Thanks, dudes and dudettes. You just had to take that fossil fueled trip to get an evil juicy burger, didn’t you? This has obviously never happened before
Earth’s Axis Has Been Shifted by Climate Change, Study Says
Climate change has contributed to the shifting of Earth’s axis of rotation, according to new research.
Earth’s geographic north and south poles—where the planet’s axis of rotation intersects with its surface—are not fixed. Changes in where the Earth’s mass is distributed can cause the axis, and the poles, to move.
Melting glaciers caused a significant amount of water to shift, which scientists have now said helped the locations of the poles accelerate eastward.
It is estimated that since 1980, the poles’ positions have moved about 4 meters (13 feet).
Melting glaciers accounted for most of the shift observed since the 1990s, the peer-reviewed study published in Geophysical Research Letters (the American Geophysical Union’s journal) said.
Wait, what was that part about “estimated”? They’re trotting out a scientific, peer reviewed study that is based on an estimation, not hard data? Now, of course it could have moved and linked to climatic changes, which have been going on for billions of years. However, we know they are wanting to blame this mostly/solely on Mankind. Do they have data on how much the poles moved during the previous cool and warm periods during the Holocene for comparison? No? Then how do they know this is unusual?

Newsweek is as bad as The Pirates Cove when it comes to headline writing.
The actual paper is
The title: Polar Drift in the 1990s Explained by Terrestrial Water Storage Changes
The authors didn’t blame Teach or anyone else for eating juicy burgers.
Glad to see you are losing the CO2 religion that has consumed you.
The earth wobbles.
Here is another example of someone writing a gobbly da gook science paper to scare the bejesus out of people. The AGW Terrorist organization is already terrified. Why do they keep writing such BS papers?
The earth wobbles. It always has. It is one of the main reasons that we have had four major Ice ages in the last billion years.
What does Earth wobble do?
This “annual wobble” is due to the Earth’s elliptical orbit around the sun. Between these two effects, the Earth’s axis migrates irregularly along a circular path with a radius of up to 20 feet (6 meters). Pinning down the overall wobble of the planet’s rotation is key to keeping certain tracking systems accurate.
OH THE HUMANITY the earth has wobbled two meters when it normally wobbles up to 6 meters. Were all going to DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Calm down. We all are going to die anyway, as you well know.
The highly predictable 6 meter movement of the poles during our annual circling of the Sun differs from the changes due to redistribution of water on Earth. There’s no debate that glacier and ice sheet leads to the redistribution of liquid water.
The scientific article did not claim we were all going to die or that the redistribution was necessarily harmful, only that it was happening and had its own effects on the Earth’s axis.
The ‘water storage” refers to the water frozen locked up in ice
There is less ice each year on our planet as it warms
David why do you think the planet is warming and do you think it will continue warming ?
Possibly clouds, John, as you’ve been shown before²-forcing-at-the-ocean-surface/
At this rate, they’ll be reviving Velikovsky soon. Worlds in Collision! Ages in Chaos! Interplanetary pool balls caroming off each other! Hydrocarbons are carbohydrates!