Remember, the Washington Post, by virtue of being the main newspaper for America’s capital city, is one of the leading newspapers in the world. And they paid someone to write this and allowed it to be published (via Twitchy)
The most unexpected (and welcome) guest at your next cookout: Carrot dogs
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) May 25, 2018
I’m not going to even bother excerpting anything on this lunacy.
This is why #Trump won…
— Shelby County AL GOP ???????? (@ShelbyCountyGOP) May 26, 2018
There is plenty of mockery. Like, 99.9% of the replies are mocking. This one is funny, though, if your remember the story on the lady in Oakland, Ca., who called the cops on people grilling in the wrong area
— It's Not Ken (@KennyEarlz) May 26, 2018

The only people who would even consider grilling carrot-dogs are people who think grilling causes hotcoldwetdry, so … won’t be happening.