Rick Scott Pounces On AOC And Her Green New Disaster In Flyby Tweet

AOC was not even the intended target, but, boy howdy did he ruffle her super-sensitive feathers (via Twitchy)

So, obviously this is about Senator Spartacus, but, Scott included AOC and Comrade Bernie, and here we go!

And the “clapback”, or as us Internet old-timers call it, fatality, in his tweet back

That a sitting Congresswoman doesn’t understand sarcasm would be embarrassing to the institution if you hadn’t embarrassed yours to the point of irrelevance already.

America rejects socialism and will continue to.

Nice to see some Republicans having some stones in refusing to kowtow to people like AOC who try to pay the seeeeexism card.

Still waiting for her to demand a vote on her Green New Deal.

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41 Responses to “Rick Scott Pounces On AOC And Her Green New Disaster In Flyby Tweet”

  1. Liljeffyatemypuppy says:

    Read somewhere that Sen. Booker aka Black Spartacus was fiercely heterosexual. https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  2. Beans says:

    Glad that Waffle-Scott finally found a set after thrashing Florida Gun Rights after the fallout over Broward County.

    Hopefully he’ll remember that he was once pro-2A.

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Get used to it fellers. The world is changing and you’re frightened and fighting back.

    You mock and ridicule 12 year old girls. You mock and ridicule the teens from Parkland. You mock and ridicule Congressmen and Congresswomen (mostly Reps who happen to be Black or Muslim or Hispanic). You support the corporatists. Trump pretended to be a populist – for We, the people! – but is really just a full time corporatist – it’s why the GOP tolerates him. The only thing he’s done to help the working classes is to fertilize their sense of victimhood – blaming Mexicans and Muslims for all problems.

    The biggest threat to the plutocrat corporatists (all GOPhers and most Dems) is unity of the working classes – teachers in WV, KY, OK, AZ etc – union workers in WV – Flint citizens poisoned by Gov Snyder – a 29 yr old Congresswoman giving old corporatists the finger.

    • Liljeffyatemypuppy says:

      The only 12 year old girl mocked and ridiculed at this site is you, sweetie!

  4. formwiz says:

    You mock and ridicule 12 year old girls. You mock and ridicule the teens from Parkland. You mock and ridicule Congressmen and Congresswomen (mostly Reps who happen to be Black or Muslim or Hispanic).

    Can’t wait for him to break into The Times, They Are A-changin’.

    We mock and ridicule 12 year old girls because they’re parrotting what they’ve been told to say. We mock and ridicule only one teen from Parkland who wants to be Hitler.

    We mock and ridicule Congressmen and Congresswomen because it is our right as free Americans.

    You talk about corporatism, but your boy Zippy was the corporatist. He was a whore for the big banks in the subprime mess.

    Trump has taken them on and you’re the one who’s scared; first, because now that the evidence is coming out, people see what the Democrats really are and second, the big Commie push to take over this country that started 50 years ago is falling apart and you can’t stand it.

    The biggest threat to the plutocrat corporatists (all GOPhers and most Dems) is unity of the working classes

    Third sub-basement of the Kremlin, 1935.

    Too bad the average American sees his paycheck getting fatter, and many are seeing their first paycheck since Zippy wrote them off 10 years ago.

    Every time he falls back on the old Commie religion, you know he’s scared.

  5. Kye says:

    It is interesting to watch the addled mind of Elwood as it slowly unwinds. I’m sure we’ll see this trend speed up till intense psychosis overtakes his faculties and he explodes. I suspect the same from all leftist/communists/socialists/Nazi’s the closer we get to Trump’s reelection.

