The BBC thinks it’s on to something
How the rich fuel climate change
From private jets to overspending, the planet’s wealthiest may be contributing the most to its changing climate, an Oxford professor argues.
Income inequality is one of the most significant challenges we face in the 21st Century. But one professor argues that it will have an adverse effect in a surprising way we may not yet have considered: the world’s wealthiest could be some of the biggest contributors to climate change.
Danny Dorling, a geography professor at the University of Oxford, believes economic disparity – the gap between rich and poor – is extremely damaging for the environment.
Listen to his opinion from BBC Ideas: are the ‘One Percenters’ really to blame, and if so, what can we do about it?
The video itself is typical Warmist/Progressive Blamestorming, and certainly forgets a few things. Like how so many Warmists took private jets to the 2007 Bali IPCC conference that they had to dead head the planes (fly without passengers) to other islands to park them. And that Warmists using tons of private jets to attend climate conferences is utterly normal. Like this guy
Former US president Barack Obama will lead a conference on climate change in Porto on 6 July, which aims to unite the wine industry in a collaborative approach towards tackling climate change.
Think he’s taking a commercial flight all the way to Porto, Chile? Perhaps he can team up with Al Gore, who became super rich while pushing Hotcoldwetdry.