Well, hey, maybe all us skeptics were wrong about losing money from carbon schemes
SDG&E customers to get $21.11 climate credit on April bill
San Diego Gas & Electric customers will see a credit on their April bill due to California’s fight against climate change.
SDG&E says a $21.11 California Climate Credit will appear on residential customers’ bills, and the credit will be automatically added to their monthly statement.
According to SDGE, the credit “is from a state program that requires power plants, natural gas providers, and other large industries that emit greenhouse gases to buy carbon pollution permits. The credit on the bill is the customers’ share of the payments from the State’s program.â€
The utility says the credit “comes at an ideal time when many are staying home due to the coronavirus pandemic and may be using more energy than normal.â€
Um, just one problem
Between 2016 and 2017, California’s electricity prices rose three times more than they did in the rest of the United States, according to a new analysis by Environmental Progress.
The increases came despite 2017 having had the highest output of hydroelectricity — the state’s cheapest source of electricity — since 2011. Electricity prices in the rest of the United States outside California rose two percent, the same as the rate of inflation.
Between 2011 and 2017, California’s electricity prices rose five times faster than they did nationally. Today, Californians pay 60 percent more, on average, than the rest of the nation, for residential, commercial and industrial electricity.
California’s high penetration of intermittent renewables such as solar and wind are likely a key factor in higher prices. Economists agree that “the dominant policy driver in the electricity sector [in California]
So, you get a cute little rebate, but, your actual costs for electricity far outpace that $21.11. It’s not like they couldn’t see this coming
There’s simply no doubt that SB 100 will mean even higher electricity prices for Californians. A parallel can be seen in Germany, which has pledged to cut its carbon-dioxide emissions by 80 percent by 2050 and, like California, is closing its nuclear plants and pushing hard for more renewable energy. According to Agora Energiewende, a think tank that focuses on Germany’s transition toward renewables, between 2007 and 2018, residential electricity prices in Germany jumped by 50 percent. German residential customers now have some of the highest-priced electricity in Europe, about $0.37 per kilowatt-hour.
Ontario, Canada has had a similar experience. Over the past decade, Ontario closed its coal plants and implemented lucrative subsidies for renewables. The result: Between 2008 and 2016, residential electricity rates in Ontario rose 71 percent, which was more than double the average increase in the rest of Canada during that time. And rates in Ontario could rise another 40 percent by 2035. A report released by the Fraser Institute in April concluded that “soaring electricity costs in Ontario have placed a significant financial burden on the manufacturing sector and hampered its competitiveness.â€
So, enjoy your $21.11, Californians. You voted for this.

Teach did you even bother to check primary sources on this ? If you blindly accept data just because you WANT to believe it for political reasons you are going to get hosed every time
First you must separate the cost of generation and transmission
Forbes Mag. Had an excellent article on the paradox of declining renewable costs and increasing electricity costs
I take it this is a new cartoon character, Drunk in the John and can’t spell.
Formy are you still upset over not knowing that we hold national elections every 2 years ?
But thanks for reading my posts
I think sometimes I may put additional spelling errors in just to see if you are paying attention to what I post
You really MUST check primary sources before accepting data that you WANT to believe for political reasons
Yes while it is true that in 2017 CA electric did raise their kWh price 300% more than the national average increased that cost increase was .9cents that year
Teach the cost of generation in CA is low but the cost of transmission/distribution is high.
Warren Buffet signed a contract to sell solar to CA at 4 cents kWh but ca residential body is 17cents per kWh
That 2017 cost increase represented a monthly cost increase of 6% the national average cost increase that year was 2%
I did notice that your electric utility, Duke, was asking for an increase of 16%how much did they get ?
NC residents already have sn average monthly bill of 120$ per month, almost 25% higher than CA
Teach does this show you how you blindly accept any data that you WANT to believe ?? Critical analysis demands that we look more closely on data that we want to believe
He still can’t spell.
Lying by omission there John Boy?
Yes, the average elec. bill in NC is $120 a month which IS higher than CA average of $88 a month. BUT, the part you omitted is that the average residential consumption in CA is 573 kWh/month where it is 1,077 kWh/month in NC. It is 15.34¢/kWh in CA compared to 10.91¢/kWh in NC. So yes, California residents pay about 30% more for electricity than the national average. This is just residential. Look at commercial rates and consumption and it gets even worse in CA.
Yes of coursetheir consumption is less
Milder climate and more modern construction of residences and early adapters of energy saving appliances
Bottom line is CA pay less monthly
And John-what are California residents getting in return for paying 30% more? Nothing
Excuse me they pay 25% less each month
Average bill is 90$ vs 120$ NC
So they are getting $360 savings each year
That is what they are getting
What is NC getting by paying 25% more ?
“California residents pay 60 percent more, on average, for residential, industrial and commercial electricityâ€.
And speaking of energy prices, California residents pay the second highest prices for gas after Hawaii. And for what?
Edisons has not notified ;me, nor any of my friends. And PG+E has not told any of my relatives in NoCal.
Not that 21 is big bucks