    It’s gonna be a blast on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 about 9 or 10 pm when Trump wins the popular vote too.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:


      Here’s tRump’s dilemma. If he loses the election (likely) he’ll resign so that Pence can pardon him. Otherwise, he’ll face federal obstruction charges. Obviously he’ll have to make a deal with Pence. It’s also possible he’ll cut a deal and resign. The kicker is the state investigations in NY – this is why tRump would let Mnuchin and Reddig go to prison rather than release his returns. tRump will be constantly assessing the risk of losing to guide his actions.

      tRump will do ANYTHING to win the election. He can now secretly allow Putin into our electoral system. He can obstruct any efforts by the US gov’t to secure the election.

      tRump is the GOPs wet dream.

      • Jl says:

        Oh no-Putin into out electoral system! J is still an assertion junkie with no evidence. . Tell us, is it Putin causing those states to ditch the true electoral system and instead have their electors vote for whoever wins the popular vote? Or would it be climate change causing that? Either way, we’ll all be dead in less than 12 yrs! Why is everything with libs conspiracy, conspiracy….?

      • Brother John says:

        Are you seriously this dumb? To begin with, we can recognize that we’re dealing with the mind of a child when we see “tRump.” What idiotic, petulant nonsense.

        Secondly, if you can point to a legal requirement that the president release his tax returns, I’ll eat my hat. But then again, you brain-damaged fascist-apologists are never interested in how people get rich by going into politics — just the personal information of your political enemies. Because, after all, were that not available to 0bama, we’d never had that dumb son of a bitch inflicted on us in the first place — or, don’t you know anything about his electoral history?

        Thirdly, to imagine that Vladimir wanted a GOP president is to not only be willfully ignorant of Hillary’s embarrassing “reset” button, 0bama’s utter fecklessness, but the entire history of the Democrat party in the 20th century. It beggars belief that this idiotic fable you’re still stuck on has gotten any traction at all — but, then again, that’s largely due to the unionized teachers you fawned over in that other post. You wanted your ignorant electorate, you got it.

        Finally, this “world is changing, and you’re afraid” idiocy has got to stop. You can’t explain how it’s an unqualified good, and yet, you fly into fits of hysterical rage when we do attempt to gain control over our own future. You and your party are all liars, thieves, and traitors.

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          bRother John,

          Thanks for you input.

          The Mueller Report concluded that Russia/Putin wanted tRump elected, and Putin admitted as much. The Mueller report outlined the instances of contact between the campaign and Russians, and the campaign’s welcoming of information.

          Actually, tRump is now obligated by law (via Treasury and the IRS) to give his tax return to Congress since they requested it. We all understand why he’s violating the law on this issue. We all understand why he lied about his tax returns from the beginning.

          Regarding nicknames, we missed your criticisms of other commenters when they created nicknames for President Obama, Secretary Clinton and numerous other members of the Democratic Party.

          • formwiz says:

            It did?

            When or where and, if it did, which was the purpose of the witch hunt, why did Mule Ears refuse to indict (oh, yeah, that damned proof thing again).

            Actually, tRump is now obligated by law (via Treasury and the IRS) to give his tax return to Congress since they requested it.

            Which law, dare I ask. Those returns are confidential. By law. And a request means zip.

            Besides, as a private citizen, Trump showed his returns in ’16.

            So there.

          • Mangoldielocks says:

            LOLOLOLOLOL….JEFFY, Jeffy, jeffy. What can we say. It is a marvelous feat of Trump to be living in your head rent free for 4 years. It is a marvelous feat that Trump with NO skill whatsoever can destroy your life personally as you spend 16 hours a day typing furiously on your computer how much you hate a man you have never met.

            Its a marvelous feat that Trumps very existence has thrown the entire left into frothing fire ants eating each other whenever anyone dares to say something nice about the other side.

            It is a marvelous feat that requires no talent at all to ensure the left is a band of howling moonbats simply by trolling them on twitter daily. The MSM is weeping and gnashing their teeth by a 10 year old with a twitter account.

            LOLOLOLOLOLOL….You go Jeffy. Keep those tin foil theories rolling our way….since trump is ignoring subpoena’s you know like Obama did and no one cared on the left or the MSM.

            as in: HOlder refuses subpoena to turn over documents relating to fast and furious.

