…is a horrible, evil, no good backyard which requires lots of water, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, with a post on an observation on rich people traveling.
Happy Halloween, folks. A second, how about a second, more spooky one, so, check out Independent Sentinel, with a post on #PoopyPantsBiden trending.

We want Renaissance Faire girls this week!
Poor little Karens.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Yeah, it was the weather.

Bwaha! Lolgf
I had a patient try to cancel me because I had the audacity to tell her Obamacare might not pay for her stress test. She felt that I was insulting Obama. One guess on her race.
Mr 7134 wrote:
Actually, she could have been a suburban white soccer mom, because they feel just as f(ornicating) entitled as anyone else. The Karens tend to be white.
david7134 typed: One guess on her race.
How does a patient “cancel” a doctor?
You called Kyes wife a whore.
Fuck Joe Biden. And I would say that to his face like I have other politicians.
You’re a whore. Fuck you and Traitor Don.
Mr 7134 wrote:
Of course, the Secret Service would never let you get close enough to do that, and would throw you in jail if you did.
Mr Dowd wrote:
Perhaps we should look at some of your other astute remarks:
Or this one:
Or even:
So, if President Trump was a traitor, why has the Department of Justice not tried to indict him as one? Even the Capitol kerfufflers are being let off with single misdemeanor charges.
Rimjob’s delusions, like FJB, are getting worse.

One question, why is Biden LATE for everything? (Estimates of an average of ~20 minutes.)
How embarassing.
How unprofessional.
Bwaha! Lolgf
The obsessed mr dana wonders why Traitor Don has yet to be indicted by the DOJ for his treason. Of course tRump the Traitor controlled his DOJ and wouldn’t allow any legitimate investigations.
AG Garland is carefully assembling his case against Traitor Don, seeing as how he is a former president. Traitor Don is claiming executive privilege to hide any evidence of his crimes in engineering (but failing) to overturn the election.
My question is will Traitor Don’s arrest be the trigger that his white, christian nationalist base needs to start killing Americans?
The ever-optimistic Mr Dowd wrote:
Uhhh, former President Trump does not control the Department of Justice now, does he? But we’ve yet to hear of any treason investigation concerning Mr Trump, and that’s something that would definitely leak,
You keep thinking those happy thoughts; I’m sure that they give you some comfort. But we’ve already seen how your previous predictions have turned out, and you don’t have a very good record in them.
You may recall that Traitor Don was impeached for leading the insurrection but the GOPhers didn’t have the balls to… change that… the GOPhers supported the insurrection and would have happily installed Traitor Don as prez. Traitor Don tried to steal a national election by any means necessary. He failed.
Biden shit himself on the world stage.
Fuck Joe Biden.
That’s the rumor, but I haven’t found one report in the credentialed media saying that this happened. That leaves two, and only two, possibilities:
1 – It really didn’t happen; or
2 – It did happen, but the credentialed media refuse to report on it, because it might make President Biden look even worse than he already does.
Given that The New York Times, our nation’s premier newspaper and a so-called ‘newspaper of record,’ has chosen not to report on the closure of a couple dozen fire stations in New York City, or the SDNY’s ‘slowdown’ on collecting the trash in Brooklyn and Staten Island, because reporting on worker actions in protest of vaccine mandates makes vaccine mandates look bad, possibility #2 does not seem that remote.
Can you track down the original report? Do any of the occasionally honest anti-Dem media titans like FOX, ONAN, NYPost, Washington Examiner, Breitbart etc report it? Why would THEY hide it?
Fuck Don tRump
If it did happen, no one in a position to actually know about it — meaning: his traveling staff and the Secret Service — would actually tell about it.
If it happened, the source is in the Vatican.
The answer to all you concerns is…….you called Kyes wife a whore.
Fuck Joe Biden.
Poor widdle dookie is pooping his pants,
Waah! Whiny Little Titty Baby. LOL.
At a anti-vaxxer rally today in Staten Island the speaker said:
“If they’re going to push this on the kids, I can guarantee you one thing: town halls and schools will be fucking burned to the ground. In 1776, nobody went to court, nobody went to court, anyone grabbed a gun and they fucking shot each other!”
This is the quality of right-wing debate these days. The MAGA-zombies are ready to destroy America to rebuild it as a white, christian paradise.
Want proof?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Preach it Momma!
You go girl!

Brittney Cooper, an associate professor in the Rutgers University Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies.
(Picture too ugly to post.)
Bwaha! Lolgf
Associated Press
Pentagon rattled by Chinese military push on multiple fronts
By ROBERT BURNS, AP National Security Writer 7 hrs ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — China’s growing military muscle and its drive to end America’s predominance in the Asia-Pacific is rattling the U.S. defense establishment. American officials see trouble quickly accumulating on multiple fronts — Beijing’s expanding nuclear arsenal, its advances in space, cyber and missile technologies, and threats to Taiwan.
“The pace at which China is moving is stunning,†says Gen. John Hyten, the No. 2-ranking U.S. military officer, who previously commanded U.S. nuclear forces and oversaw Air Force space operations.
Hide Amerikano’s. Hide.
You will all be ruled by China in the coming decades. Not global warming. You will serve the CCP.
We thank all your frightened little kids terrified out of their minds by a bunch of loser adults that have no understanding of geopolitics but are more interested in their children being taught they are even bigger losers than their parents.