The Cult of Climastrology keeps saying that ‘climate change’ harms women, children, the poor, and minorities the most
- Al Gore warns worst of climate change will be felt by black and poor people
- Climate change ‘impacts women more than men’
- Children’s health is disproportionately affected by climate change
- How Cities Can Protect Poor People and Minorities From Climate Change
They also tell us that “developing nations” are hurt the most and will bear the brunt and stuff. So, 4 out of 5 (via Twitchy)
Carmakers and big tech struggle to keep batteries free from child labor
Car and tech companies are scrambling for supplies of cobalt, a mineral they need to power electric vehicles and smartphones. But they have a problem: Much of the cobalt used in lithium-ion batteries comes from a country where children work in mines.
A CNN investigation has found that child labor is still being used to mine the valuable mineral at some operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This country produces about two-thirds of the world’s cobalt and is estimated to sit atop half of the globe’s reserves.
There have been warnings about child labor before – Amnesty International highlighted the problem in 2016 and Glencore (GLNCY), a leading cobalt producer, said last month that some small mines in the DRC are using children.
The problem may be getting worse. Rising demand has led cobalt prices to quadruple in the past two years, and that helped boost production at so-called artisanal miners in the DRC by 18% in 2017, according to Andries Gerbens at Darton Commodities.
Of course, black kids in Africa aren’t minorities, but, the 1st World Warmists who drive this whole thing think of all who aren’t white liberals/progressives/Marxists/Socialists as minorities. And all sorts of car manufacturers, and Apple, give some sketchy platitudes about attempting to maybe possibly Do Something, but, really, it doesn’t seem that many of the greenie-weenies buying electric cars and such care beyond platitudes and talking points.
Companies profiting from the clean energy revolution have a problem. They can’t prove that children aren’t involved in their supply chains
— CNN International (@cnni) May 1, 2018
Ethics schmethics, the Warmists would be very upset if they actually had to pay a whole lot more for their beliefs. What’s a little child labor to keep their costs for Virtue Signaling down?
So, yeah, the climate change scam is hurting the poor, minorities, and kids. Manufacture one crisis, and it creates another.
BTW, despite the graphic, give it up to Tesla, which gets its cobalt from the Philippines and Canada. Of course, we may still find that Panasonic, the supplier for the Philippines batteries, uses child labor.