            The Committee has made multiple requests, including the issuance of a subpoena, for the unredacted copy of the report and related documents. According to Deputy Inspector General Kendall, the unredacted report is being withheld from the Committee at the request of the Department of the Interior.

            Jun 18, 2013 · McCain Slams Obama for Ignoring Subpoenas.

            House Republicans say that the Obama administration is ignoring subpoenas for documents related to ObamaCare spending they call illegal.

            President Obama To Ignore Georgia Subpoena And Head To Las Vegas Jan 26th.

            Obama ignores Fast and Furious subpoena, refuses to comply with Congressional investigation

            In 2012, Obama was subpoenaed in the case Farrar, Lax, Judy, Malaren, and Roth v.Obama.However after a failed attempt to quash the subpoena on the basis that a sitting president cannot be subpoenaed (which Judge Malihi rejected and ordered the President to attend court) the White House decided to simply ignore the subpoena and neither Obama nor his lawyer attended the hearing.

            Obama Administration Ignores Subpoena in order to Protect Illegal’s

            And last but not least.

            Democrats eager to investigate the Trump administration if they seize the House would have the GOP to thank for one of their most potent tools — a sweeping subpoena authority that Democratic lawmakers denounced as an abusive power grab three years ago.

            House Republicans changed the rules in 2015 to allow many of their committee chairmen to issue subpoenas without consulting the minority party, overriding Democrats objections that likened the tactic to something out of the McCarthy era.

            Conclusion? Obama ignored every subpoena thrown at him and now your suggesting Trump is violating the law………..LOLLOLOLOLOOOLOLOLOOOOLLOOOLOOOOOOOOOOOLOLOLOOLO

            I love Jeffy. Every time he posts it just shows how insane the left has become to GET ORANGE MAN BAD.

          • david7134 says:

            All the Mueller report did was to show no such thing as collusion. Which any intelligent individual would have known to begin with.

            As to Congress requesting Trump tax returns. What are they investigating? Nothing has been stated. Then there is a funny little thing called executive privilege.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            formwiz typed: why did Mr. Mueller refuse to indict

            As the Mueller Report explained and AG Bill Barr misrepresented (lied), the Special Counsel could not indict a sitting president based on the DOJ OLC opinion. Otherwise, Trump would have been indicted for obstruction of justice.

            formwiz typed: Which law… And a request means zip.

            and for david too,

            Not exactly.

            U.S. Code Title 26. INTERNAL REVENUE CODE Subtitle F. Procedure and Administration Chapter 61. INFORMATION AND RETURNS Subchapter B. Miscellaneous Provisions Section 6103. Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information

            “(f)Disclosure to Committees of Congress
            (1)Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Finance, and Joint Committee on Taxation
            Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.”


            Several other Congressional committees can access (but not publicly disclose) tax information.


      • Mangoldielocks says:

        Elwwod here is the reason why trump will very likely win the 2020’s.

        IF Bernie loses, 20 percent will vote for trump. Just like they did in 2016 which is one of the reasons why Trump won Michigan, Wisconsin and PA.

        If Bernie wins, many moderate democrats will stay home, not having the least bit of interest in a full blown socialist governing since they are all CORPORATIST wall street loving Big business craving Moderates pretending to be leftists to keep getting elected.

        So either way your party faces monumental loses in 2020 unless they can do one thing. So annoy the country with Trump Derangement system that they will vote him gone just to be rid of the insanity while voting out those 45 house memebers who took republican controlled districts in RED STATES.

        As I see it, if the Right recognizes George Soros push for AG’s all across this country and is spending more billions to get batshit crazy leftists into even red states then 2020 census will redistrict in favor of the GOP if not it will redistrict in favor of the Democrats and the country is lost.

