists such as DOWN don’t like the politics of global warming, just has their previous generation didn’t like the politics of water and air pollution.
Remember conservative opposition to catalytic converters and CAFE standards? Removing tetraethyl lead from gasoline? Chlorofluorocarbons, Freon and ozone? Acid rain? Lead paint?
Wingers such as Mx Teach SAY they oppose “real” pollution, but what are they doing in their everyday lives to stop air and water pollution? Sure, sure… they say they pay their taxes and follow the rules set down by the EPA. But if they were serious, they’d go the extra mile (on a bike?). CARING is hardly the same as doing, is it?
The man from Winslow, Arizona wrote:
Objection! Assumes facts not in evidence!
I’d imagine that almost everyone would say that he cares about such things, but when I see the litter along the side of the road, I don’t normally think it somehow materialized there on its own.
The worst offenders/ Smokers! Smokers seem to think nothing of tossing their cigarette butts out the window, and I’ve seen thousands of them in curb and gutters.
Dr. Burt is entitled to her opinion as a mother, isn’t she? Almost all climate scientists accept the evidence of CO2-induced global warming; it’s the American right that doesn’t, and not based on evidence but on emotion and politics. So spare us your bullshit.
The nincompoop from North Carolina typed: Got that? Facts are meaningless.
Facts ARE meaningless to science-deniers and apparently American connies (connunists). That was Dr. Burt’s point.
The connunist from Kintucky ejaculated: Only 72.5% of charging stations are functional, far below previous estimates of 95%-98%.
And only 72.5% of connunists are functionally literate, so what’s your point?
The Corner Connunist barfed: The left’s attitude about this woman is Fuk this woman. She should have ABORTED THAT KID and then she would not have to worry about its future…..RIGHT….that is what the left is thinking as they read her story using the poor little toddler as a prop who is going to grow up in a country that is evil through and through. America is evil and should be disbanded and broken up…Shouts the left.
Dr. Burt made the choice to give birth. Roe v. Wade does not force anyone to get an abortion. Choice is that the pro-birther cult plans to eliminate.
America is not evil, but the connunists insist that it is and want to destroy America to rebuild it as a 19th Century nation. Projection. You have to destroy America to save it!! Note too, that it’s the American right who wish to break up America.
What about it DOWN? Do you think anyone is leaving Central America because of political unrest and the inability to grow and harvest food? Whom do you hate more, Muslims or atheists?
BTW. Record highs in the middle of American today. 100F+ heat indices. Welcome to the new springtime.
Ya know Qdowd, if you spent less time calling everyone in the comment names and more time presenting your opinions people might take you more seriously. Nah, that ship has sailed. I italicized opinions because that’s what they are Qdowd. Just like the lady you dispute and call names your opinions are just that. They are based on the “facts” you have decided to believe just as hers are based on those she chose to believe.
The difference is hers are based on facts, feelings and deductions you ignorantly swipe away with your hand while yours are based on “models” made by and adjusted to fit the narrative by the “experts” paid to come to that result.
We have no idea what you’re blabbering on about.
Cheers you procrustean fascist!!