        We cannot afford medicare for all. We cannot afford to end fossil fuels. We cannot afford to replace every car and truck in America with cracker box electric cars. We cannot afford to destroy a dozen economic sectors of this nations productivity and survive. But that is what these snow flakes want.

        And then when they have succeeded and they realize they dont have the internet, cellphones, computers and gaming stations. Those snow flakes setting in Momma’s basement at 30 years old will suddenly rise up but by then it will be too late. The USA will be a third world nation. Jeffy will have won. His family will be taken care of because he’s always had a good job and has money. The rest of us working stiffs will be the ones to suffer.

        That is what communism is all about. The brainwashing is almost over. This is why the left went absolutely bonkers over Trump winning in 2016. If he does not win in 2020. We are toast. I figure the louder the left screams, the more he is hurting their stupid communist wet dreams.

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          If tRump wins in 2020, we are all toast. Our president is an above-the-law sociopath, who is not indicted for only one reason: he’s president.

          Any other American who obstructed justice would be indicted.

          Any other American who obstructed justice would be indicted.

          Let that sink in.

          Any other American who obstructed justice would be indicted.

          As much as it will hurt the Dems politically, they are obligated to impeach Donald J. Trump for his “high crimes and misdemeanors”, period. If they do not, there is no reason to have a Constitution, as it will be a hollow document.

          All hail, King Donald!

          • Liljeffyatemypuppy says:

            Speaking of sociopaths… https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

          • Kye says:

            Do you realize how absolutely insane you appear when you type this kind of rant?

            Any other American who was found not indicted for a crime would even be considered as having “obstructed” that same non-crime. The very idea is ludicrous.

            Let that sink in.

            Exactly what “high crimes and misdemeanors” are you accusing Trump of NOW? You’ve had three years of this shit and you got nothing! When will you accept the results of the last election, when you lose the next election because the American people rightly see you all as a bunch of sore losers and crazies?

            You would be better served trying to eliminate the fuking Clown Car you have as a candidate field and find ONE person who could actually beat Trump. Trump’s gonna kick your collective asses if youy don’t stop bitchin’ and start actually thinking.

          • formwiz says:

            Sounds more like Willie and Butt Boy, not to mention the Hildabeast.

            Any other American who obstructed justice would be indicted.

            F&F, Uranuim One, Benghazi, Whitewater, perjury…

          • Mangoldielocks says:

            You go girl. Get your tribe together and Impeach Trump. Then when he is found NOT GUILTY, whats your next move.

            Golly, shucks and geewhiz fellah I hope Trump Is elected in 2020 so you can have 6 more years of this lunacy. Although as with your friend Bill Bear I am beginning to fear for your mental health.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            Are you suggesting that the House should think more of their party than of their nation? The House has no control over the Senate. And of course the Senate GOP will acquit trump. But Donald Trump committed multiple “high crimes and misdemeanors” as president and he American people deserve a thorough public accounting. What choice does the House have? To look the other way?

            The GOP will be on record of supporting a criminal who likely will die in prison (unless he cuts a deal or dies sooner rather than later).

      • formwiz says:

        If he loses the election (likely) he’ll resign so that Pence can pardon him. Otherwise, he’ll face federal obstruction charges.

        For openers, even the Demos concede he’ll win because of the economy. BTW did you see Gallup said, for the umpteenth time Trump’s approval is polling better than Zippy’s at the same time in his malAdministration?

        And we have yet to see any evidence of obstruction, besides Mule Ears’ say-so.

        It’s also possible he’ll cut a deal and resign.

        You said that would happen for 2 years. Hasn’t happened yet.

        The kicker is the state investigations in NY

        The state of NY is hemorrhaging citizens. They have to do something to keep the Lefty rubes home.

        tRump will do ANYTHING to win the election.

        I thought he was going to lose. Make up your (and I use the term loosely) mind.

        • Mangoldielocks says:

          Actually the investigation in NY will be thrown out by higher courts. here is why. The AG campaigned on GETTING TRUMP. She biased the courts with her constant insistence Trump was guilty of something and she would make it her job to GET HIM.

          This is a huge no, no and it was meant for one reason only. To get elected. This is the kind of people George Soros is recruiting to run our nation. And the left complains about Trump.

          LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. God help us all.

  6. Professor Hale says:

    The funny thing is, Gun registries are so 1900’s. If your phone feeds you ads based on your previous purchases, it should be obvious to anyone paying attention that Google can already piece together a pretty comprehensive list of gun owners … and criminals. If anyone really cared about the intersection of the two, they could just ask Google for that list and go round them up. No need to bother the non-criminals with any sort of enforcement costs or harassment. But then, this has never been about the criminals. It’s just the same old people checking off the same old COMINTERN boxes as if they haven’t noticed that the Soviet Union fell decades ago. The tactics and goals of the Cold War still dominate the politics of the left as if it is still 1980.

  7. formwiz says:

    Are you suggesting that the House should think more of their party than of their nation?

    When have they not? If you expect people to buy the idea the Demos are doing this for the good of the country, all I can say is Baghdad Bunny rides again.

    The House has no control over the Senate. And of course the Senate GOP will acquit trump.

    Actually, the House vote would be between the psychos (Occasional Cortex, Hell’s Harem, Schiff For Brains, Fatty Nadless, etc.) and the people with at least one toe in reality. Add them to the Rs and the Hoyer crowd plus the Rs may see it never gets out of the House.

    But Donald Trump committed multiple “high crimes and misdemeanors” as president and he American people deserve a thorough public accounting. What choice does the House have? To look the other way?

    They did with Willie. They did with Zippy.

    Besides, first you will have to find a (there’s that word again) provable charge, one with real evidence.

    Right now, you got zilch.

    The GOP will be on record of supporting a criminal who likely will die in prison (unless he cuts a deal or dies sooner rather than later).

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      You should read the Mueller Report. Hundreds of US prosecutors have and concluded that any other American would be indicted. Being president has saved tRump. For now.

      President Clinton was impeached; it was in all the papers. In a deposition, under oath, he lied about sex with an intern. Did trump lie under oath? Oh, that’s right, he refused ’cause ‘perjury trap’ (i.e., he couldn’t tell the truth).

      President Obama was not impeached – but what impeachable offenses did he commit? Lying to get the US to invade Iraq? Receiving payments from foreign countries? Can you prove (there’s that word again) it?

      • formwiz says:

        How many of these “prosecutors” are Democrats looking to run for Congress or governor?

        If he didn’t lie, no offense.

        President Obama was not impeached – but what impeachable offenses did he commit? Lying to get the US to invade Iraq? Receiving payments from foreign countries? Can you prove (there’s that word again) it?

        Trying to buy off Iran with a pile of cash? F&F? Benghazi? Gibson Guitar? Now those are all provable.

  8. david7134 says:

    I looked at your little references on tax returns and they are not clear. I really don’t think you can understand many subjects.

    Now, if you have Trumps returns, what do you think you will see. It is clear that the Dems will use the information for political purposes.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:


      We’re sorry you couldn’t understand the citations. Fortunately for America, others can. Do you consider US law as “little”?

      What will they see? They’ll see the extent of Trump’s involvement and obligations to foreign countries; they’ll see whether he’s cheated on his taxes (like they found out examining Nixon’s returns).

      Why do you think Trump is hiding his returns? Because he’s such a private person (LOL)?

      Isn’t it ironic that the US president has likely committed more crimes than any illegal immigrant? Does that make Trump an “illegal”?

      • david7134 says:

        As usual you are wrong. And you prove the age old saying, can’t argue with stupid.

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          As usual you are wrong. And you prove the age old saying, can’t argue with stupid.

      • Mangoldielocks says:


        I bet you were screaming your brains out at all the subpoena’s Obama and his admin ignored. What happened to those? Did the GOP indict him once he left office? Did the states attorney generals of red states vow to take him to court for political reasons?

        The left has lost their minds. Even gallup has trump at 46 percent and they try hard to keep his numbers down.

        Rasmussen averages their daily polls for a monthly polling average:

        In January of this year, Trump’s monthly job approval had fallen to 44%, its lowest level in a year. But it jumped five points to 49% in February following his well-received State of the Union speech, recapturing the high ground he held for most of 2018. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapproved of the president’s job performance last month, but that’s down two points from March.

        Todays number: Tuesday, May 07, 2019

        The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove.

        Gallup has him at 46 and Rasmussen at 49 percent despite the enormous world wide effort to trash him like the left did Bush which got his numbers down in the mid 30’s because the coward in chief Bush hid in the White House to ride out his last 4 years in office.

        Trump fights back. People respect that in America. Well unless your a democrat snowflake then they want a participation trophy and first place money for showing up.

      • formwiz says:

        As always, there’s no there there, just some wishful thinking.

        Nothing says the President must hand over his returns because Fatty Nadless “requests” them. He wants to try to subpoena them, he’s welcome to try, but, as Mnuchin noted, the committee’s request for Trump’s returns “lacks a legitimate legislative purpose” and he was “therefore not authorized” to release them. You see, for a subpoena, Nadless would have to prove there was a need, not just his “feeling” Trump had done something illegal.

        They’ll see the extent of Trump’s involvement and obligations to foreign countries; they’ll see whether he’s cheated on his taxes (like they found out examining Nixon’s returns).

        And, if there is none, “So sorry, Mr President, we just had to invade your privacy”.

        And when did they find Tricky Dick cheated on his taxes, because I sure don’t remember it?

        Why do you think Trump is hiding his returns? Because he’s such a private person (LOL)?

        He who LOLs always gets it shoved up his ass. As for Trump, I expect he figures he has the same rights as any other American.

        Isn’t it ironic that the US president has likely committed more crimes than any illegal immigrant?

        Sorry, I missed the murders, the home invasions, the rapes, the carjackings, the armed robberies.

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:


          There’s much you don’t seem to remember or understand. You function by “gut” instinct and “feelings”. Good for you.

          The law is the law. Certain Congressional committees can access tax returns. So can Preznit Fat Nixon. Sorry, but it’s the law.

          • Kye says:

            No Congressional committees can access anybody’s taxes on a political which hunt. They need valid criminal or security reasons. Trumps lawyers will tie anything like that in a political knot so tight it will make Elwood queef. We are not yet living in a banana republic although the democrats have done their best to make it one over the last three years with which hunts, political persecution and prosecutions a coup attempt and now this blatant example of Lawfare. Hopefully you clowns will decide to love the American Republic more than you hate President Trump before his second term ends or before you cause a civil war and completely destroy the Republic and yourselves.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            To love America you must hate Donald Trump as president.

            Yes. Congress can access tax returns. It’s the law. Trump can refuse, but that’s against the law. The courts will have to sort it out.

            There is no OLC ruling protecting Mnuchin from indictment. Is Mnuchin so devoted to Fat Nixon that he’d go to jail? Stay tuned.

            What do you think trump’s hiding? Or is fighting for principle (LOL)? trump. principle. Get it?

  9. Kye says:

    Then we agree. Congress can TRY and access tax returns and Trump can TRY and stop them.

    “What do you think trump’s hiding? Or is fighting for principle (LOL)? trump. principle. Get it?”

    What can a person “hide” with their tax returns other than their personal finances. You know PERSONAL FINANCES. I think he’s fighting for the principle that he and you and I should be secure in our privacy when we hand over required records to the government and that the government should not be able to use our PERSONAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS against us for political or any non-tax related reasons. What business does the US Congress have with Trumps finances? If he did something illegal it’s an IRS problem. Anything else is NOBODY’S BUSINESS!

Pirate's Cove